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20 Years of Change


This is an interesting case of Strategic Management.

It shows how dynamic the process of Strategic Management is.

It demonstrates: Why visions change, How visions change, and the

impact of their change.

It reveals the influence of external stakeholders on enterprise


It demonstrates how visions affect the mission and action plan of an



The Early Days (1876-1894).

The Early Days (1894-1904).

Theodore Vails Vision (1907).

The FCC Duels (1934-1982).

The Divestiture (1984).

The Telecommunications Act (1996).

The Re-structuring.

Michael Armstrongs vision(1997-2000).

Failing Strategy.

The Early Days (1876-1894):

1876: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and earned

a patent.

1877: The Bell Telephone Company was formed.

1878-1894: The company provided Telephone

exclusively in the United States through its licensees.


The Early Days (1876-1894):


Technological Factors:

Legal Factors:

The invention of the Telephone provided a new untapped market with

huge growth potential.

The protection policy (patents) allowed the company to avoid early


Economic Factors:

Demand for the new service was booming.

The Early Days (1876-1894):


Market Analysis:

The entry barrier was infinity due to the patent.

Bargaining Power of Customers was Minimal, due to Bell being the

only provider .

The Early Days (1876-1894):


Threat of Potential Substitutes:

Threat of Substitute Products: The only potential substitute was the

Telegraph, provided by Western Union.

The Early Days (1876-1894):


American Bell was the only company that have the technology
and allowed legally to use it.

The product was extremely differentiated.

The Early Days (1876-1894):


The patent would expire in 1894.

The telephone network still needed lots of investment in order to

increase coverage.

The Early Days (1876-1894):

Business Definition

Markets: Households, Business, and Government.

Functions served: Communication among distant entities.

Technologies Utilized:
resistance in a liquid.

Products/Services: Short Distance Voice Communications.





The Early Days (1876-1894):

Strategic Implementation

American Bell aimed at Creating a Monopoly to benefit from its

legal protection.


Backward integration: Acquiring a majority in Western Electric

Company (1882), creating the firms own manufacturing unit.

Forward integration: Acquiring most of its licensees across the

United States, resulting in the creation of the Bell System or Ma






The Early Days (1894-1904):

Bells second patent expired on 30th January, 1894.

Ma Bell was no longer the only company that could legally

operate telephone systems in the United States.

Over 6000 new telephone companies (Operators

Manufacturers) were established, called the Independents.


The Early Days (1894-1904):

Stromberg-Carlson (1894)

Kellogg SwitchBoard and Supply Company (1897)

Automatic Electric Company (1901)

Brown Telephone Company (1899) Sprint Nextel

The Early Days (1894-1904):


Economic Factors:

The market was still rapidly growing.

The long distance market was still untouched.

Technological Factors:

Networks were not interconnected, meaning that subscribers to

different telephone companies could not call each other.

The Early Days (1894-1904):


Legal Factors:

The end of the patent protection.

The companys growth had been capped by the laws of Capitalization

of Massachusetts.

Market Analysis:

Competition was intensifying.

Entry barriers were lower, resulting in increasing number of new


People now had many options, raising the bargaining power of


The Early Days (1894-1904):


The company owned the only long distance network.

The company's much larger customer base made its service

much more valuable.

The companys quality of service was better than its competitors.

The Early Days (1894-1904):

Business Definition

Markets: Households, Business, and Government.

Functions served: Communication among distant entities.

Technologies Utilized:
resistance in a liquid.









The Early Days (1894-1904):

Strategic Implementation

American Bell aimed at Enforcing its Monopoly over the

market to react to the intensifying competition.

This led to hiring Theodore Vail as a CEO in 1907.

He was atelephoneindustrialist. His philosophy of usingclosed

systems, centralized power, and as muchnetworkcontrol as
possible, in order to maintain monopoly power, has been

Theodore Vails Vision (1907):

One System,
One Policy,

Theodore Vails Vision (1907):

AT&T under Vail focused on Enforcing the Monopoly and

Competing with Innovation.

The most important stakeholder: The government.

He convincedPresident Woodrow Wilsonthat the telephone would

spread more rapidly if brought under one monopoly so as to
ensure uniform provision of services throughout the country.

To avoid antitrust action,

Commitmentof 1913.





Theodore Vails Vision (1907):

The Kingsbury Commitment

The government agreed not to pursue its case against AT&T as a


AT&T agreed to divest the controlling interest in the Western

Union telegraph company,

AT&T agreed not to acquire any more independent phone

companies without the approval of the Interstate Commerce

AT&T allowed independents to connect to its network.

Theodore Vails Vision (1907):

Strategic Implementation

Founding Bell Labs in 1925.

The First Trans-Atlantic phone service began in 1926 (via two-way


Inventing the Transistor in 1947.

First Microwave Relay system was created in 1948

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):

The FCC had been created by the Communications act of 1934,

taking over regulation of communication from Interstate
Commerce Commission.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulated all

service across state lines, controlling the rates that companies
could charge, and the specific services and equipment they could

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):

To make available, so far as possible, to all

the people of the United States a rapid,
efficient, nationwide, and worldwide wire
and radio communication service with
adequate facilities at reasonable charges

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):

The FCC filed an antitrust lawsuit against AT&T in 1949.

In 1956, AT&T agreed to restrict its activities to the regulated

business of the national telephone system and government work.

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):


Economic Factors:

Demand was still high.

The penetration of telephone service into American households

increased from 50 percent in 1945 to 90 percent in 1969.

Technological Factors:

The transition to electronic components allowed more powerful and

less expensive customer and network equipment.

Rapid Development kept the market growing.

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):


Legal Factors:

Change in regulations by the creation of the FCC in 1934.

Antitrust case filed by the FCC in 1949.

Regulations and Case Settlement of the case capped AT&Ts


The FCC Duels (1934-1982):


Continuous development kept the company way ahead of


The company still owned the largest coverage network.

The company still had a monopoly on the long distance market.

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):


Safety from competition created a negative effect on managements


Managers saw profits as a way to support the monopoly, not an end in


Cost control was ensured to satisfy regulatory overseers.

Sales representatives were warned not to oversell, as customers were

taken for granted.

Managers became risk averse.

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):

Strategic Implementation

Continuous Innovation, providing alternatives, and creating new

revenue generation mechanisms:

Leasing Telephone equipment to users, instead of selling them BELL


Invention of the microwave relay systems (an alternative to copper


First communications satellite in 1962, providing an additional

alternative for international communications.

These provided alternatives for international communications.

The FCC Duels (1934-1982):

1971: The FCC opened private-line service to all competitors,

allowing them to use AT&T technology, to allow more

The FCC filed another antitrust lawsuit against AT&T in 1974,

believing that a monopoly still existed for the local exchanges.

1982: AT&T agreed to divest itself of the wholly owned Bell

Operating Companies (Baby Bells).

In return, the government lifted restrictions of 1956.

The Divestiture (1984):

The divestiture took place on January 1, 1984.

The Bell System: AT&T and seven operating companies:

Ameritech, acquired by SBC in 1999, now part of AT&T Inc.

Bell Atlantic (nowVerizon Communications), which acquiredGTEin 2000.

BellSouth, acquired by AT&T Inc. in 2006.

NYNEX, acquired by Bell Atlantic in 1996, now part of Verizon Communications.

Pacific Telesis, acquired by SBC in 1997, now part of AT&T Inc.

Southwestern Bell (later SBC, nowAT&T Inc.), which acquiredAT&T 2005.

US West, acquired byQwestin 2000, which in turn was acquired byCenturyLink

in 2011.

The Divestiture (1984):

AT&T retained $34 billion of the $149.5 billion in assets and

373,000 of its previous 1,009,000 employees.

The Bell Logo had been given to the RBOCs.

The Divestiture (1984):

Business Definition

Markets: Households, Business, and Government.

Functions served: Communication among distant entities.


Products/Services: Long Distance Voice Communications.






The Divestiture (1984):


AT&T was no longer restricted to the regulated business of

National Telephone and Government Work.

The company continued generating enormous positive cash flows

although it was steadily losing market share.

The Divestiture (1984):


Legal Forces:

Economical Forces:

The imposed divestiture stripped AT&T from its competitive position.

AT&Ts long distance market share dropped from 90% (1984) to 50%

Technological Forces:

The company had to keep up with emerging technologies, such as

fiber optic transmission.

The Divestiture (1984):


Market Analysis:

Competition had been intensifying in all of AT&Ts portfolio.

The end of AT&Ts regulated monopoly over the Telephone industry.

Availability of substitutes for AT&Ts manufacturing operations (AT&T

Network Systems).

The Divestiture (1984):


The company still owned great technology, provided by the

famous Bell Labs.

The company could still rely on personnel strength.

The Divestiture (1984):


AT&T became a firm without a local network into offices and


AT&T lost its ability to reach almost every consumer in the United
States by its wires and bills. The last mile would be controlled
by the RBOCs.

Corporate culture needed re-invention to match the new

competitive environment.

The Divestiture (1984):

Strategic Implementation

AT&T negotiated agreements with the RBOCs to lease parts of

their networks and resell the service to its own customers.

AT&T was lobbying state regulators to break the regional Bells

into two companies: One that would sell services like dial tone
and DSL, and another that would lease the network to both
competitors and to the incumbent local phone company.

Given the high fees for leased access, the company decided to
find an alternative. The options were Fixed Wireless Technology
and Cable TV lines.

The Divestiture (1984):

Strategic Implementation

AT&T aimed at Diversifying Business, Seeking Alternatives

and Relying on Convergence.

AT&T saw the convergence of communications and computing

industries. AT&T tried to link the different businesses to gain

1991: Acquiring Computer maker NCR for $7.4 billion.

1994: Acquiring McCaw Cellular, the US leader in wireless

business for $11.5 billion.

The Divestiture (1984):

Strategic Implementation

AT&T gained direct access to consumers for the first time in a


The Telecommunications Act


According to the FCC, the goal of the law was to "let anyone
enter any communications business to let any communications
business compete in any market against any other.

Allowed the RBOCs and other competitors to compete in the long

distance service.

The Telecommunications Act

The Wireless Communications industry, as well as the computer

industry, had been fiercely growing and becoming global.

The Telecommunications Act

Increased pressure on AT&T, Sprint, MCI-WorldCom, and other players in

the market.

The former RBOCs: Verizon Communications, SBC Communications Inc.,

Qwest Communications International Inc., and BellSouth Corp., became the
strategically best positioned telecommunications firms in the United

The changing telecom environment and increasing deregulation made the

market more complex.

The new telecom competitors, including cable firms, RBOCs, and mobile
service companies, had many options from whom to buy their equipment.

The Telecommunications Act

AT&T was still the leading force in the fast growing


telecommunications market.

AT&T also was the biggest cable provider in the United States.

The Telecommunications Act

The absence of synergies across AT&Ts businesses.

The computer subsidiary was suffering from mounting losses

($5.9 billion in 3 years).

Corporate culture clash resulted in confusion, complacency, and

loss of direction.

The commitment to become one of the worlds top three PC

makers resulted in a product line and an expense structure that
was out of line with market demand.

The Telecommunications Act

The equipment department failed to attract many customers as

competitors feared that AT&T would see their plans and use the
profits to act against them.

The Telecommunications Act

AT&T decidedImplementation
to spin-off its computer division, its

network, switching and transmission equipment business, as well
as the famous Bell Labs.

This led to a voluntary divestiture.

The Restructuring:

Restructuring of AT&T into three companies: a systems and

equipment company (which became lucent Technologies), a
computer company (NCR), and a communications services
company (which remained AT&T).

After the spin-off of Lucent, Lucent was able to win contracts it

would probably never have won when it was part of AT&T.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Transforming AT&T from a long distance

company to an any-distance company. From
a company that handles mostly voice calls to a
company that connects you to information in
any form that is useful to you. From a primarily
domestic company to a global company

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):


Data Communications was growing rapidly.

New trends like video telephony, VOIP, and Video Over IP were
gaining popularity.

The Wireless Communications market continued growing.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):


Market Analysis:

AT&T was under the mercy of its competitors. It had to succeed in

negotiations with other cable operators to achieve its goal of offering
branded telephony coverage to at least 60 percent of US homes.

The long distance business (AT&Ts major business) was shrinking


Technological Forces:

Providing these services over cables was still in theoretical stages.

Practically it had never been demonstrated.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):


Legal Forces:

The FCC accepted AT&Ts plans provided that the company accepts
one of three choices:

Divest MediaOnes 25 percent stake in Time Warner Entertainment.

Sell Liberty Media Group, a minority stake in Rainbow Media Holdings Inc.
and MediaOnes programming networks.

Sell 9.7 million cable subscribers, which was more than half of the
companys current subscribers.

Economic Forces:

The necessary acquisitions will load AT&T with too much debt.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):


AT&T had the required financial status to achieve the required


AT&T had the necessary technical knowledge to upgrade its


AT&T was the largest cable and wireless network operator in the

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):


AT&T Cable Systems were far from supporting the required

bandwidth for these services.

AT&T was under the mercy of its competitors. It had to succeed

in negotiations with other cable operators to achieve its goal of
offering branded telephony coverage to at least 60 percent of US

Lack of entrepreneurial spirit within AT&T and the clash of

cultures can affect the employees of newly acquired companies.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Business Definition

Markets: Households, Business, and Government.

Functions served: Voice, Data, and Video Communications.

Technologies Utilized: VOIP, Video Over IP, Internet Technologies.







Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Strategic Implementation

AT&T began to implement the vision of a global company by

integrating the cable, wireless, and long distance businesses.

It took cost-cutting measures to make AT&T the low-cost provider

in the communications industry by cutting the workforce in its
long distance business by 15,000 to 18,000 people over the
following two years and by offering a voluntary retirement
program for managers.

AT&T initiated a series of joint ventures and acquisitions.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Strategic Implementation

The goal was to broaden the companys scope to areas such as

data networking services, digital voice encryption, broadband
cable telephony, and video telephony.

The other goal was to increase AT&Ts global reach.

1998: AT&T acquired Teleport Communications Group (TCG) for

$11.5 billion. TCG was the leading local telecommunications
service provider for business customers in the United States.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Strategic Implementation

It provided networks that were an alternative to those of the

RBOCs and allowed AT&T to save tens of millions of dollars in
access charges previously paid to connect its customers to the
Baby Bells networks.

It was to provide AT&T with the ability to offer high speed service
to businesses in major US urban areas.

It allowed AT&T to provide customers with a complete

communications solution by integrating TCGs local services with
AT&T end to end telecommunication services packages for
business customers.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Strategic Implementation

In 1999 AT&T acquired Telecommunications Inc (TCI), the second

largest cable company in the United States, for $55 billion.

Next, AT&T completed an acquisition of MediaOne, a cable

operator, for $56 billion cash and stock transaction.

The two acquisitions made AT&T the leading cable television

operator in the US. The acquisition of cable internet and TV
services led to the creation of AT&Ys newest division: AT&T
broadband and Internet services.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Failing Strategy

The reality of creating the vision was much more difficult than
Armstrong anticipated.

AT&T invested $115 billion to achieve Armstrongs vision.

By 2001, AT&T was only able to upgrade 65 percent of the cable

lines within its cable network, which matched only about onefourth of AT&Ts 60 million total customer base.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Failing Strategy

Had the firm waited, newer internet technologies would have

substantially lowered the upgrade cost. AT&T was spending
about $1200 to add a phone subscriber to the cable network. By
2001, new technologies had lowered the cost of converting cable
to allow phone service to about $700 per subscriber.

In addition, AT&T did not succeed in striking a deal with other

cable operators to lease their lines, which was necessary in order
to broaden AT&Ts cable telephony customer base. (e.g.: Time

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Failing Strategy

The company also had not succeeded in entering local phone

service competition with the RBOCs.

The acquisitions left the company with $64 billion in debt, making
AT&T one of the industrys most indebted companies and
affecting its stock.

AT&T also failed to promote its ISP business (WorldNet) in front of


Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Failing Strategy

October 2000: AT&T announced a restructuring plan to break the

company into separate Wireless, Broadband, Business Long
Distance, and Consumer Long Distance companies.

Restructuring aimed at attracting new investors and provide cash

to reduce the enormous debt load.

AT&T announced that it would sell non-strategic assets.

Michael Armstrong (1997-2000):

Failing Strategy


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