Renaissance Megan Quinn

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Renaissance Ar

t Presentation

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Who or what are the following:


Petrarca-A writer who is the first renaissance writer who really emphasized the return of classicism.
Humanism-Return to the classical things and return to thinking that man is actually significant, important, and an
important element for measurements and ideals for art, god centered interest to human centered interest.
3. Renaissance man-A person who has a variety of talents, with expertise in many fields.
4. Linear perspective- A type of depth perception achieved with drawing, lines that create space. Gives the illusion of
three dimensional space to two dimensional art.
5. David statue with contrapposto-A statue created by donatello depicts the way statue is standing with hip and
shoulder towards each other, with one leg slightly bent, hip shift.
6. Fresco-A type of plaster painting.
7. Pieta-A visual of the mother madonna with her son who has died in her arms who has already been crucified.
8. School of Athens-An idea that we are returning back to classical training (plato, aristotle, socrates)
9. Northern Renaissance-What they were doing in the south became very popular so they themselves had their own
personal renaissance.
10. Realism vs. Classicism-

What is oil
painting and

See an example here.

Oil painting you add layers making it more thick,

underpainting of light and dark for grussaute, glazing
adds fat layers on top and all must dry.

What is the tech

nique for fresco

Fresco painting is putting plaster up and it has to be

wet, add a picture on top while putting holes in the
picture to use as a register and then he can paint and
know where to put things, adding color to it.

Looking at Duccio, early renaissance, all of the heads are the same size which is showing
that the perspective has little depth, as well as no shading that includes light logic, a little
volume though, bizzentine, the size of the church embodies the body of Mary,

Giotto and the frescos of Padua, I


Out of character of the medieval

period, opening the way to the

Masaccio: tribute money

There is a story from the bible depicted in this picture. Composition there will be christ in the center
and it should bring you back to the center where christ is, central composition.

Ghiberti and Brunelleschi

Ghiberti and Brunelleschi, there is a contest

and there are two panels that were created
by two different artists. They were trying to
win the gates to paradise, one of these
embodies the ideals of the renaissance
much better than the other, which is nudity
(meaning they're in hell) When they are
celebrating the beauty of the body then it is
considered renaissance. THE ONE TO THE
RIGHT. Ghiberti wins the commision.

How does Ghibertis panel of Isaac sacrifice depict

Renaissance style? Explain the following.

1. Central composition-your eyes will always

focus on christ
2. Humanism-Humans are the central focus
3. Classicism
4. Nudity-Celebrated the human body in
renaissance but in medieval it meant that they
were in hell.

The golden gate

Find out about Mantegna and this

picture is the reclining christ, created
with shadows and the use of light
logic and he knows where the light
source is coming from allowing it to
seem as though this picture is 3D not
2D. Although proportions aren't
entirely correct so that it wouldn't be
offensive. Foreshortening.

Created about 1800 years in

difference, and they just
reinvented it 2000 years later,
similar style with the
contrapposto/realism style.
They want you to look at their
heart which is the most
important, humanism idea.
Renaissance vs. Classical


This is high renaissance

and high Greek, one is
michelangelo, while the
other is hermes, both show
nudity and contrapposto.
The head on michelangelo
is much larger because of
the perspective and he
wants you to look at him as

Relationship of
Botticelli and
themes to
pagan themes.
Real antihumanism
burning much
of their work.


Babies are always mature for a baby, much like a smaller man because they didn't want to portray christ as weak.
Baby is John the baptist.

Explain how the following terms

were used in Art since Leonardo:
Open links and do more study. Mona Lisa, Madonna
and the rocks, as well as the last supper. The last
supper looks like it's supposed to be a plaster, he
put oil on plaster which doesn't mix and thats why
theres so much decay.

Explain how the following terms

were used in Art since Leonardo:

Sistine chapel GO SEE

Do 7 things on another

Seven things you didnt

know about the Sistine

Michelangelo, it looks like it's unfinished and that the stone is an

important part of this statute.

Write about raphael and the picture on the right.

Made with little pieces of glass

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