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Whistle Blowing

Deepa B Taragar
Asha S Karoshi

Do you know
What is whistle blowing????
Whistle blowing in its most general form involves calling(public)attention to wrong doing,
typically in order to avert harm. Whistle blowing is an attempt by a member or former
member of an organization to disclose wrong doing in or by the organization.

Definition of whistleblower
A whistleblower is an employee, former employee, or member of an organization, especially
a business or government agency, who reports misconduct to people or entities that have the
power and presumed willingness to take corrective action

Characteristics of a whistleblower
Uninterested in Altering Their Behavior
Allows Own Attitudes and Beliefs to Guide
Often are Well Educated and Holds
Professional Positions

Types of whistle blower

Internal :-It is blowing the whistle inside the

organization. Viz. designated officer, workers or bosses in
the same organization.
External :-blowing the whistle to law enforcement
agencies or to teams worried with the matters for example
Lawyers, Mass media, law enforcement.

Protection laws

Whistle Blowers in some areas are not without

legal support. In United States, both federal

Whistle blower
protection law 1989


and state laws are aimed at protecting those

who undertake whistle blowing.
However, even with this support, the potential

The Whistleblower
Act 1994







difficult and dangerous path.

The primary protection law is the Federal
Whistle Blower Protection Act of 1989
Another Federal Law is the False Claims Act,
which has been around since 1863
Many state governments have passed their
own whistle blower protection acts

For paying attention

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