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WALT analyze the NYC

High School Directory

book by using our
critical consumer skills

Question: How
can I use my
critical thinking
skills to choose
a high school
that will be a
right fit for

Goal Oriented

What are the goals of BASE?

What extracurricular activities are there?
How many students attend BASE?
Who are they looking for?

What are the goals of Bronx River High?

What extracurricular activities are there?
How many students attend BRHS?
Who are they looking for?


Who am I?

Hello my name is Ms. Arone I am 13 years old and

have to start applying to high schools. I really need
your help choosing 12 high schools out of hundreds.
Here are some things you should know about me.
1.) I play chess and am on the chess team.
2.) I am a special education student
3.) I have a processing disorder, but am just labeled
learning disabled
4.) I am a morning person and often wake up at 6am.
5.) My elementary and middle schools only had about
350 kids
6.) I like small classes
7.) I will need help, like tutoring
8.) I dont play sports
9.) I do play the oboe and violin
10.) My grades are good and my test scores are even
11.) My only bad grade is a C- in gym
12.) I live at home with my mom, dad and two sisters
13.) I am an excellent reader and enjoy books.
16.) I love writing
14.) The only language I speak is English
17.) I like taking state
15.) I have lived in New York state my entire life.
tests, but I hate
18.) I dont like to
travel far
19.) I like right by the
2 and 5 and BX12
20.) I would love to
get a paid summer

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