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Media Research

Tayla, Hannah, Beata & Rhianna

Question 1 Results
These were the
results from question
1. As you can see
everyone that took
part in our
understood our story
This meant that we
were able to go ahead
with filming it.

Question 2 Results
These were the
results from
question 2. As you
can see the most
popular answer
was yes, this
means that there
was a high
percentage of
people which
would be
interested in
watching the film
when it is released.

Question 3 Results
This question consisted of the audience telling us
which part of the trailer stood out to them.
Overall we found out that people enjoyed it the most
when the girl was hallucinating and the shot when she
was seen in the therapist room because they believed
it created suspense.

Question 4 Results
This question consisted of the audience telling us what
they think could be improved within the trailer.
Overall the most common answers were to separate
the captions throughout the trailer. This means that
overall they thought it was good however we will
ensure that the captions are spread out.

Question 5 Results
These were the
results from question
5. As you can see the
most popular
magazine cover
chosen was Beatas.
This meant that we
will be choosing this
idea to go with.
However the original
cover is from Total
Film We will be
changing it to Sight
& Sound this is
because it is best
suited for the type of
trailer it is.

Question 6 Results
These were the results
from question 6. As you
can see the most popular
result was Beatas poster.
This means that our final
poster will be Beatas.

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