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Tolerance Parallelogram™ Graph The Tolerance Paralelogram graph displays the relationship between the Red X@ and the Gresn YO visually The points are plotted and a regression line is calculsted and drawn in red. Note that the ragrassion is sesumad to bo linear. Rad X Tracker™ also calculates a scattorvaluo. Tis ‘umber isthe range of variability caused by al variables except the Red X On the graph the scatter is represented by ugper and lower blue ines parallel to the regressin line. Irony the Red is contolied, the Green Y wil stay somewhere wthin the blue scatter lings daperding on how the uncontelle variables behave. The Green ¥ limits are marked on the graph horzontlly Fory the Y axis The intersection ofthe upper Green Y limit withthe upper scatter line marks ane end of the tolorance on tne horizontal Red X axis. Sirilaly, the intoresction ofthe lowar Grech ¥ lima wth the lower scatter line matks the other and ofthe tolerance These tolerance mits are draven with vertical green lines on the graph. The ates marked of by these four green lines anc the blue ‘seattar ines forms 2 parallelogram that describes the vals Red X and Grean Y combinations. AS long as the Red Xis controled wthin the calculated tolerance lines, the par vll remain within the grocn ¥ limits to 96% confidence. Note that it is possible forthe scatter to be so large that there are no tolerances which wil keep the parts within the Green ¥ limits. In this casa, the tolarance lines will cess. Red X “Tracker wil indicate ths situation by draving the parallslogram linas in ac instaed of gran, fend reporing this erablem instead of the tolerances and acter at the bottom ofthe graph ‘The area af the scatter which goes beyond the Green Y limits is shaded in ight re. GreenY Greeny RedX Scatter=7.9 Tolerance Range =3.1 to 7.4

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