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The Future of

Fiber Optics
Jackson Burns
CS 391 Dr. Bartel

What are fiber

A fiber optic cable consists of glass
threads. The glass threads are able to
transmit messages modulated onto light
Fiber-optics are not affected by
electromagnetic radiation
Speed: can reach trillions of bits per
Fiber-optics is hundreds of times faster
than coaxial and thousands of times faster
than twisted-pair wires
The capacity may be further increased by
using colored lights but we have just started
broaching that technology

What makes fiber

optics so great?
Fiber optics use specialized fibers that
are capable of carrying transmissions
made of pure light.
Unlike fiber optics, metal wires lose
strength in signal over time and length.
There will be the same amount of
strength passing through the front as
there will be at the end with fiber

Fiber optics are green. Fiber optic
cables virtually never go bad. Metal
wires go bad over time. Leaving to a
waste of the metal wires that
companies use once they upgrade
It takes far more energy to send a
signal through a metal wire than it
would using fiber optics.
Developing countries are starting to use
fiber optics. Having a fast and reliable
source of internet is very important

Fiber optics is cheap, plentiful, easy to
upgrade, and very reliable.
It is know wonder that fiber optics is
the way of the future.

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