Job Analysis

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Job Safety Analysis


Job Hazard

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Job Safety Analysis

Focusing your Safety and Health Efforts
This course will help you to
understand and conduct your own Job
Safety Analysis. The aim is to help
you identify and correct the most
serious safety issues facing your
particular situation.
This course focuses on employee
safety and health, but the general
method may be applied to other loss
prevention efforts (environmental and
fire protection, liability, etc.)

Job Safety Analysis

What is a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
A JSA is a technique of screening job
tasks as a way to identify hazards
before they occur.
It focuses on the relationship between
the worker, the task, the tools and the
work environment.
After identifying hazards, you can take
steps to eliminate or reduce the hazard
to an acceptable level.
Hazard a potential for harm
A hazard is associated with a condition or activity that,
if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury or illness.

Why conduct a
Job Safety Analysis
To become aware of all the
hazards associated with each
position in your organization.
To prevent work related deaths,
injuries, or illness by eliminating
or controlling hazards identified.
To ensure all employees have
the proper job procedures to
ensure their safety.
To ensure all employees have
the training, equipment, and
supplies to do their jobs safely

Hazard Awareness
When conducting a Job Safety Analysis you'll
need to take a fresh look at the way things are
done at your work place.
Just because "We've been doing it this way for 20
years," doesn't mean that a hazard doesn't exist.

Accepting a risk or hazard is not the same as

eliminating or controlling it.
You'll need to take a comprehensive look at all
possible hazards with an open mind. (We'll
suggest a way to rank the hazards later.)

How do I Conduct a JSA?

Involve your employees in the JSA process.

Identify the job or task to be analyzed.
Break the job or task into key components.
Identify the hazards found in each key component.
Use accident history of injuries and near misses.

Identify ways to eliminate or control these

Act to eliminate the hazard or implement the
Record the hazards identified and the steps taken
to eliminate or control them.
Periodically assess controls to ensure they are
working correctly.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Identifying the Job for Analysis
Any job or task that meets any of
the following conditions should
have a JSA conducted for it.
Tasks with a history of injuries, or near
Catastrophic potential: fire, explosion,
chemical release, toxic atmospheres, oxygen
deficient atmospheres.
Tasks done in new environments

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Identifying the Job for Analysis
In addition, any job or task that meets any
of the following conditions should also
have a JSA conducted for it:
New people doing the task.
Tasks that have changed.
Rarely performed jobs.
Any task done under a safety "Work
permit" condition (e.g. permit required
confined space, hot work permits, Lock
Out/Tag Out).

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Identifying Jobs for a JSA
Look at jobs injuring workers using
existing information found in:
Your accident or incident reports
Workers' compensation claims
Conduct walk through observations to
identify hazardous jobs or tasks.

Identifying the Job/Task for Analysis

Existing Information Sources
Incident or accident reports will direct
you to the jobs that have injured
workers in the past.
Dont forget near misses.

Workers' compensation claims will

show you jobs that have caused an

Identifying the Job/Task for Analysis

Walk-through Observations
Observe workers doing their jobs to
identify potential hazards that may lead
to an injury, pay attention to the amount
of time the worker is exposed to a
particular hazard.
Talk with workers to find out what they
think is the most hazardous part of
their job, ask them if what you
observed them doing is typical.

Identifying the Job/Task for Analysis

Hazard Sources - Walk-through Observations
Hazards Source List
Fall Hazards:

Are workers working at heights?

Confined Space

Do workers have to enter a confined space?

Excavations, Holes
or Floor Openings:

Can workers fall into or through?


Is there machinery, forklifts, etc. in the


Pinch points:

Do moving parts in machinery create pinch

points? Can workers get caught in
machinery or belts & pulleys, chains &
sprockets, etc?


Do workers use solvents, acids, bases,

pesticides, consumer products, etc.?

Crushing hazards:

Can workers get crushed (under or

between) objects?


Does the process create or are workers

exposed to dusts (wood dust, grinding
dusts, etc.)?

Identifying the Job/Task for Analysis

Hazard Sources - Walk-through Observations
Hazards Source List cont
Electrical Hazards:

What is the condition of your extension

cords, wiring, service panels, etc.?

Lighting Levels:

Is there enough light to do the work?

Stored Energy
Hazards (Electrical,

Can stored energy be released by the

work? (Lock-out/Tag-out)

Falling or dropping

Are people working overhead?

Motor vehicles or

Do workers have to drive or work in

traffic as part of the job?

Sharp objects:

Do workers use knives, razors, etc.?

Slip, trip or fall


What is the condition of the walking/

working surfaces, housekeeping, etc.?

Physical layout of
work place:

Does the layout or process flow create

a hazard?

Ladder or Scaffold

Are ladders or scaffolds used in the

Identifying the Job/Task for Analysis

Hazard Sources - Walk-through Observations
Hazards Source List cont

Can the weather create hazards?


Is there a potential for a fire or


Access and Egress:

Can workers safely get to their work

areas? Can they safely evacuate in the
case of an emergency?

Process Flow:

Does the flow of product through the

process create a hazard?

Location of coworkers or other

workers in the area:

Does the work pose a hazard to them,

or does their work pose a hazard to the
job being analyzed?

Human factor

Is the training adequate? Are the

workers fatigued? How fit are the
workers, etc.?

Material Moving or

Do workers have to lift or carry heavy


Repetitive Motion :

Does the job require repetitive motion

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Involving Workers and Managers
in the JSA
Once you have identified jobs needing a
JSA, then its time to start conducting the
Involving employees and area
managers in the JSA process
allows them to bring their
insights on the job to the
They can help to identify hazards and
they will have ownership of the JSA and
may more readily accept the findings and
hazard controls selected.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Once the job is identified, you must
break it into key components or subtasks and then identify and list all the
hazards associated with each subtask.
What can go wrong?
What are the consequences?
How could a problem happen?
How likely is it that the hazard will occur?

The following screens will help you

break down a job, and identify and rank

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Break Identified Job into KEY Components
Too much detail makes the Job Safety Analysis
Too Much Detail
Get ladder from storage.
Get new light bulb from storage.
Carry ladder and light bulb to light needing changing.
Place ladder under light to be changed.
Ensure light switch is in the off position.
Climb ladder.
Remove light cover.
Twist light bulb in a counter clock-wise direction until it is free of the socket.
Remove old light bulb.
Remove new light bulb from package.
Insert new light bulb into socket.
Turn in a clock-wise direction until tightened.
Replace Cover.
Descend ladder.
Place old light bulb in trash.
Carry ladder back to storage.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Break Identified Job into KEY Components
Too little detail may omit hazards.
Too Little Detail
Get a ladder and new light bulb.
Change bulb.
Put ladder away and
throw out old light bulb.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Break Identified Job into KEY Components
The correct amount of detail breaks the job into
components that make sense in terms of the
overall job.
Right Amount of Detail
Get ladder and new light bulb.
Place ladder under light to be changed.
Use ladder, change bulb.
Put tools and supplies away.

When evaluating a task, such as "changing a

light bulb" remember that you do not want too
much detail, or too little detail, keep your focus
on obtaining the right amount of detail.
Generally limit the number of components to
10 or less.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Questions to Ask about each Sub-task
This following list of questions is intended to help
focus your effort at identifying and controlling
While the list is comprehensive, it is not complete,
and you'll need to think about the sub-tasks and the
particular hazards they present.
Questions to ask
Does the layout of the location or process create
hazards, (e.g. pedestrian/fork-lift traffic)?
Is there adequate access and egress to and from the
work area?
Are workers exposed to temperature extremes?
Is the lighting adequate?
Is the work done outdoors? Can the weather create a

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Questions to Ask about each Sub-task Cont
Does the task require entering a confined space?
Is the work done at heights (from a ladder, roof top,

Do the tools or equipment create a hazard?
Is there excessive noise or vibration?
Can any part of the worker's body or clothing be
caught in the equipment?
Is the tool or equipment appropriate for the task
(strength, size, power, etc.)?
Are chemicals used?
Does the worker come into direct contact with the

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Questions to Ask about each Sub-task Cont
Are the chemicals released into the air (gas, mists,
vapors, etc.)?
Are workers exposed to electrical hazards?
Are there excavations, holes, or floor openings in
the work area?
Are the workers exposed to stored energy hazards
such as; line pressure, electricity, steam, or falling
Does the process start and stop automatically?
Are robotics used in the process?
Can human factor issues (training, fitness, fatigue,
etc.) create a hazard?
Is there risk of injury from material handling such
as lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling)?
Is there risk of repetitive motion injury?

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Ranking Hazardous Tasks
Once you've identified the jobs that
have the potential to or are in fact
injuring workers, you'll need to rank
these tasks and start addressing the
most serious first.
One method for ranking tasks
considers the probability of the hazard
causing injury, along with an estimate
of the severity of the resulting injury.
These are not necessarily precise predictions of
when and how severe an injury may be, they are
an estimate of the outcome and the likelihood of
the injury occurring.
The next three slides presents this method for
ranking hazardous tasks.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

A Method to Prioritize Hazardous Tasks
Consider the severity of an injury if
something were to go wrong while doing
a task.
Look at the four categories under
4 Catastrophic, may cause death
3 Critical, may cause serious injury or illness
2 Marginal, may cause minor injury or illness
1 Negligible, will not cause injury or illness

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

A Method to Prioritize Hazardous Tasks
Next think about how often the worker
is exposed to the hazard using the
categories found in the "Probability"
5 Frequently, likely to occur frequently
4 Probable, will occur several times
3 Occasional, likely to occur
2 Remote, unlikely but possible
1 Improbable, so unlikely it can be assumed that it will not

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

A Method to Prioritize Hazardous Tasks
Multiply the "Severity" rank by the
"Probability" rank.
Organize the hazardous tasks by their
score from highest to lowest, address
the highest scored tasks first.
This method can help you decide which
is more important, an infrequent job
that has the potential to kill a worker, or
a frequent job that is injuring workers.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

JSA Sample Form

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Eliminating or Controlling Hazards
Now that you've identified the job and
evaluated its sub-tasks and their
hazards, you need to identify ways to
eliminate or control these hazards.
The best method to protect workers is to eliminate the
hazard at the source. Transfer the Risk
If elimination is not possible, control the hazard at its
source with engineering controls or limit exposures
using administrative controls.
If engineering or administrative controls are not enough
to reduce the exposure to an acceptable level, personal
protective equipment must be used.
Personal protective equipment is also used while
engineering controls are being installed.

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Eliminating Hazards
Totally eliminate the hazard or process mostly
Engineering Controls - changing the process or
re-engineering to eliminate or minimize the
The most effective control measure
The more reliable or less likely a hazard control can
be circumvented, the better
Isolate the hazard enclose a hazardous machine
Substitution - substituting a toxic chemical with one
having a lower toxicity

Conducting a Job Safety Analysis

Eliminating Hazards
Administrative Controls
Tighten up procedures and safe work practices
including use of hazardous materials
Alarms, signs and warnings
Exposure limitations time limits on hazardous
Buddy system

Personal Protective Equipment is acceptable as

temporary control method
Hearing protection
Eye protection
Protective clothing including shoes

Controlling Hazards
If the hazard can not be eliminated,
steps must be taken to control the
worker's exposure to it through:
Engineering Controls
Administrative Controls
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Combinations of Controls
Combinations of Controls may need to be used if
the hazard can't be completely controlled by
engineering controls alone.

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