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Pre Architecture

Megan Quinn

Baes Relief, there isnt anything in the back.

They would fill them because of decoration.
Later in the Roman Period they would cut it down
and make it look like there were two sides.

This is an example of what would be put into the


The doric
The ionic
The corinthian

Lotus/Palm Leaves
The capitals can change to the culture but are still
designed in a way that the top of the columns are
decorated in their own way.
Egypt had a strong influence on Alexandrias

Knowing the column and the base

The leave is designed to fit in pediment. Two types of pediment (open/angular)
Where they can be found
3 types of capitals
Egyption capital
Apse (altar)
Transept (arms of cross)
Niche will be inside of the cathedral
Flying buttresses

Facade (front of
cathedral) (always
faces east towards

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