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Cathedral of Notre

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Probably most widely known for its
adaptation in the 1996 Disney classic
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the
Cathedral of Notre Dame is regarded
as one of the finest examples of
French Gothic Architecture in the
entire world. After being appointed
the bishop of Paris in 1160, Maurice
de Sully decided to give Paris a
cathedral worthy of being the French
capital. Beginning construction in
1163 the cathedral would take over
300 years to complete, finally
reaching completion in 1345. The
long construction time for the
cathedral is evident in the various
architectural styles used. Although
predominately French Gothic, the
Cathedral of Notre Dame also has
elements of the Renaissance and
Naturalism eras. Over its 670+ years
of completion, the cathedral has
faced damage which has led to it
having to be restored. Yet, despite
those problems, the cathedral
continues to attract large masses of
visitors annualy.

Acknowledgements / Resources

Steve Zarate
Woodrow Wilson HS

1. Size / Dimensions: 420 ft x 157 ft
two towers measuring 226ft
1 spire measuring 300ft
2. Location: Paris, France
3. Architects: Pierre de Montreuil, Jean
Baptiste-Anoine Lassus, Jean de Chelles
4. Began construction in 1163 and was not
finished until 1345.
5. Primary materials used: 21 hectares of
oak were used for the Cathedral of Notre
Dames structure.
6. French for Our Lady of Paris

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Although predominately French Gothic,
the Cathedral of Notre Dame uses
elements of Renaissance and
naturalism era elements making the
cathedral very special. In one visit, a
tourist can see and experience
multiple eras and styles of
architecture. Aside from the
fascinating attractions provided by the
architecture of the cathedral, many
may find themselves drawn to the
cathedral because of its depiction in
the Hunch Back of Notre Dame. For
whatever reason you find yourself
interested in the Cathedral of Notre
Dame, I would highly recommend
taking a trip to visit this historically
rich structure.

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