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Olfactory epithelium

Olfactory mucosa

Olfactory Nerves (Cranial Nerve

Olfactory bipolar receptor nerve cells

(In olfactory mucous membrane in upper part of the nasal cavity above the
level of the superior

peripheral process that passes to the

( about 20 fiber bundles)

Short cilia /olfactory hairs

Tufted cells

Mitral cell

granular cells
synaptic glomeruli

Enter cribriform plate of the ethmoid to join the

olfactory bulb.
fine central processes(unmyelinated) form the
olfactory nerve fibers

Olfactory bipolar receptor nerve


Mitral cell

Tufted cells

medial striae of opp olfac bulb

olfactory tract
medial olfactory striae
paraolfactory area, subcallosal gyrus,
inferior part of the cingulate gyrus

lateral olfactory striae

Primary olfactory cortex
(uncus, anterior hippocampal gyrus)

secondary olf
entorhinal area (area 28)

piriform cortex, and amygdaloid nucleus)

(Medial temporal lobe)


From olfactory epithelium to glomerulus


The olfactory bulb. where the second neurons
of the olfactory pathway (mitral and tufted
cells) are located.
Is considered an extension of the
The axons of these Second order neurons
pass centrally as the olfactory tract.


The prepiriform area (area 28) is considered
the primary olfactory cortex which contains
the third order neurons.

is an elongated oval structure that lies just
above the cribriform plate.
It is continuous posteriorly with the olfactory
tract through which it is connected to the
base of the cerebral hemisphere.
The olfactory bulb and tract are not
parts of PNS but Instead constitute the
extension of the telencephalon this contains
CNS-specific cell types (oligodendrocytes and
The olfactory bulb and tract share with the
telencephalon share a common meningeal

When traced posteriorly the olfactory
tract divides into
Lateral olfactory striae
Intermediate striais sometimes

The point of bifurcation is expanded

and forms the olfactory trigone.

Some of the axons of the olfactory tract run in the

lateral olfactory stria to the olfactory centers
amygdala, semilunar gyrus, and ambient gyrus.
Other axons of the olfactory tract run in the
medial olfactory stria to the nuclei in the
septal (subcallosal) area which is part of the
limbic system and to the olfactory tubercle a small
elevation in the anterior perforated substance.
other axons of the olfactory tract teminate in the
anterior olfactory nucleus where the fibres
cross to the opposite side branch off and relayed.
This nucleus is located in the olfactory trigone,
which lies between the two olfactory striae in front
of the anterior perforated substance.


The olfactory striae are intimately related to a
mass of grey matter called the anterior
perforated substance.
The medial and lateral striae form the
anteromedial and anterolateral boundaries of
this substance.
The intermediate stria extends into the anterior
perforated substance and ends in a slight
elevation (in the anterior part of the substance)
called the olfactory tubercle.
Posterolaterally, the anterior perforated
substance is related to the uncus .
while posteromedially it is bounded by a bundle
of fibres called the diagonal band (of Broca)

The uncus
Is a part of the cerebral hemisphere that lies on
the tentorial surface a little behind and medial to
the temporal pole.
It represents the anterior end of the
parahippocampal gyrus and is separated from
the temporal pole by the rhinal sulcus.
The uncus is subdivided into three parts. From
anterior to posterior side these are
The uncinate gyrus,
the tail of the dentate gyrus(band of Giacomini)
The intralimbic gyrus

Entorhinal area (area 28):

The anterior part of the parahippocampal gyrus,
including the uncus,

When traced backwards the lateral olfactory stria reaches

the limen insulae (in the depth of the stem of the lateral
Here it bends sharply to the medial side and becomes
continuous with a small area of grey matter lying anterior
to the uncus and called the gyrus semilunaris (or
periamygdaloid area).
The gyrus semilunaris is closely related to the
amygdaloid complex which lies deep (i.e., superior) to
The lateral olfactory stria is covered by a thin layer of grey
matter called the lateral olfactory gyrus.
When traced backwards this gyrus becomes continuous
with a part of the cortex called the gyrus ambiens.
The gyrus ambiens lies lateral to the gyrus semilunaris.
Posteriorly, it becomes continuous with the entorhinal area.
The lateral olfactory gyrus and the gyrus ambiens
collectively form the prepiriform region(or area).

Entorhinal area


The piriform cortex is considered the primary
olfactory cortex. The area most closely associated with
identifying the odor.

The medial amygdala

is involved in social functions such as mating and the
recognition of animals of the same species.

The entorhinal cortex

is associated with memory, e.g. to pair odors with
proper memories.

The exact functions of these higher areas are a

matter of scientific research and debate.
Olfactory information is processed in primitive
areas of the brain.
Olfaction is the only sensation not directly
processed in the thalamus

However indirectly the olfactory fibres

from the olfactory cortex pass to the neo
cortex passes via the thalamus
terminating in the basal fore brain

The axons that run in the medullary striae

of the thalamus terminate in the
habenular nuclei.
This tract also continues to the
brainstem. where it stimulate salivation in
response to smell.

Limbic system


These neurons have a limited lifespan of up to several
months, but are continiously replenished from the pool
of precursor cells
In the olfactory mucosa this undergo periodic mitosis.
New olfactory receptors are thus generated
throughout adult life,
and their axons enter the olfactory bulb to form new
synapses with existing CNS neurons.
The regenerative capacity of the olfactory mucosa
gradually diminishes with advancing age.
Resulting in net loss of receptors and a slow decline in
overall sensory function

Olfaction and coding

Examination of olfactory

Examine each nostril separately while

occluding the other. With the patient's
eyes closed and one nostril occluded,
bring the test substance near the open
one. Ask the patient to sniff and
indicate whether she smells something
if so, to identify it. Repeat for the other
nostril and compare the two sides

The perception of odor is more important than
accurate identification.


the presence of an odor indicates

continuity of the olfactory pathways.

Identification of the odor indicates intact

cortical function as
Since there is bilateral innervation, a lesion central
to the decussation of the olfactory pathways never
causes loss of smell,
A lesion of the olfactory cortex does not produce
The appreciation of the presence of a smell, even
without recognition, excludes anosmia.

Causes of Persistent
Loss of Smell

Chronic rhinitis
Deviated nasal septum
Nasal polyps
Intranasal tumors (e.g., epidermoid
General anesthesia
Dental trauma

Causes of Persistent
Loss of Smell
Chemical burns of the olfactory
Normal aging
Congenital anosmia
Chemotherapeutic agents
Cadmium toxicity

Causes of Persistent
Loss of Smell

Olfactory groove meningioma

Frontal lobe tumor, especially glioma
Sellar/parasellar tumor
Neuro-olfactory tumor
Korsakoff's syndrome
Vitamin deficiency (B6, B12, A) Zinc
or copper deficiency

Causes of Persistent
Loss of Smell

Craniocerebral trauma,
Surgery- Temporal lobectomy
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Olfactory dysgenesis Kallmann's syndrome
(hereditary hypogonadism with anosmia)
Familial dysautonornia

Causes of Persistent
Loss of Smell
Refsum's syndrome
Psychiatric conditions (depression,
conversion disorder, schizophrenia)
Chronic sinus disease
Radiation therapy

Terms and Definitions Related to

Olfactory Abnormalities

Anosmia -No sense of smell

Hyposmia -A decrease in the sense of smell
Hyperosmia- An overly acute sense of smell
Dysosmia -Impairment or defect in the sense of smell
Parosmia -Perversion or distortion of smell
Phantosmia -Perception of an odor that is not real
Presbyosmia Decrease in the sense of smell due to
Cacosmia- Inappropriately disagreeable odors
Coprosmia -Cacosmia with a fecal scent
Olfactory agnosia -Inability to identify or interpret
detected odors

sphenoidal ridge meningioma

consists of unilateral optic atrophy or papilledema
ipsilateral anosmia

The Foster Kennedy syndrome

classically due to a large tumour involving the
orbitofrontal region, such as an olfactory groove
anosmia (direct compression)
unilateral ipsilateral optic atrophy (direct compression)
contralateral papilledema(d/t inc ICP)

Pseudo-Foster Kennedy syndrome.

This ophthalmologic picture, without the
anosmia, is more often due to anterior optic
nerve ischemia, sometimes termed the

Kallmann's syndrome
a hereditary disorder, usually X-linked,
anosmia,( due to hypoplasia or aplasia of the olfactory bulbs and

Uncinate fits
Complex partial or temporal lobe seizures
preceded by an olfactory or gustatory aura,
usually disagreeable, and often accompanied, as
the patient loses awareness, by smacking of the
lips or chewing movements. Such attacks are
typically due to a seizure focus involving medial
temporal lobe structures. There is never objective
loss of smell interictally.

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