A Framework For Human Resource Management, 4 Ed. Gary Dessler

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A Framework for Human Resource

4th ed.
Gary Dessler
2006 Prentice Hall

Testing and Selecting

Ch 4

2006 Prentice Hall

When you finish studying this

you should be able to:
Define basic testing concepts, including
validity and reliability
Discuss at least four basic types of
personnel tests
Explain the pros and cons of background
investigations, reference checks, and preemployment information services
Explain the factors and problems that can
undermine an interviews usefulness, and
techniques for eliminating them
2006 Prentice Hall

Why is selection important?

First A
always depends
on subordinates

2006 Prentice Hall

Why is selection important?

Second - its costly to
recruit and hire employees
Third - the legal implications
of incompetent selection
negligent hiring

2006 Prentice Hall

A test should be job related performance on a test should be a
valid predictor of subsequent
performance on the job

2006 Prentice Hall

Thematic Apperception Test

2006 Prentice Hall

Demonstrating a tests validity

Criterion validity
Those who do well on the test also do
well on the job, and those who do
poorly on the test do poorly on the job

2006 Prentice Hall

Demonstrating a tests validity

Content validity
The test constitutes a fair sample of
the content
of a job

2006 Prentice Hall

Consistency of scores obtained by the
same person when retested with the
identical tests or with an equivalent
form of a test

2006 Prentice Hall

2006 Prentice Hall

Ethical and Legal Questions in Testing

(1) You must be able to prove that your
tests were related to success or
failure on the job
(2) You must prove that your tests dont
unfairly discriminate against either
minority or non-minority subgroups

2006 Prentice Hall

Tests of Cognitive Abilities

Intelligence tests (IQ tests) - tests of
general intellectual abilities including
memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency,
and numeric ability

2006 Prentice Hall

Tests of Motor and Physical

Measure finger
strength, manual
dexterity, and
reaction time

Hand Tool Dexterity Test

2006 Prentice Hall

Personality Tests
Emphasize the big
five personality
dimensions as they
apply to personnel

2006 Prentice Hall

Emotional stability
Openness to

Conscientiousness shows a consistent

relationship with all job performance
Extroversion is a valid predictor of
performance for managers and sales
Openness to experience and
extroversion predicted training
proficiency for all occupations

2006 Prentice Hall

Interest inventories compare ones

interests with those of people in
various occupations
Achievement Tests are a measure of
what a person has learned

2006 Prentice Hall

Management Assessment Centers

Management candidates take tests
and make decisions in simulated

2006 Prentice Hall

Management Assessment Centers

The in-basket - The candidate is faced
with an accumulation of reports,
memos, notes of incoming phone
calls, letters, and other materials

2006 Prentice Hall

Management Assessment Centers

The leaderless group discussion - A
leaderless group is given a discussion
question and told to arrive at a group

2006 Prentice Hall

Management Assessment Centers

Individual presentations - A
participants communication skills and
persuasiveness are evaluated by
having the person make an oral
presentation on an assigned topic

2006 Prentice Hall

Selection Interview
Selection procedure
designed to predict
future job
performance on the
basis of applicants
oral responses to
oral inquiries

2006 Prentice Hall

Selection Interview
Non-structured Interviewer asks
questions as they
come to mind
no set format to

2006 Prentice Hall

Structured Questions are

specified in
advance and the
responses may be
rated for
appropriateness of

Structured Interviews
Structured interviews are generally
more valid
Can also help inexperienced
interviewers to conduct useful

2006 Prentice Hall

A customer comes in
angry and upset. How
would you handle this

A deadline for a
project is near and it
looks like you wont
meet the deadline.
How would you
handle this?

interviews questions focus on
the candidates
ability to project
what his behavior
would be in a given
2006 Prentice Hall

Give me a specific
example of a time
when you had to
conform to a
policy with which
you did not agree.

Applicants asked
how they behaved
in the past in some
2006 Prentice Hall

Describe a time
when you were faced
with a stressful
situation that
demonstrated your
coping skills.

Sequential interview - several persons

interview the applicant in sequence
before a selection decision is made
Panel interview - candidate is
interviewed simultaneously by a group
(or panel) of interviewers

2006 Prentice Hall

Common Interviewing Mistakes

Snap Judgments
Negative Emphasis
Not Knowing the Job
Pressure to Hire
Candidate Order (Contrast) Error
Influence of Nonverbal Behavior

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Plan the Interview - start the interview with a
clear picture of the traits of an ideal

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Structure the interview - assures greater
consistency, but helps to make sure that
you are asking questions that provide real
insight into how the person will perform on
the job

2006 Prentice Hall

Increase the Standardization of

the Interview
Base questions on actual job duties
Use job knowledge, situational, or
behaviorally oriented questions and
objective criteria
Train interviewers

2006 Prentice Hall

Increase the Standardization of

the Interview
Use the same questions with all
Use rating scales to rate answers
Use multiple interviewers or panel
Take brief notes during the interview

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Ask questions
Make it clear
youre going to
conduct reference

2006 Prentice Hall

Close the
Leave time to
answer any
questions from the

Guidelines for Conducting an

Dont ask questions that can be
answered yes or no
Dont put words in the applicants
mouth or telegraph
the desired answer

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Dont interrogate the applicant as if
the person is a criminal, and dont be
patronizing, sarcastic, or inattentive
Dont monopolize the interview by

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Do ask open-ended questions
Do listen to the candidate to
encourage him or her to express
thoughts fully

2006 Prentice Hall

Guidelines for Conducting an

Do draw out the applicants opinions
and feelings by repeating the persons
last comment as a question
Do ask for examples

2006 Prentice Hall

Background Investigations and

Reference Checks
Verify the accuracy of factual
information provided by the applicant
Uncover damaging background
information such as criminal records
and suspended drivers licenses

2006 Prentice Hall

Background Investigations and

Reference Checks
Polygraph Tests
Physical Exams

Drug Screening


2006 Prentice Hall

Complying with the Immigration Law

Person does not have to be a U.S.
Employer should ask if candidate is
lawfully authorized to work in U.S.

2006 Prentice Hall

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