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A commercial bank is a type of finance
intermediaries  and a type of bank. Commercial
banking is also known as business banking. It is a
bank that provides checking accounts, savings
accounts, and money market accounts and that
accepts time deposits .bank also provides various
facilities like current A/C, savings A/C, fixed
deposit on account of personal A/C
Cumulative Deposit
 Primarily a hosuehold saving plan, the Union Cumulative Deposit Scheme encourages small investors to save
in easy monthly instalments over a fixed period of time. Monthly installments can be for any amount starting
from as low as Rs.50/- onwards A pass book will be provided to the depositoR.
 F.D (Fix deposit)
A fixed deposit is meant for those investors who want to deposit a lump sum of money for a fixed period; say
for a minimum period of 15 days to five years and above, thereby earning a higher rate of interest in return.
Investor gets a lump sum (principal + interest) at the maturity of the deposit.

Monthly Income Deposit

Monthly income scheme (MIS) provides for monthly payment of interest income to investors. It is meant for
investors who want to invest a sum amount initially and earn interest on a monthly basis for their livelihood. 

Recurring Deposit :
The Recurring deposit account is an account in the bank (or a Post office in some countries) where an investor
deposits a fixed amount of money every month for a fixed tenure (mostly ranging from one year to five years).
This scheme is meant for investors who want to deposit a fixed amount every month, in order to get a lump sum
after some years. The small monthly savings in the Recurring Deposit scheme enable the depositor to
accumulate a handsome amount on maturity

Cumulative Deposit Interest on Interest is payed

FIXED.DEPOSIT Quarterly interest payed

Monthly Income Deposit Monthly interest on Discount bases

Recurring Deposit Monthly Interest

A unique product which offers higher rate of interest alongwith tax benefits. Specially designed to cater to the
needs of the Income Tax assessees.The features of this scheme are as below:
To enable our customers to place long term deposits to earn higher rate
Purpose of interest and also to avail the tax benefits under section 80C of
Income Tax Act, 1961.

Resident assessee for himself/ herself as an individual or in the

Eligibility capacity of the Karta of the Hindu undivided family, having Income
tax Permanent Account Number
Mode of Operation Singly or Jointly
Minimum Deposit Rs. 1,000/- or multiples thereof
Maximum Deposit Not exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- in a year
Type of account Term Deposit (TD) account / Special Term Deposit (STD) account
Tenure Minimum: 5 years - Maximum: 10 years
Rate of Interest
Premature withdrawal No term deposit shall be encashed before the expiry of five years from
the date of its receipt.
Availability Presently at CBS Branches
Nomination Facility Available
Transferability among branches
Our Premium Savings Account provides an enriched version of Savings Bank
account consisting of various concessions and add-ons. It is suitable for our High
Net worth Individual/ Mass Affluent customers.
Eligibility Residents, above 18 years of age

Mode of Holding Singly/ Jointly/ Jointly with survivorship benefits.

Type of account Savings Bank account. It will be linked to Multi Option Deposit (MOD) account, for auto
sweep, for issue of Term Deposits and unitised break-up facilities.

Available at At all CBS branches

Minimum balance i) Savings Bank Component: Rs.25,000/-
ii) MOD Component: Each MOD Rs. 10,000/-

Rate of interest i) Savings Bank Component: As applicable to Savings Bank account.

ii) MOD Component: As applicable to the Term Deposits of tenure as opted by the customer.

Auto-sweep facility i) Auto-sweep facility will be operative at monthly intervals and Term Deposits (TD)/ Special
Term Deposits (STD) would be created under the MOD scheme, in units of Rs.1,000/-, subject
to a minimum amount of Rs. 10,000/-. The facility of unitised break-up will also be available for
withdrawing the deposits conveniently.
Period of deposit MOD Component: 1 year to 5 years, in round months.
Facilities available i) Cheque facility: Available with no charges for issuance upto 100 cheque leaves in a
Financial Year.
ii) Multi-city cheques: 25 cheque leaves free in a year.
iii) Unlimited number of debits per half-year
iv) ATM- cum-Debit card facility: Gold cards (Master/ Visa) will be issued, free of cost.
v) Internet Banking facility: Provided free.
vi) SMS Alert: Provided, free
vii) Anywhere Banking: Inter-core transactions will be allowed with 25% concession in
the prescribed service charges.
vii) 50% concession in draft issue charges and cheque collection charges
viii) TTs/ Bankers Cheques will be issued free (out of pocket expenses for TTs will be
ix)No service charges in respect of outward RTGS/ NEFT transactions.
Penalties i) If minimum balance is not maintained, to be calculated on Quarterly Average Balance
basis, Rs. 500/- will be charged per quarter.
ii) Closing the account before completion of 12 months: Rs. 500/-.
Others i) Terms and conditions such as transferability among branches, dormant, inoperative,
nomination, linking to MOD account and standing instructions as applicable to normal
Savings Bank/ MOD account will be applicable.
ii) Conversion of existing SB/ Savings Plus accounts will be permissible.

It has been decided to launch a special savings account scheme namely,'OBC

CASA Deposit Scheme' with effect from May 01, 2007, detailed hereunder

1. Minimum Balance: Rs.500/-

2. Free ATM card and Debit Card.
3. Free accidental insurance up to Rs.50,000/- (For 1st year only).
 To empower and encourage physically challenged people to open accounts and avail concessional banking
Eligiblity :- 
Physically challenged Persons like those suffering from, locomotor disability, Blindness (including low
vision), hearing Impairment. 

• Features/Benefits of the Scheme:-

• Savings Bank account with Zero balance.
• No minimum balance charges.
• Collection of Instruments At Par.
• Savings Bank account with Zero balance.
• Issuance of DDs/POs At Par (excepting against Cash).
• No Standing Instruction Charges.
• Free Internet Banking.
• Free “Proton” ATM Card.
• Free ABB Cash transactions upto Rs 50000/-
• No Stop payment charges.
• Free Accidental Insurance of Rs One Lac (for first year).
• Nomination Facility available.
Pragati Deposit Scheme
Date of Commencement 14.08.2007
Minimum Amount of Deposit and balance to be maintained Urban & Metropolitan Rs.5000/-
Rural & Semi-urban Rs.1000/-
Validity of Scheme For a limited period only
Add on Facilities 1.One Free ATM/ Debit Card for every
Account. The ATM/Debit Card may also be permitted to
the partners of the firm/Directors of the Company who
are authorized to operate the Account.
2.Free Personal Accident (Death) insurance cover of Rs. 1
Lac (1st year)
3.Waiver of 100% ABB Charges during the 1st year.
4.Free internet / Tele banking
5.Waiver of Demat Account Maintenance Charges (for
One Year)

For Accounts maintaining Average daily Current Account Additional Benefits

Balance of Rs. 5 Lacs or more 1.Free Draft issuance Facility
2.Free RTGS Facility upto Rs.5 Lacs.
(However, mandatory RBI charges plus  applicable service
tax shall be  recovered.
Free Personalised Cheque Book.
Free PAP Cheque Book (issued only on request).
No Cheque Book Charges (issuance charges as per S&F brouchure apply).
Free International Debit Card for 1st Year.
Free Personal Accident Insurance cover of Rs.2.00 Lacs on Debit Card.
Inter Branch Banking.
Free PhoneBanking , MobileBanking and NetBanking
Free Passbook facility available at home branch for account holders
Free Monthly email statements . 
Supper saving
It's like two Accounts working in tandem to give you better returns.

Choose between a Savings Account or Current Account to link to your

Fixed Deposit.

Avail an overdraft facility to supplement your household or business


Pay back with interest only on the drawn amount, while the remaining
Fixed Deposit continues to earn you interest.

Flexibility in altering period of deposit, maturity and payment instructions,

principal amount and rollover mode before maturity of the rollover deposit.

Senior citizens enjoy a higher rate of interest on their Fixed Deposits.

 Choose between a Savings Account or Current Account to link to your Fixed Deposit.

 Earn higher interest on the money till it is swept-in, while the remaining Fixed Deposit continues to
earn you interest.

 Only an exact amount required to make up for the deficit in the Savings account is withdrawn from
your Fixed Deposit (units of Re. 1/-) thereby minimising interest loss.

 Multiple deposits can be linked to the Savings account.

 Flexibility in altering the period of deposit, maturity and payment instructions, principal amount and
rollover mode.

 You can avail of both, a super saving account as well as a Sweep-In Facility if you have linked your
deposits to a Savings Facility.

 Senior citizens enjoy a higher rate of interest on their Fixed Deposits.

 Avail an international saving account and a Free cheque book on your Sweep-in Savings account.
Nagrik Bachat Khata
No frills. No hidden charges.
Bank of Baroda launches a new small savings product – Nagrik Bachat Khata
The Indian economy has undergone a significant transformation since the economic reforms
in 1991 with the banking sector in the forefront. Nagrik Bachat Khata is a product through
which Bank of Baroda intends to extend its services to a vast section of population by making
banking easy and convenient.

Key Benefits
Services designed to cater to a vast majority of Indian population
Banking simplified
Open account with an initial amount of just Rs. 50/-
Zero service charges for non-maintenance of a minimum balance of Rs. 50/-

Who can open the account :

All resident individuals who are eligible to open Savings Bank Account avail of this offering in
single or joint names. This product is not for Non Resident Indians, Trusts, Societies, etc.
Minimum amount:
Rs. 50/- at all centers (Metro/Urban/Semi Urban/Rural). No service charges
for non-maintenance of minimum balance

Maximum amount:
There is no ceiling on the amount deposited/held in the account. However,
in case of minors (between 10 and 14 years), maximum amount can not
exceed Rs. 1 lakh

Account can be operated by the customers using withdrawal slip along with

pass book only.
A cheque book of -10- leaves will be issued on request for one year free of

Number of withdrawals not to exceed thrice in a month.

The account could be opened by any out minor or major
Union Float
• To provide a deposit product with a floating interest rate linked to a benchmark rate.
• To provide the depositor with an option to invest in the floating rate deposit scheme thereby enjoying a
unique advantage in case of interest rate fluctuation.
Resident Indian Individuals, Firms, companies, Trusts, Societies or any other institutions.

The minimum amount of deposit will be Rs.50,000/- and thereafter in multiples of Rs.10,000/-. There is no upper limit.

Fixed Deposit only (no re-investment scheme)

Fixed maturity term of 5 years.

Interest rate will be benchmark rate plus incentive rate. The Benchmark rate will be the 3-year term deposit rate of the Bank.
For the present, no incentive has been set. The Benchmark rate will be reset every 6 months on 1st May and 1st November
every year.
The concept of floor rate has been introduced by the Bank so that investor risk is
minimised. A floor rate 2.00% below the initial benchmark rate is fixed under the
scheme. The benchmark rate applicable to any depositor after 6 monthly reset will
not be more than 2% below the initial benchmark rate at which he had kept the
floating rate deposit.

• Interest will be paid at quarterly intervals on a simple interest basis and will be
credited to the depositor’s account by way of a transfer or through issue of Pay
Order or Demand Draft. Interest will be paid on the last working day of each
calendar quarter
Madhukar Tax Saving Deposit Scheme
Money does not grow on trees. But by saving and investing wisely one can make money hands over fist.
With this intention Bank has come out with a scheme which allows you higher returns compared to other
tax savings chemes. Investments under the scheme are exempted under Sec 80C of Income Tax Act
In the Finance Bill of 2006, the government had announced Tax benefits to Bank Term Deposits which are of
over 5 year tenure u/s 80C of IT Act, 1961 vide Notification Number 203/2006 and SO1220 (E) dated
28/07/2006.Invest minimum Rs 5000 and in multiples of Rs 100. Maximum amount being Rs 100000 during
the calendar year
1.Maturity Period of the term deposit is minimum 5 years. 
2.Deposit can be kept in a single name or in joint names .Tax benefit under Sec 80 C shall be available only to
the first holder .
3.Interest on the term deposit is payable Quarterly .
4.The term deposit cannot be pledged to secure loan/overdraft or as security to any other asset neither they
can be withdrawn prematurely.
5.The tax on  interest earned is  deductible in accordance with the provisions of section 194A or section 195
of the Income Tax Act 1961 
Encash 24
The Encash 24 gives you the liquidity of a Savings Account coupled with high earnings
of a Fixed Deposit. This is achieved by creating a Fixed Deposit linked to your Savings
• Maximum Returns:
Your money is no longer idle. As soon as the balance in your Savings Account crosses over
Rs 25,000, the excess, in multiples of Rs 10,000 will be transferred automatically to a higher
interest earning Fixed Deposit Account. The maturity of fixed or term deposits formed as a result of
transfer of money from the Savings Bank account will be for a maximum period of 181 days and the
interest will be calculated on simple interest rate basis.
• Maximum Liquidity:
The money parked in Fixed Deposits as a result of the above mentioned sweep out from your
Savings account can be easily accessed by issuing a cheque, withdrawing through ATM etc. This
amount is automatically reverse swept from the most recently formed Fixed Deposit in units of
Rs 5,000 to the Savings account whenever the balance in your Savings account falls below
Rs 25,000. The amount broken form your Fixed Deposit will earn interest rates at the applicable
rate for the period that the deposit was held with the Bank. The remaining amount of Fixed Deposit
will continue to earn the contracted rate of interest.
• Auto Renewal:
On maturity of your linked Fixed Deposit, the Bank will automatically renew it for a maximum period
of 181 days.
deposit for children
ELIGIBILITY Children upto the age of 12 years (i.e. till 11 years, 364 days)

Initial deposit can be any nominal amount with a minimum of

Rs.100/-. No penalty in case of non-maintenance of minimum balance.

RATE OF INTEREST As applicable to SB deposits. Presently 3.5% per annum

CHEQUE BOOK Cheque books are not issued under the scheme
JOINT ACCOUNT Joint accounts cannot be opened under the scheme
Nomination facility is available
C-Net Banking facility is available (For viewing only)
Conversion of the account into regular SB account after the child
attains majority

APPLICATION & Form 60 or 61 (if customer does not have PAN Card)
DOCUMENTS Photograph of depositor/s (2 copies)
Proof of address as per KYC Norms
ELIGIBLE ACCOUNTS Domestic Fixed Deposits and Kamadhenu Deposits
.       Individuals, who have completed the age of 60 years and above, in single or joint names
ELIGIBILITY .       In case of joint account, accounts can be opened jointly with other Senior Citizens or with
other persons below the age of 60 subject to the condition that the Senior Citizen is No.1 depositor
Minimum Rs. 1000/-
INVESTMENT Maximum - No ceiling (Can be deposited in odd amount also)
PERIOD OF DEPOSIT 15 days to 120 months Kamadhenu Min. Period – 5 months
INTEREST RATE Additional 0.50% rate of interest for deposits less than Rs.1 crore.
PERIODICITY OF INTEREST · Monthly (discounted) or quarterly on Fixed Deposits
PAYMENT Compounded quarterly on Kamadhenu Deposits
LOAN FACILITY Available upto 90% of the balance deposit amount
PENALTY FOR PRE- No penal cut. Wherever preferential rates are extended for bulk deposits Interest payable at base
MATURE CLOSURE rate for the period run.

• LIC Policy
MANDATORY  Voters Identity Card
DOCUMENTS  Pension Payment Order
 Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority
 Passport
In order to help the customers, particularly the middle income group like salaried class, small
traders etc., to plan their savings and to make a financial provision well in advance to meet the
future expenditure like the educational expenses of their children, specific purposes like
investments, payment of annual instalLments, a unique scheme called "Vidhya Nidhi Deposit"
has been launched in our Bank.  Under the scheme, deposits are accepted every month for
specified periods like 36 months, 48 months or 60 months and the maturity value is paid to the
customer in 3, 4 or 5 annual instalLments respectively with further interest. The RD on
completion of 3/4/5 years, as the case may be, shall be treated as RIP and will continue to earn
interest at the same contracted rate, on the balance after annual payMemnt. The customer is
having an option to choose the amount of annual instalLments required by him and the plan
period. For fixing the rate of interest, the whole term of deposit including the repayment period
shall be taken into account.

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