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Grade & Section: Score:


Listen to the story
carefully then match the
possible effect in Column
II to the given cause in
Column I. Write the letter
of the correct answer.

The Fox and the Crow

A fox said to a crow with a piece of cheese between
its beak, If you can sing as prettily as you sit, then
you are the prettiest singer. The fox thought that once
the crow starts to sing, the cheese would drop from
her beak. But the crow carefully removed the cheese
with the cloves of one foot and said, They say you
are sly, but you cannot fool me. Not giving up, the
fox continued to praise the crow. You are really
about your talents but I have to go to look for food
because Im hungry.
Wait! called the crow quickly. Here, have a share of
my lunch while you listen as I tell about myself.
After a while, the fox, stroking his tummy and with a

Column I
1. The fox wanted the
crow to drop the
cheese from its beak
2. The crow carefully
took the cheese with
the cloves of one foot.
3. He said he wanted to
hear the crow tell
about her talents and
fame but he had to go
look for food.
4. The fox got the lions

Column II
A. The crow quickly
called the fox back to
have a share of her
B. The fox was so
C. The fox was already
stroking his tummy
with a smile on his
face as he bade the
crow goodbye.

Listen to the selection
carefully then analyze
what could happen next
from stories heard.
Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

5. Totoy needs a new school bag. He did

not have enough money to buy the bag.
Then he heard that their neighbor was
looking for a babysitter. It is safe to
guess that.
A. Totoy applied for the job.
B. Totoy spent the whole year without
a bag.
C. Totoy begged money to buy the bag.
D. Totoy cried in front of the store

6. The dogs were playing wildly in

the yard. Father drove them away.
However, the dogs ran towards the
patch of vegetables where they
continued lunging each other.
A. Father went on with his work.
B. Father got mad and stopped
working. C. They hit and damaged
the crops.
D. Father called a police to stop

7. It had not rained for months. The

rice lands had dried up. The crops
had started to die. The farmers were
getting worried.
A. They would plant better crops
B. They would beg rice from other
places. C. They knew there would be

8. The workers put on their hard hats.

The crane operator got into the cab
on the crane. He turned the engine
on. The heavy wrecking ball began to
swing back and forth on the metal
A. The race will start.
B. Everyone will walk away.
C. The engine will not work.
D. The old building will be knocked

9. On the crowded platform, a bell

begins to ring. People folded their
newspapers and closed their books.
They were getting up from their
seats and looking down the track.
A. The race will start.
B. A train will arrive in the
C. Everyone will walk away.

Read the sentences
carefully then answer
the following
questions. Write only
the letter of the correct

10. The ticket for the concert is

_________________ for the people to buy.
A. too rich
B. too long
C. too expensive D. too complicated
11. The lines in the script are _______________
for the pupils to memorize.
A. too short
B. too long
C. too wide
D. too heavy
12. Nancy, a 4-year old child is ________________
to go to school alone.
A. too old
B. too short
C. too young
D. too tiny

13. This apartment is ________________ for a

family of twelve members.
A. too close
B. too many
C. too small
D. too large
14. The lady is _________________to join the
beauty pageant.
A. beautiful enough B. brave enough
C. tall enough
D. wild enough
15. The climate is too _________________to
destroy the crops.
A. cold
B. windy C. rainy D. hot

16. My bestfriend is ________________ enough to

pass the interview.
A. responsible B. obedient
C. intelligent
D. enthusiastic
17. Our grouped watched the __________________
movie about the life of Flor Contemplacion.
A. two-hour
B. two-hours
C. two hour
D. two hours
18. The ________________ waterfalls at Valle
Verde Mountain Resort has attracted many
passers by.
A. mans made B. man made

19. The Barreto family constructed a fifteen-storey

condominium at the heart of the city. The underlined
word form their two-word adjective by
A. a number word and a singular noun
B. a number and a verb
C. an adjective and simple form of the verb
D. an adverb and a past participle form of the verb
20. Which sentence form the two-word adjective by an
adjective and simple form of the verb.
A. My mother told me to stay away from a strangelooking
B. Pop is well-dressed singer.
C. I received a finely-woven coat for a gift.

21. Filipino families value religion and moral

practices ____________ of all.
A. most
B. better C. much D. more
22. Our section is the __________ section in our year
level because of many academic contests we have
A. most smarter
B. more smartest
C. smarter
D. smartest
23. Sarah Geronimo enjoys performing on stage.
She is talented in singing and dancing. In fact she
can reach the higher notes more than anyone else
in our theater group. She can even sing the
__________ notes of a song without much effort.
A. high
B. highest

24. The fastest flashes of lighting move at

140,000 km per second. This sentence is what
degree of comparison of adjective?
A. positive
B. comparative
C. superlative D. Both A & B
25. Which sentence is in the superlative degree of
comparison of adjective?
A. The pike is younger than the carp.
B. Mayon Volcano is the more majestic than
C. I was the happiest when my friend
graduated with

26. Which phrase has the correct series of

A. strong two fair-skinned Italian
B. fair-skinned two strong Italian
C. two strong fairs- skinned Italian
D. strong Fair- skinned two Italian
27. It is indeed nice to own a ___________,

28. When Sarah performs on stage, her good

luck charm is a ___________,_____________,
_____________ handkerchief.
A. green, big, polka-dotted
B. polka-dotted, green, big
C. big, polka-dotted, green
D. big, green, polka-dotted
29. Jumbled the words to get the correct use
of adjective in a series in this phrase:

red dozen


Read the sentences
carefully then tell the
relationship expressed in
the selection. Write C
before the sentence that
is the cause and E for the

30. ______ The grass did not get any water.

______ As a result, the grass turned
31. ______ Her sister, Emma was sick last
______ As a result, she missed the picnic.
32. ______ Since the school is too far away
______ I dont go to school everyday

Fernando smelled smoke in the air. He looked

down the street and saw a fire blazing in the old
garage. I have to do something fast. He said to
Fernando knew that he could not fight the fire
himself. So he ran to the nearest phone. He
reported the fire. Soon a fire track was on the
way to the garage. By nine- thirty, fire fighters
from station 5 had put out the fire.
34. Fernando smells smoke into the air. What was the
A. He checked and saw a fire.

Two women paddling fake jewelry

practically jumped to their death when they
made a mistake of offering a ring to a
policemans daughter.
The two, Emerciano Cornicillo, 32, and
Milagros Santiago, 40, both of Mariveles,
Bataan Jail.
The two offered ring supposedly worth
P5000 for P450 to Marie Lopez, daughter of
Sgt. Lopez at the Mariveles Police Station.
They said they needed the money badly for
Cornicillos sick child. The daughter showed

35. What is the reason why the two women were

A. They were peddling fake jewelry
B. Selling fake drugs
C. Offering personal services.
D. Robbery
36. Which of the following sentences shows
cause-effect relationship?
A. Eduardo received an award because his
inventions were successful.
B. Eduardo tried to invent useful things
despite his

37. Thousands of deaths are recorded because of

devastating earthquake. Which of this sentence is
the effect?
A. Devastating earthquake
B. Thousands of death are recorded.
C. Recorded earthquake
D. Because of devastating earthquake
38. It rained hard yesterday morning, what do
you think will be the effect?
A. the street will be flooded
B. there is plenty of clouds in the sky
C. that is why it is dark at night
D. classes were suspended

39. Romeo found a small box. He wanted to

know what was in it.
A. Romeo opened the box and looked into
B. Romeo threw the box away.
C. Romeo gave it to his small brother.
D. Romeo will return the box.
40. Tony forgot to close the faucet before he
left the house.
A. Tony had to wash clothes.
B. The faucet will close automatically.
C. The house will have too much running

41. A band is playing in the plaza one early morning.

Many people are there. All of them are well dresses.
are standing around the flag pole. Two of them are
holding the string of the big flag.
A. The flag will be raised.
C. The flag will be
B. The flag will be changed.
D. The flag will be
42. Ymanoel is saying goodbye to his father and
mother. He is in uniform and neckerchief. He has a
heavy knapsack on his back. In a bus on the street
other boys at his age are waithing for him. Everybody
is in uniform like Ymanoel.

43. Carlos had eaten plenty of guavas when he got

home. What do you think could happen next?
A. Carlos will have a stomach ache.
B. Carlos stomach will be full.
C. Carlos will have a toothache.
D. Carlos will surely have bowel movement.
44. You and your friends are walking home from
school. Suddenly, a fast driving jeepney almost runs
over a kitten.
A. Youll kick the kitten aside and walk on.
B. Youll report the event to the police.
C. Youll express your shock, talk about it, and
walk on.

45. Your family arrived home late from a party. You

switched the lights on but no light came.
A. Your mother will scream with fright.
B. Your father will build a bonfire.
C. Your mother will exclaim, Whats the matter?
D. Your mother will get a kerosene lamp and light
46. It was the day of the fiesta. Mrs. Manansala gave
balloons as prizesin a painting contest. Lita painted a
picture of a dog riding a bicycle. What will Mrs.
Manansala say?
A. Lita better paint another picture.
B. Who drew it for you?

47. Friday is a special day in school. Many children

brought their pets to school for the pet show. Romy
brought his kitten. Amy brought her puppy. The others
brought pets, too. Mrs. Reyes said, We will have more
pet shows next year. Why will there be more pet
shows next year?
A. The children enjoyed the activity.
B. Only few pets were shown.
C. Friday is always a special day.
D. The school should have more activities for
48. Old man, why didnt you take the heavier chest?
We could have gotten twice as many jewels and gold.
You are silly to have chosen the smaller and lighter

49. The genie said, The stone from the date you
have eaten struck my son in the eye and killed
him. I will kill you as you have killed my son. The
genie was ___________.
A. just
B. powerful C. revengeful D. strong
50. The gardener suddenly slapped his knee, and
double up, shaking silently. The gardener is
A. crying
B. laughing C. shouting D.
51. That was a close fight and Im glad our team

52. Youre always late for work and

you dont even finish half of what you
are assigned to do. You might be
A. assurance B. threat
C. fear
D. plea
53. Say good morning to Sister.
Marie reminds her younger sister.
Marie wants her sister to be

Directions: Read the selection

carefully then write an ending to a
given selection. (54-56)
People in Barangay Malipayon are
busy preparing for something. Some
are cooking different kinds of food.
Others are entertaining their friends
and relatives. While banderitas are
hanging along the streets and a

Read the selection and
write a two to three point
outline on the spaces
below. Read the
paragraphs then complete
the outline that follows.

The legend of the lost world of

Atlantis has fascinated people for
thousands of years. The storyof an island
empire that sank into the sea after some
catastrophic event was first recorded by
Plato, the ancient Greek author. Modern
theories of what causes volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes suggest that
the idea of a large island sinking into the
Atlantic is highly unlikely. Scientists
today believe the lost civilization in

The explosion that destroyed this

civilization probably happened around 1450
B.C. The volcanic explosion must have been
truly enormous. An island 10 to 12 miles
across was turned in an instant from a 5000
foot peak into a lagoon. Such an explosion
could have sent a huge ash fall and a
massive tidal wave across the seventy
miles to Crete. The major city of Akrotiri
was completely buried by the eruption.
Archaeologists continue to find artifacts
that suggest much of Crete was buried by

Title: (57)___________________________

I. The Legend of Atlantis

A. (58)_______________________________________________
B. Scientists remain skeptical
A. (60)______________________________________________
B. Archaeologists continue to find buried cities
1. Crete may have been demolished by tidal

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