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The battle of Philippi

By: Brendan Haggerty

Pre battle info:

This battle took place from

October 3rd to October 23rd 42
The battle happened in ancient
Greece along the Via Egnatia.
The battle was the conspirators
vs the Romans.

Commanders and Armies:

- Brutus and Cassius (conspirators) had 17 legions, 17000 cavalry, and
about 83000 foot troops.
- Mark Antony and Octavia (Roman leaders) had 19 legions, 33000 cavalry,
and about 70000 foot troops.

What is a legion?
One legion consisted of 4800 men
broken into 10 Cohorts and 60
centuries. Each legion was
commanded by a legate. A legate
was aided by military tribunes. Each
century was led by a Centurion and a
sergeant with help from a Optia.


On march 15 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated. The two main conspirators

of his death were Brutus and Cassius. After Caesar died those two men fled
Rome avoiding death. Brutus and Cassius went east and took control of many
eastern provinces. While they had control of these eastern provinces they built
an army consisting of 100000 men. Brutus and Cassius knew they were going
to be looked after to be killed by the Romans. Mark Antony was the air to
Caesar and he wanted to avenge Caesars death. So with help from Octavian
Antony built an army to find Brutus and Cassius. Mark Antony finally found
Brutus and Cassius and avenged Caesars death. In order to avoid toucher
Brutus and Cassius committed suicide. The battle ended on October 23 42 BC.


About 9000 of Cassiuss troops were either killed of wounded.

About 18000 of Mark Antonys troops were either killed or wounded.

- Mark Antony did avenge Caesars death.

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