25oct05 MRC

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ME310 20Oct2005

Where we are…
• Sept 26-Oct 20: Paper vehicle “warm-up” exercise
– Last week: Course intro, Paper Bike launched, Video docs, wiki
– Bike updates, CFP discussion
– First Small Group Meetings, CFP Reviews
– 11 Oct T: PBike updates, PBike (and other) design docs, coaching
– 13 Oct Th: Final Design Reviews (at SGMs - see signups)
– 14 Oct F: Shipment + The Rally
– 18 Oct T: IDEO tour (High St., Palo Alto)
– 20 Oct Th: Team formation; Paper Bike Epilog; IDEO debriefing
– 21 Oct F: Paper Bike Docs due
• Oct 22-26 Corp. teams formation
– 23 Oct Sun: Meet folks outside of your bike team event (optional)
– 25 Oct T: Corp. projects introduced; Corp. teams organized
• Oct 26-Dec 12 Corp. projects
– 27 Oct Th: projects assigned to teams; teams meet liaisons
– 1-8 Nov: Benchmarking
– 8-29 Nov: CFPs, Design decomposition and CFP review
– 1-12 Dec: Design requirements, Definition & Documentation

ME310 20Oct2005
Bikes launched

ME310 20Oct2005
Early failures



Motivation level
IDEO Tour,

Intensity of effort
Alpine Inn party
PBike document
ME310a stock index

Corp. presentations
7 Didn’t get


Cool stuff

P.Bike docs returned

CFP criticized

(whoa, look at all that red ink!)

Great final presentation!

Final document
• Corp. teams formation
• Corp. projects
• First, some advice
• The Projects
• Tteam meets with teams for Q&A

ME310 20Oct2005
Proposed Corp. Teams 05-06
Erica Estrada Edith Arnold
Amrish Kelkar David Klaus
Algorithm = Rohan Rajgarhia Mike Ho
Mi Zhou Ihab Daok
• Honor self-formed teams (option
A) unless they are obviously Joel Dillon Azin Sahabi
unbalanced. Micah Lande Patrick Summers
Christopher Li Salil Vaidya
• Form additional teams (option B), Eleanor Morgan Jamil Snead
honoring any stated constraints
and, secondarily, maximizing the Xianyi Wu Nick Reddy
number of well-balanced teams. Chet Lim Karthik Manohar
Dave Ortiz Dave Yao
The TTEam is done crunching... Karen Law Dave Jackson
If, in retrospect, you are not
Alissa Burkholder Nate Coser
happy, you are free to arrange Joe Laubach Eric Weiss
a mutually agreeable trade and Ben McCloskey Zubin Huang
tell us about it. Hiten Parmar Marc de Sailly

Michael Balsam Christ Truxaw

Ambert Young Eric Benson
Julien Marcil Melissa Gonzalez
Jennifer Lee Aditya Srujan Jandhyala
A blast from the past…
From:   mbianco@stanford.edu
Date: October 24, 2005 10:40:53 PM PDT
…This is life. Decisions get rushed, corporate, family, whatever. In this sort of 
situation I usually rely on gut instinct when I don't have that much to go on and 
make the best of it.  If you get along really well with everyone on your team, 
­Awesome! If not, you can still be civil with your teammates, work well together, 
have a successful project, and good experience in the course. ­MarkB

From: skogstad@stanford.edu
Subject: Re-revised version of teams
Date: October 27, 2004 9:55:29 PM PDT
Here is yet another version of the teams. We will only accept pointers
to dislikes that you had send us previously and attempt to correct them
if easily accomplishable. The TTeam also has other things to do and
since some of you have send multiple versions of requests and at the
last minute, we had to compromise. If you want to make any other
changes, come to the loft tomorrow at 3:30 and try to form your own
team! PLS
ME310 20Oct2005
Your Corp. project is what you make it...
"Happiness" vs. Project Choice

Final Rating: project satisfaction

y = -0.0428x + 5.8279
6 R2 = 0.0167

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Project Choice Assigned

Courtesy of M.V. Martin, recent ME317 Instructor

ME310 20Oct2005 Note: final Grades vs project choice was similarly uncorrelated
So what about ME310?
Mark C’s anecdotal evidence:
• 2002
– Most popular=Toyota. result = Good.
– Least popular=Schick; result = Great.
• 2003
– Most popular = Intel; result = Great.
– Least popular = GM; result = Lincoln Best of
Program award.
• 2004
– Most popular=BMW (2) and VW (2); results =
Great/Very Good/Good
– Least popular=Schick; result = Very good.
ME310 20Oct2005
Project Preferences Advice

• Discuss with your team. Recognize that different

sub-groups within team may lean different ways. Be
• Welcome a chance to learn a new skill area
– Don’t just pick what you are comfortable with: stretch, learn
and come up with a more novel solution than the “experts”
– Consider picking a couple of different kinds of projects
among top few choices (e.g. automotive versus non-
• If you think your top choices will be hotly contested,
pick less likely ones as (agreeable) backups.
• Consider global/non-global preferences but don’t
make enrollment in ME310x a factor.
• Talk with TTeam members & coaches.
ME310 20Oct2005
Introduce and discuss projects
• Mark C. to be the emcee
– (Follow along in the brochure)
• Various TTeam members pick up & expand
(depending on which have been the primary
• Some liaisons here today for Q&A. TTeam
will meet with teams too.
• Other liaisons to meet with teams (after
project assignment) on Thurs. afternoon +

ME310 20Oct2005

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