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By Dominic Prentice

The roman god Neptune said to be

the god of the seas and water. The god
Neptune is said to be carried around in a
clam shell chariot and always carrying a
trident with him.
He is also said to be the bringer of all
life on earth giving us rainwater.
Neptune was also said to be a god that
had serious anger and was not to be
provoked in any way or you would
receive consequences. He would start
tempests and earthquakes to reflect his

Neptune had two brothers Jupiter, and

Pluto. Jupiter is the king of all gods and is
also the god of the sky. Pluto is the god of
the underworld. It began with there
father, Saturn who ruled over them but
one day the three brothers took down
there father Saturn and split the world in
to three different parts to rule. This is
why each of them ruled their different
parts and why Romans worshipped them.

Neptune Falls in
One day when Neptune
was going about in the

sea he saw a water nymph Amphitrite. She was

dancing on the island of Naxos and he fell in love
with her. Neptune asked her to marry him but
Amphitrite refused and would not marry. Neptune
was not discouraged, and sent a dolphin to find
her. Once the dolphin found her it pleaded
Neptunes case so persuasively that it convinced
her to marry Neptune. Neptune then
immortalized the dolphin by placing it in the
heavens as the constellation Dolphinus.


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