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Glaucoma: Detect, Diagnose,

And Monitor The Silent Thief

of Vision

Early Detection of Glaucoma

Prevalence of OAG: Thessaloniki Eye


Results From Thessaloniki Eye Study

European Glaucoma Society Survey


The Status of Glaucoma Care in

Europe: A European Survey

Barriers That Exist Before

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Classification of Diagnosis of Optic


The Worldwide Prevalence of


Age-Specific Prevalence of POAG

Common Forms of Glaucoma

Diagnosis of Glaucoma

Diagnosis of Glaucoma (cont)

What Constitutes a Comprehensive

Glaucoma Exam?

The Significance of IOP

European Glaucoma Society:

Targeting IOP

The Significance of IOP (cont)

Psychological Impact of Diagnosis

The Significance of Optic Disc Size

BP as a Risk Factor

Glaucoma Screening Study

Individualizing Treatments

Considerations on First-Choice

Monotherapy Treatment Options

Benefits of Fixed-Combination
Glaucoma Therapies


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