Trainthetrainerpresentation Danobrien

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Train the Trainer Manual on

Differential Instruction

Dan OBrien
CUR 518
September 11th 2016
Professor Deb Hatfield

Differential instruction is multiple methods of teaching strategies
that appeal to different individual learning styles. No two
individuals possess identical learning styles, some people may
learn best with one method of instruction but may struggle to
understand with other methods.

With differentiated instruction trainers can determine what

instructional methods are appropriate for a given situation.
Learners in some differential models can choose their
instructional methods. The use of differential instruction levels
the learning environment so all learners have an equal
opportunity to learn.

Introduction - continued
With the multinational and cultural
workforces of today our methods
of learning and the delivery of
instruction has never been so
diverse. Accepted training
methods in one culture may
infuriate and insult learners from
Todays workforce also includes
those of varying age, gender and
sexual orientation demographics
from the same or different
cultures. In each case differential
instruction will allow an equal
learning experience for all.

Training Programs - Off to a Good Start

At the start of a training session be sure to create a
welcoming safe environment for the learners.
If possible provide coffee, water and snacks. Start the class
with some casual conversations with the learners, this will
give some insight on individuals cultures and personality
Provide a proper introduction of yourself and work
experiences that are relevant to the training class.
Explain the class schedule and daily schedule, be sure to
include a break for any training sessions lasting two hours or
more. In an adult training environment a good rule of thumb
is to take a ten minute break for every hour of instruction.

Differentiated Strategies
Survey the class Determine the
cultural background of the class by
giving a survey of the learners
backgrounds. Such questions as
what was their home country and
how much school was attended
will give some insight to preferred
learning methods. Although this
practice may not help out with the
first class meeting it will help
instructional Instructional
and examples with varying levels of complexity.
This practice helps build confidence with learners struggling
with materials and also challenges those who are
understanding the content.
Use a variety of resources for the delivery of instruction .
Utilization of lecture, multimedia, props and expert guest
speakers appeals to those with different learning styles. Hands
on activities if possible should always be included.

Differentiated Strategies - continued

Culturally diverse multinational ethnic learners are a large part of

todays workforce. It will be common to have learners in the same
course from several different regions of the world. With this
consideration additional differential learning methods beyond
what we know as common will need to be applied.

Non Western societies typically place great value on learning for

the benefit of society. Their view on learning may be negative if it
is only for ones self. Explanations of the learning should given to
show any benefits of the learning to the surrounding
communities, people and environment.

Learners previous experience has always been of value in adult

education, this previous experience is especially important to
include with non Western learners. Many societies utilize
information that is passed down from more experienced elders as
a primary source of learning.

Differentiated Strategies - continued

Culture will dramatically effect learners behavior in classes, its important to
communicate across cultures so messages are received as they were

Recognize and understand students behaviors that are due to culture. For
example Asian learners will rarely ask questions in class. In response to this
practical in class activities may need to be given to confirm understanding.
Establish groups early on in courses and have some problem based projects
and activities that are solved by a collaborative group effort. This will help
make the learners feel inclusion in the course and provide cohesion with

Mor Barak, M. E. (2014).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace(3rd ed.). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage
The Teacher Excellence in Adult Literacy ( 2010). Differentiate Instruction. Retrieved from
What is Differential Instruction? (2003). Retrieved from,
S-media-cache (2016). [Photograph of hands holding up the world]. Retrieved from
Penn State Personal Web Server (1999). [Photograph of diverse classroom]. Retrieved from
Teaching Technology (2016). [Photograph of five faces]. Retrieved from
Media licdn (2016). [Photograph of Muslim women with hard hat]. Retrieved from
Readorium (2014). [Photograph and illustration of road sign]. Retrieved from
Incedo (2012). [Photograph of old and young workers]. Retrieved from

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