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DOL Week 19

1. I am commited, said Shira, to learning

more about the history of the jewish
peoples in America. (4)
2. In september of 1654, twenty three Jews
arrived in New Amsterdam New York. (3)
3. At the time the declaration of
independence was signed in 1776
approximately two thousand Jews were
living in the thirteen colonies. (5)

4. More than one third of Russias Jews left

their country to escape attacks that occured
in the 1880s, most came to America. (3)
5. Waves of immigrant from Eastern europe
increase the Jewish population from 250,000
in 1880 too more than four million in the
1920s. (4)
6. Admitance to this here country did not
however mean the end of prejudice and
discrimination. (4)

7. Marilu asked, Whom have been

some of the greater JewishAmerican leaders and heros? (4)
8. I cant name they all, Marilu but i
can provide a brief sumary of the
accomplishments of some, said
Shira. (5)

9. Louis d Brandeis was the first jew

appointed to the supreme court and
Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Prize
in 1973. (6)
10.Dr Salk developed the polio
vaccine, Joseph Pulitzer endowed
the Pulitzer Prize, and Albert
Einstein winned the Nobel Prize. (2)

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