Heat Exchanger Networks: (Continued) Slide-2

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Heat Exchanger

(Continued) Slide-2

Minimum No of Exchangers
Previous analysis allowed us to determine
the minimum heating and cooling
requirements for a heat exchanger
We use these results as a starting point
to determine the minimum number of
exchangers required.

Minimum No of Exchangers
First Law Analysis
Consider the heating and cooling loads
for each of the process streams as well as
the minimum utility requirements that
correspond to the second law analysis
(figure on next slide).
temperature and just consider how many
paths (exchangers) are required to
transfer the heat from the sources to

Minimum No of Exchangers

Minimum No of Exchangers
We find that there are five paths, or that
five heat exchangers are required.
We note that the heat loads just balance,
which must always be the case because
our minimum and cooling loads satisfy
the first law requirements.
We can Generalize the result and state
that normally
(No of exchangers) = (No of streams ) + (No of
utilities ) -1


Minimum No of Exchangers
Independent Problems
Eq 1 is not always correct, as we can
see by examining fig on next slide.
In this example, we have merely
increased the utility requirements, but
the first law analysis is still satisfied.
If we transfer the heat between the
sources and the sinks , then we require
only 4 exchangers.

Minimum No of Exchangers
Independent Problems

However, we could also redraw the

figure so that there are two completely
independent problems.
More rigorous statement of eq 1 is
(No of exchangers) = (No of streams ) + (No of
utilities )
(No of independent


Minimum No of Exchangers

Consider the arrangement shown in next
slide, we see that we can still satisfy the
heat transfer requirements between the
sources and the sinks for any value of QE
However for this configuration we need
six exchangers.
There is a loop in the network.

we can trace a path through the network
that starts at the hot utility, goes to
stream 3, goes to stream 1, goes to
stream 4, and then goes back to the hot

Any time we can trace a path that

starts at one point and returns to that
same point, we say that we have a loop
in the network.

Each loop introduces as extra

exchanger into the network.


Effect of Pinch : Second Law Analysis


Design is considered in two parts:
above pinch and
below pinch
A) Design above Pinch:
Calculate the heat loads between either the
inlet or outlet temperature and the pinch
temperature for each stream.
Thus for first stream:
Above pinch: Q = FCpT = 1000(250-140)
= 110 X 103

Feasible Matches:
If we attempt to match stream 1 above pinch (QH = 110), with stream 3
(QC = 60), max amount of heat transfer possible is 60.
Thus if we calculate temp of hot stream that would be inlet temperature
to exchanger, we get:
Q = 60 X 103 = F Cp T = 1000(TH-140); TH = 200
On matching stream 2 with 3 gives, the limiting heat load is Qc = 60. If
we calculate the inlet temp of hot stream, we obtain
Q = 60 X 103 = F Cp T = 4000(TH-140); TH = 155
Since temperature of cold stream is 150, we have violated our
criterion of minimum approach temperature.
Thus the design heuristic for feasible matches at pinch condition:
Above the pinch: FHCpH <= FCCpC
Below the pinch: FHCpH >= FCCpC

Pinch Matches:

From the feasibility criterion we see that above the

pinch we can match stream 1 with either 3 or 4,
and stream 2 with only 4. These pinch matches are
shown below.

Next, consider the remaining heat loads. The

criterions mentioned earlier are not applicable
away from pinch, and above pinch we can only
add heat.
Thus, we transfer all the heat remaining in
stream 1 to 4, which is the only cold stream
The heat remaining in S1 is 110-60 = 50 and the
remaining heating requirement of S4 is 360-240
= 120, so that we can install heat exchanger.
The remaining heating requirement of 70 which
is just the minimum heating requirement is
supplied from a hot utility.

The complete design above the pinch is shown



For a feasible match, we require FHCpH >= FCCpC,
therefore only stream 2 can be matched with
stream 3.
The complete design for below the pinch is shown
in Fig. 8.4-10.
Total amount of heat rejected to cold utility is Qc =
(20+40) = 60, which is identical to minimum
cooling requirement.

Minimum Energy Complete Design

A complete design that satisfies the
minimum number of exchangers above
and below the pinch is shown in Fig. 8.411.
The total heating is 70 x 10 3 Btu/hr, while
the total cooling load is 60 x 103 Btu/hr.
There are seven exchangers.

Fig. 8.4-11 (Complete minimum energy design)

We need only 5 HEs. Although the

minimum energy requirement cannot be
satisfied with less than 7 HEs
Therefore we anticipated that there
would be two loops that crossed the
A loop may pass through a utility.
After examining above Fig. 8.4-11, we
find that there are three loops (Fig. 8.412).

Two of these loops pass through the cold

utility, and we show later that if we

break one of these loops, the other will
also be broken.
Hence, there are two independent loops.
And it should be possible to remove two
exchangers from the network shown in
Fig. 8.4-11 by supplying more energy to
the process (and removing more).

Fig.8.4-12a (Loops)

Fig.8.4-12b (Loops)


Optimum Value Of The Minimum

Approach Temperature
The minimum heating and cooling loads
change as we change the minimum
approach temperature.
However since the heat exchange area
in the neighborhood of the pinch will
change in the opposite direction, there
will be an optimum value of minimum
decrease Tmin, we increase the area.

Loops And Paths

Loops and paths provide ways of shifting heat
loads through a network.
A set of connections that can be traced through a
net work that starts from one exchanger and
returns to the same exchanger (fig.8.5- 1)
Loop may also pass through a utility
The existence of a loop implies that there is an
extra exchanger in the network.
If we break a loop, we can remove an exchanger.

Breaking loops
In below fig. 8.5-3, the energy requirements are
satisfied for any value of QE. However if QE = 20,
one of the heat exchangers in the network
We always satisfy the heat loads of each stream
by subtracting an amount QE from one exchanger
but adding it to another exchanger on the same

Break the loop that includes the exchanger
with the smallest possible heat load.
Always remove the smallest heat load from a
It we break a loop that crosses the pinch;
normally we violate the minimum approach
temp in the revised network.
If we violate the minimum approval temp, we
must find some way of restoring it.

Loops And Paths (Continued)

A path is a connection between a heater and a
cooler in a network.

Note that:
When we add heat to a heater and shift it along a path, we
must remove the same amount of heat in a cooler.
We often shift heat along a path to restore a minimum
approach temperature
This procedure always increases the energy consumption of
the process.
Can shift heat along a path.
Transfer heat along a pinch more heat in, more heat out.
Use to restore minimum T.


General rules concerning design procedure:
The number of exchangers required for the overall
process is always is always less than or equal to that for
the minimum energy network. (Fig. 8.6-1)
If the design procedure for the minimum energy network
is used there will normally be loops across the pinch
We can break these loops by transferring heat across
the pinch, but we will introduce at least one violation of
the specified Tmin = 10oF (Fig. 8.6-3)
We can restore Tmin by shifting heat along a path, which
increases the energy consumption of the process

Fig. 8.6-1 (Break a loop in minimum energy


Now we calculate the new heat loads and the new

values of the intermediate temperatures (Fig 8.6-2).

Fig. 8.6-2 (Cooler removed)

Restoring Tmin
We can restore Tmin by shifting heat along a path.

(120 QE) X 1000 = 3000 (110-90), so QE = 60.

The revised network is shown in Fig 8.6-4

Fig. 8.6-4 (Revised network)


There is still a second loop remaining in Fig.
8.6-4. The smallest heat load in this loop is
10X 103Btu/hr.
So, we subtract and add QE = 10 as we
proceed around the loop. We check for
another violation of Tmin. Minimum approach
temperature for this design is 13oF.(Shown in
fig. 8.6-5).

Fig. 8.6-5 (Break second loop)

The final design is shown in Fig. 8.6-6.
Now there are five exchangers but the
heating and cooling requirements have
Thus, it is essential to consider the capital
and operating costs of the alternative

Fig. 8.6-6 (Final Design minimum exchangers)

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