Human Skills (Final)

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II. Human skills

III. Intelligence as a Basis of Abilities

IV. Tests to measure Abilities

V. Gender Differences in Intelligence

VI. Gender Differences in Skills and Abilities

VII. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

VIII. Emotional Quotient (EQ)

IX. Spiritual Quotient (SQ)

---------- X ----------
2 Dynamic strength .

2 Trunk Strength .

2 Static strength .

2 Explosive Strength .
2 Extent Flexibility .

2 Dynamic Flexibility .

2 Balance .

2 Stamina .
2 Test to measure specific intellectual
abilities, Psychomotor and physical
abilities & sensory and motor abilities
have been developed.

2 The term ¶Ability test · is used to refer to

those test that measure skills in terms of
speed, accuracy or both .
i. Achievement Test .

ii. Aptitude Test.

iii. Intelligence Test .

)Bennett Mechanical comprehension Test
:-Developed by Psychological
2) Revised Minnesota Paper From broad .
:-Developed by Psychological
3) Minnesota clerical Test .
:- Unknown .
2 There are certain areas such as vision,
hearing, motor dexterity and artistic
talents that are rarely included in the
earlier mentioned multiabilities tests .
2 Secondly, special aptitude tests give us a
precise assessment of an individual·s
potential in a given area .
A) MacQuarrie Test for Mechanical
Ability .

B) O·Connor Finger and Tweezer

Dexterity Tests.
) Tracing

2) Tapping
3) Dotting

4) Copying

5) Location

6) Blocks

7) Pursuit
2 The O'Connor Finger Dexterity Test is
designed to give a reading of levels of
finger speed and dexterity. The test
consists of a rectangular board with a
cutout dish and  peg holes. The peg
holes can hold up to three pegs each.
The test comes with an instruction
manual that contains data for normal
) Visual acuity :-

2) Colour vision :-

3) Hearing sensitivity :-
a) Snellen Eye Chart :-

b) Audiometer :-

c) Paper-pencil Test :-
a) Purdue Pegboard

b) Crawford Small parts Dexterity Test

2 ð  

2 A substantial body of research confirms
higher verbal ability in normally
achieving females and higher visual-
spatial and mathematical abilities in
normally achieving males.
2 Brain size: Men have larger brains than
women by about 8%- %.
2 Cortical thickness and density: Women·s
brains possess more folding. Some
researchers speculate this is why
women·s brains are smaller overall.
2 Studies have long shown that boys in the
United States and around the world do
not read or write as well as girls. There
are several reasons, according to the
common wisdom:
2 Girls mature more quickly.
2 Boys are more likely to suffer dyslexia and
other reading disorders.
2 Race and poverty play a role.
2 The author's theory that among adults
men have a higher mean IQ than
women has been critized by
. His criticisms are examined and
found wanting. New evidence is
adduced that men obtain higher means
than women .
2 The male variance in I.Q. is greater than
that for females.
2 In general, people enjoy doing what
they are good at, so the fact that fewer
women than men take high-range tests
is in full accordance with their lower
occurrence frequency at high
intelligence levels.
2 Girls mature earlier verbally, and after
puberty boys catch up
2 A remark I have on this: if there is a mean
difference in I.Q. between the sexes, this
will be fully expressed only in adults, and
not yet in children .
2 Females are slightly better than males at
straight-forward arithmetic . On short-
term memory the difference is greater
than males .
2 Females are also better at motor
coordination and finger and manual
2 Males were found to be more assertive and
had slightly higher self-esteem than
2 Then there is a difference in numerical
ability .
2 in both spatial and numerical ability there is
also a large difference in variance, favoring
2 As for verbal ability, males are better at
tests of general knowledge. In verbal
reasoning there is as good as no difference.
2 m       
a) Verbal abilities :-

b) Visual-spatial abilities :-

c) Quantitative & reasoning abilities :-

2 This is a test to see how you reason with
words .
2 åou may speak excellent English. Yet,
when it comes to written English, many
of us tend to flounder.
2 What you speak is usually adapted to
suit easy communication. To write
correctly, is called verbal ability .
2 Language comprehension & production .

2 Creative Writing .

2 Verbal analogies .

2 Verbal Fluency .
) Vocabulary
2) Analogies
3) Reading Comprehension
4) Oral communication
5) Essay writing
6) General Ability
7) SAT verbal scores
8) Anagrams
2 Only 27 % of studies are found statistically,
significant higher female performance.

2 66% found no statistically significant gender

differences .

2 7% found statistically significant Higher male

performance .
2 There
is no gender differences in
verbal Ability.
2 A visual-spatial learner is a student who
learns holistically rather than in a step-by-
step fashion. Visual imagery plays an
important role in the student's learning
process. Because the individual is
processing primarily in pictures rather than
words, ideas are interconnected .
- By Dr. Linda Silverman
a) Spatial Perception :-

b) Mental Rotation :-

c) Spatial Visualization :-
2 This ability include Arithmetic knowledge
and skill as well as understanding of
Quantitative concepts .
2 Important research studies in the areas of :-

) Halpern (2)

2) Hyde & Linn ()

3) Maccoby & Jacklin (74)

4) Williams (3)
Î An
is a score
derived from one of several different
standardized tests attempting to
measure intelligence. The term "IQ," a
translation of the German   
  , was coined by the German
psychologist William Stern in 2 .
2 At first, IQ was calculated as a ratio with
the formula :-
ü In  5 the French psychologist Alfred
Binet published the first modern
intelligence test called the Binet-Simon
intelligence scale.
ü In 3 David Wechsler published the first
intelligence test explicitly designed for an
adult population, the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale, or WAIS.
ü Since the publication of the WAIS, almost
all intelligence scales have adopted the
normal distribution method of scoring.
2 The         is a
controversial construct used in the field
of psychology to quantify what is
common to the scores of all intelligence
2 Environmental factors play a role in
determining IQ. Proper childhood
nutrition appears critical for cognitive
development, malnutrition can lower IQ.
2 In 2 4, Richard Haier, professor of psychology in
the Department of Pediatrics and colleagues at
University of California used MRI to obtain structural
images of the brain in 47 normal adults who also
took standard IQ tests. The study demonstrated
that general human intelligence appears to be
based on the volume and location of gray matter
tissue in the brain .
2 Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer ( ) who
defined EI as ´the ability to monitor one's own
and others' feelings and emotions, to
discriminate among them and to use this
information to guide one's thinking and
actionsµ .
- Peter Salovey
a) Knowing one·s Emotions :-

b) Managing one·s Emotions :-

c) Motivating Oneself :-
a) Recognizing Emotions :-

b) Handling Relationship :-
A. Individuals have the ability to accurately
perceive emotions in themselves and others
and also the ability to express .

B. Awareness as how one·s emotions shape their

thoughts, memory & coping behavior .

C. Ability is to regulate one·s emotions .

† m      (SQ) is described as a
measure that looks at a person's spiritual
intelligence in the same way as
intelligence quotient (IQ) looks at
cognitive intelligence.
Î In 2 5, Danah Zohar - a physicist,
philosopher and management thought
leader - introduced another measurable
spiritual intelligence .

Î It is an ability to access higher meanings,

values, abiding purposes and unconscious
aspects of the self and to embed these
meanings, values and purposes in living a
richer and more creative life."
ü m
ü m  
ü   of Diversity
ü F    
* State the following True or False :-

§ Do you get Angry when verbally attacked ?

§ Are u comfortable with Other·s Anger and hate ?
§ Do u fell guilty for what u have done in the past ?
§ At times do u fell Degraded & Humiliated ?
§ Dose in your life·s there is stress, that never ends ?
§ Do u get blue or Depressed regularly ?
§ Do u worry regularly in some circumstances ?
2 Mathematical ability
2 Verbal ability
2 Spatial ability

2 All are stereotyped as showing gender

ü Taral mandaliya F.Y.B.M.S ²B 23 Leader
ü Nahil F.Y.B.M.S ²B

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