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Sectoral Reviews

Yvonne Pang and Rose Bailey



Presentation of review findings by Ricardo

Discussion and clarification
Roles/responsibilities, & stakeholder mapping
Cross-cutting issues
GSO perspective challenges and Guidance Needs
Ministry perspective challenges and Guidance Needs

Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

Sector-Specific Feedback: Energy

Nineteen tables in Appendix I

This is an important sector, with large emissions. Transparency and accuracy are important
The data templates provide good broad coverage of all the major IPCC sectors for the energy
In a number of areas further detail could be usefully included with these to ensure all sub-sectors
are covered. Of those missed there are some sub sectors which are significant emissions sources
and for which data would not currently be collected. An example of this is sector 1A4b (residential
fuel use).
Further information is required to ensure completeness across subsectors and fuels
Whilst the National Energy Balance should provide a complete picture associated with fuel use for
Viet Nam, further information to allocate these to specific IPCC sectors and undertake checks can
be provided via a wider data collection process
Data specifically relating to fugitive emissions is a key concern, as it is not captured by the
National Energy Balance and several sub-sectors are not covered, including venting and flaring
which is key category for Viet Nam (see BUR).
Further fields to capture relatively straightforward additional information such as a brief description
of installations covered, its production processes, the use of any technology or abatement
equipment and even site names/addresses would be beneficial

Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review context

Key categories

The energy sector contains several Key Categories, including Public Electricity and
Heat Production (1A1a) and Other Industrial Combustion (1A2f). These 2 sources are
the second and third KC, respectively
Emissions from energy use are the largest fraction of the total emissions, on a GWP
weighted basis in 2010.
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review general comments #1

Completeness: 1B2c - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas Venting and
Flaring and 1A5 Other are not currently covered in the questionnaire template
Definitions: define abbreviations. E.g. EVN (power plants), DO, FO
Note: CO2 emissions from the consumption of biomass should not be included in
national totals, but non-CO2 gases (CH4 and N2O) should be included. Thus, need to
specify the type of biomass that is used, in each category (as the emissions of the nonCO2 gases are dependent on the biomass type)
"Low calorific value assume this refers to net calorific value (NCV). Please clarify and
use consistent terminology.
Encourage the reporting of calorific values of fuels in a single unit to help increase the
transparency of reporting, and use SI units (e.g. use TJ/kg not kcal/kg). It would be much
better to use GJ/tonne which would facilitate comparison with other international data
There are a number of sources which are identified by "#...used as raw materials to
confirm whether these are related to combustion). Need to allocate the AD to one of the
IPCC categories set out in the 1996 GLs
Indication of what supplementary information should be obtained e.g. type of
technologies, characteristic of the fuel - which is useful
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review general comments #2

AD source: More detailed data references needed e.g. table and page number of
Collection method would be useful to understand if this is real or speculative and what
are the collection mechanisms; what is available vs. desired?
Data Quality column indicates Y it would be good to elaborate on the meaning of
this. Is there is a data quality system in place?
Timeseries is available: annually from 2007 this is useful
Confidentiality indicated as NA - should be Y or N.
Information about the uncertainty - currently based on expert judgement, later on based
on statistical analysis
Clarification on blank cells for AD suppliers and AD sources

Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review general comments #3

1A1a - Public Electricity and Heat Production (KC CO2)
The major solid, liquid and gaseous fuels that would be used in this category seem to have been
"...self-use power plants - is this referring to autogeneration? Please clarify.
Total FO, DO produced from Petroleum Refining used by specific power plants to produce electricity
(if has) reword/clarify if this is related to fuel consumption for combustion in the refinery to run
There are gaps in the AD suppliers for some fuels, e.g. bituminous coal. Who supplies these AD?
1A1b Petroleum refining (KC CO2)
There might be a misunderstanding of the IPCC category here. Emissions in the energy sector are
from the use of fuels, not the production e.g. "Total FO, DO produced from Petroleum Refining used
by specific power plants to produce electricity (if has)". If these fuels are used by power plants, they
should be reported in 1A1a.
Rows 70-89 are named as 1A1b+1A2c. Fuel used in these 2 categories needs to be reported
separately. Reword as energy use in the petrochemical sector and energy use in the chemical
1A1c Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries
The emissions in this category should be from stationary combustion. Supplementary information
column: "Type of vehicles/devices used to transport solid fuel, distance of transport, fuel type used for
transport and internal use at mines." - emissions from this source should be reported under 1A3e.
Clarify if this is pipeline transport.
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review general comments #4

1A2a - Iron and Steel (KC CO2)
Clarify the activity here: emissions from the fuel combustion in coke ovens in the Iron and Steel industry should be
reported under 1A1c
I&S reporting can be complex. Coke can act as 1) a reductant 2) a source of fuel so there are 2 types of
It not critical where the emissions from the use of coke as a fuel are reported - as long as they know where they
are (many countries struggle with this); the key is to ensure the quantities being used are understood, and the
processes as coal to coke is a transformation
What type of biomass is used in the iron and steel industry?
1A2b - Non-ferrous metals
No AD use reported. There is likely to be some non-ferrous metal activity in Vietnam, and the use of these fuels
may be allocated to another sector. But it is possible that the fuels used in this sector are not estimated at all. If
non-ferrous metal activities occur, need to estimate fuel use
1A2c Chemical (KC CO2)
The type of fuel used is not specified need to separate from other category
1A2d - Pulp, Paper and Print
"Total peat consumption" - Is peat used in the paper and pulp industry?
1A2e - Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco (KC CO2)
See cross cutting issues e.g. "Low calorific value of fuels used
1A2f Other (industrial combustion) (KC CO2)
Why do the fuels refer to the fuels used in the Iron and Steel industry? This sector is "other industrial combustion
AD suppliers and AD sources are not defined
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review general comments #5

1A4a - Commercial / Institutional (KC CO2)
1A4b - Residential (KC CO2)
1A4c - Agriculture / Forestry / Fishing (KC CO2)
See cross cutting issues e.g. "Low calorific value of fuels used

1A5 Other
Currently not included (e.g. stationary/mobile combustion in military?)

1B1a - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Solid Fuels - Coal mining (KC CH4)
Should include total emissions from underground and surface mining, so coal produced from both operations
should be included (link to next comment)

1B1b - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Solid Fuels - Fuel transformation

Description of category incorrect - > "Coal quantity excavated in surface mining and coal handling". This
category includes emissions from fuel transformation

1B2a - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas Oil (KC CH4)
Do the wells produce any gas? If so, can the quantities of gas be estimated? Please indicate if data exists.
Name of "sub-category" incorrect. It is just "Oil", or, "Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas - Oil"

1B2b - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas - Natural Gas (KC CH4)
Name of "sub-category" incorrect. It is just "Natural gas", or, "Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas
- Natural Gas. Rename to fugitive emissions from oil, and fugitive emissions from gas.

1B2c - Fugitive emissions from fuels - Oil and Natural Gas Venting (KC CH4) and Flaring
Currently not included
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd

National Expert Energy data review Recommendations

The energy sector contains several Key Categories. Two of the top three KCs are in the energy
sector. Therefore, the accuracy and completeness of emissions in these categories has a large effect
on the accuracy of the GHG inventory of Viet Nam
Improvements to the completeness, transparency and accuracy of the information provided about the
AD and EFs in the template will ensure accuracy of GHG emissions in the energy sector. It is
important to prioritise this work
Start with the Key Categories (KCs)
Review the material that has been entered in the Template. Consider the fuels that are used in each
category is the list of fuels complete? Consider if the fuel is actually used in the category. Is there a
country specific EF?
First ensure completeness, by ensuring sources of information for all fuels used in all categories are
identified. Then, review accuracy of the information likely from the source
Check the definitions of the categories in the template. There are some subtleties with using the IPCC
2006 GLs to estimate emissions, and report using 1996 nomenclature. This might lead to
misreporting in categories, but should have little or no effect on completeness
Ensure definitions of fuel are clear (e.g. DO and FO) and documented
Delete rows with duplicated or unnecessary information in the Template to improve clarity and
Complete a Reference Approach (RA) inventory calculation. This will highlight areas for improvement
in the energy inventory
Ricardo Energy & Environment in Confidence

Ricardo-AEA Ltd


Dr Rose Bailey and Yvonne Pang

Ricardo Energy & Environment
Gemini Building
Fermi Avenue, Harwell
OX11 0QR
UK +44(0) 1235 753281 +44(0) 1235 753444

Thank you!

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