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Codes and

Conventions of
Electronic Dance
Chloe Challenger & Chloe Walsh

Genre of Closer by The

Chainsmokers Ft Halsey
The genre of Closer is Pop although the general genre of the Chainsmokers is
EDM. Pop music is known as a softer alternative to rock and roll and is the most
popular genre o music. Pop music is eclectic, and often borrows elements from
other styles such as urban, dance, rock, Latin and country. Pop is usually an
upbeat song and usually conveys a set of ideologies such as love and sexuality.

Other existing
examples of POP
genre songs

Camera Shots
A conventional camera shot for this genre is fast cut shots
in time and beat of the music which contains the
audiences focus and prevents boredom.
Also, High angle establishing shots is another conventional
shot to set the scene of the music video and it also
signifies the theme of the music video.
Close-up shots are also used to signify emotion through
clear display of facial expressions and to also connect the
artist to the audience.
There are also Jib shots, tracking shots, dolly shots and also
a conventional long shot of the artist and the dancers.
Two shots are also used if there is more than once artist to
display their relationship between the two and it conveys
the message of the lyrics of the song.

The music videos for pop conventionally convey a message of love, dancing, love, sexuality, and
drugs which are reinforced with repetitive arrangements and a steady bass drum beat.
Another code and convention of a pop music video is that they tend to include women who are
sexually objectified which coincides with Malveys theory. This is portrayed by seductive dance
moves and also through the use of close up shots just capturing the eyes or lips of a woman's face.
The female protagonist also wears quite natural but strong eye makeup which represents Naomi
Wolfs theory, The Beauty Myth.
Leading on from this, they portray women in a highly sexualised clothing that expose their bodies
and coincide with Mulveys Male Gaze. The women in the clubs for example are seen to be wearing
minimal clothing which is provocative.
The male protagonist are generally wearing smart/casual attire with a unique, individual look

Editing is also used in the video to create a futuristic city by using special effects.
Drones and futuristic technology such as holograms are displayed in the video which
supports the narrative. It also can involve asynchronised editing style where the
shots cut in time with the beats. This conforms to the codes and conventions of pop
as it is changing with post modern society.
Typical editing techniques such as quick clean cuts are used to enable the audience
to view different angles. This works in favour of the narrative as it makes it as clear
to the audience as possible which leads to accompanying the lyrics and visuals. This
gives the audience a sense of euphoria and a utopian lifestyle which coincides with
Andrew Goodwins theory.
Slow motion editing is used to contrast with the fast editing cuts which is useful
however this is sometimes not very useful in some cases as it stretches the time too
long but at the same time, submerses the audience into the dance environment.

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