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Test Your Knowledge and

A Christian needs to learn everything about every other belief
system, religion and cult in the world in order to win their
followers to Christ.
True or False

Religion can be defined as the service or worship of God or the

supernatural. True or False
The difference between Christianity and false beliefs and cults is
relationship instead of religion and religious works.
True or False

Cult leaders never claim to be Jesus or the Messiah.

True or False

Test Your Knowledge and

The Word of God is the answer to false religions and deception.
True or False

Buddha correctly identified the problem of humanity and he offered the right
True or False

The Muslim doctrine of corruption (tahrif) teaches that Jews and

Christians have corrupted their Scriptures and that is why the Bible and
the Koran do not agree.
True or False

The New Age view of God is that He is impersonal, omnipresent,

benevolent, and He wont hurt or condemn anyone.
True or False

Test Your Knowledge and

Which one of the following is the defining
question which separates Christianity from other
religions and cult groups?
Who is Jesus?
Where will you spend eternity?
How many commandments do you keep?
What holy book do you read?
Which day of the week is your day of worship?

Test Your Knowledge and

Which of these statements are true about
religious works?
Your religious works will never cover your sin.
Your religious works will never impress God.
You will never reach up to God with your religious
None of the above

Test Your Knowledge and

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of
a cult?
Cults usually have a strong and charismatic leader who
exercises control over the people.
Cults believe in the absolute authority of the Bible.
All cults have another Jesus; they claim to believe in
Jesus but He is not the Jesus from the Bible
Cults deny the doctrine of the Trinity or they distort it.
Cults have a changing theology.

Test Your Knowledge and

How do we protect ourselves from cults and
false teaching?
Stay filled with Gods Word and test every doctrine to
see if it agrees with the Bible.
Learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Stay away from anyone who is in a cult.
None of the Above

Test Your Knowledge and

Which of these statements is true about
A. There is no single founder of Hinduism.
B. It is one of the oldest of the worlds religions.
C. It is a changing religion.
D. It is really a family of religions with many complex
E. All of the above.

Test Your Knowledge and

Which of these statements is NOT true about
A. Buddhism has its beginnings in Hinduism
B. Buddha is the teacher and initiator of the Buddhist
C. Buddha wrote about Jesus because he was born many
years after Jesus lived on earth.
D. There are many varieties of Buddhism.
E. It is impossible to define Buddhism doctrinally.

Test Your Knowledge and

Which of these statements is NOT true about
A. Islam was founded by Muhammad and is based on
his teachings.
B. Islam has twenty pillars of faith.
C. Mohammed is not worshipped in Islam.
D. Mohammed propagated Islam through military
E. The Koran is the holy scripture for the Muslim.

Test Your Knowledge and

Which of these statements is true about New Age?:
A. The term, New Age, is based on astrology.
B. New Age is hard to define, as there is no hierarchy, no
doctrine, and they have no membership.
C. New Age teaching says mans basic nature is good
and it is divine.
D. None of the above.
E. A, B and C.

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief that there is no God.
A. Atheism
B. Mormons
C. Jehovahs Witness
D. Monotheism
E. Animism

Test Your Knowledge and

Their actual name is the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints.
A. Animism
B. Mormons
C. Jehovah Witness
D. Esotheric
E. Agnosticism

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief in the existence of individual spirits
that inhabit natural objects and phenomena.
A. Pantheism
B. Jehovah Witnesses
C. Animism
D. Monotheism
E. Esoteric

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief in more than one God.
A. Pantheism
B. Polytheism
C. Agnosticism
D. Esotheric
E. Monotheism

Test Your Knowledge and

Their official name is the watchtower bible and
tract society.
A. Mormons
B. Esoteric
C. Atheism
D. Jehovah Witnesses
E. Esoteric

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief in one God.
A. Pantheism
B. Polytheism
C. Agnosticism
D. Animism
E. Monotheism

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief that any ultimate reality (such as
God) is unknown and probably unknowable.
A. Pantheism
B. Polytheism
C. Agnosticism
D. Animism
E. Monotheism

Test Your Knowledge and

The belief that God is somehow one with the
created world/ the forces and laws of the
A. Pantheism
B. Jehovah Witnesses
C. Animism
D. Monotheism
E. Esoteric

Test Your Knowledge and

Something designed for or understood by the
specially initiated alone.
A. Pantheism
B. Jehovah Witnesses
C. Animism
D. Monotheism
D. Esoteric

Test Your Knowledge and

I have read in its entirety the book The Name
of Jesus, Legacy Edition by Kenneth E. Hagin.
True or False

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