Ferdinand Marcos Administration

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December 30, 1965

February 25, 1986


1. He was baptized in Aglipayan Church.
2. He changed religion just to Mary Imelda
3. Hes a memory wiz.


4. His achievements as a President can fill
up a book, and so his crimes.
5. He wanted Ninoy to be his successor.
6. Martial Law was communisms biggest
7. His war exploits are questionable.
8. The omega12 was behind Marcos
Martial Law
9. He bought the Kalayaan Island for just P1.
10.He launched the first Philippine made


11. He knew that the U.S secretly stored
nuclear weapons in the country, but never
told anyone.
12. People worship him like God.

FERDINAND MARCOS was born on September 11, 1917, in
Sarrat, a village in the Ilocos North region of the island of
Luzon in the Philippines. His parents, Josefa Edralin and
Mariano Marcos, were both teachers from important families.
In 1925 Mariano Marcos became a congressman, surrounding
the young Ferdinand in a political atmosphere at an early
age. Mariano also had a strong influence on what was to
become Ferdinand's competitive, win-at-all-costs nature.
Mariano and Josefa pushed Ferdinand to excel at everything,
not only his studies at school, but also at activities such as
wrestling, boxing, hunting, survival skills, and marksmanship (skill with a gun or rifle). In college, Marcos's main

In December 1948 a magazine editor published four articles
on Marcos's war experiences, causing Marcos's reputation to
grow. In 1949, campaigning on promises to get veterans'
benefits for two million Filipinos, Marcos ran as a Liberal Party
candidate for a seat in the Philippine House of
Representatives. He won with 70 percent of the vote. In less
than a year he was worth a million dollars, mostly because of
his American tobacco subsidies (financial assistance to grow
tobacco), a huge cigarette smuggling operation, and his
practice of pressuring Chinese businesses to cooperate with
him. In 1954 he formally metImelda Romualdez(1929) and
married her.
Marcos was reelected twice, and in 1959 he was elected to the
Philippine Senate. He was also the Liberal Party's vice-president from
1954 to 1961, when he successfully managedDiosdado Macapagals
(19111997) run for the Philippine presidency. As part of his
arrangement with Marcos, Macapagal was supposed to step aside
after one term to allow Marcos to run for the presidency. When

Ferdinand E. Marcos, who succeeded to the
presidency after defeating Macapagal in the
1965 elections:
1. Inherited the territorial dispute over Sabah;
2. in 1968 he approved a congressional bill annexing
Sabah to the Philippines. Malaysia suspended
diplomatic relations (Sabah had joined the
Federation of Malaysia in 1963), and the matter
was referred to the United Nations. (The
Philippines dropped its claim to Sabah in 1978.)
3. The Philippines became one of the founding
countries of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) in 1967.

As president, Ferdinand Marcos embarked on a
massive spending in infrastructural development,
such as roads, health centers and schools as well as
intensifying tax collection which
gave the
Philippines a taste of economic prosperity
throughout the 1970's. He built more schools than
all his predecessors combined.

Before declaring the Martial Law in 1972, he consulted the

omega 12 and their plans were contained in a confidential
document called OPLAN SAGITTARIUS. Five members of the
group allegedly helped create the decrees of Proclamation
1081 before all 12 of then finalized Marcos plan.
The official members of the omega12:

1. Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile.

2. Philippine Constabulary Chief Maj. Fidel V.
3. National Intelligence Security Authority Chief
Maj. Fabian Ver
4. Lt. Col. Eduardo Danding Cojuangco Jr.
5. Army Chief Maj. Gen. Rafael Zagala
6. Constabulary Vice- Chief Brgy. Gen Tomas Diaz

The official members of the omega12:

7. Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Romeo
8. Airforce Chief Maj. Gen. Jose Rancudo
9. Navy Chief Rear Admiral Hilario Ruiz
10. ISAFP Chief Brig. Gen. Igacio Paz
11. Metrocom Chief Brig. Gen. Alfredo Montoya
12. Rizal Province Constabulary head Col.
Romeo Gatan

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