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Period 4: 1800-1848

The American Economy


The new republic struggled to define and
extend democratic ideals in the face of
repaid economic, territorial and
demographic changes.

In the era of Jacksonian democracy, the
American population grew rapidly and
changed in character. More people lived
in the raw West and in the expanding
cities, and immigrant groups like the Irish
and Germans added their labor power to
Americas economy, sometimes arousing
hostility from native-born Americans in the

(4.2.IIIA) Population Increase, Including Slaves and Indians, 1790-1860

Population Distribution, 17901850

American Cities, 1820 and 1860

Southern Cotton Production, 1820

Southern Cotton Production, 1860

Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney
(4.2.1A) Cotton Gin Patent -1793

Eli Whitney: Cotton Gin

King Cotton

Slaves Working a Cotton Gin

Distribution of Slaves, 1790 and 1860

Internal Slave Trade, 18101860

(4.2.IB) Eli Whitney, Interchangeable Parts

First Industrial Revolution - Isaac Singer: Patent Model of 1854

Samuel F. B. Morse: Patent Model of 1849

(4.2.IB) 4.2.IIA) The Lowell Factory System

The Lowell Factory System Lowell Girls

(4.2.IB) Farming Revolution - John Deere: Steel Plow Horse Drawn 1837

(4.2.IB) Farming Revolution Cyrus McCormick: Mechanical Reaper

In the early nineteenth century, the
American economy developed the
beginnings of industrialization. The
greatest advances occurred in
transportation, as canals and railroads
bound the Union together into a
continental economy with strong regional

(4.2.IC) Transportation Revolution: Westward Movement of Center of

Population, 1790-1990

The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike - 1795 - The Spread Eagle Tavern

Cumberland (National) Road and Main Connections

Transportation: Conestoga

Erie Canal and Main Branches

Principle Canals in 1840

Major Rivers, Roads, and Canals, 18251860



Steam Engine: Robert Fulton

The Railroad Revolution

Industry and Agriculture, 1860

Main Routes West Before the Civil War

The National Pony Express


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