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Humans and animals have bones to provide support

and structure. While plants don't have bones, they do

contain a variety of structural cells that have
different compositions and functions. In this lesson,
we'll be taking a look at collenchyma cells, which
help plants stay standing.
Collenchyma cellsare elongated cells with
irregularly thick cell walls that provide support and
structure. Their thick cell walls are composed of the
compounds cellulose and pectin. These cells are
often found under theepidermis, or the outer layer
of cells in young stems and in leaf veins.

Therefore, they provide flexible

support without restraining
growth. At functional maturity,
collenchyma cells are living and
flexible, elongating with the stems
and leaves they support. Grouped
in strands or cylinders,
collenchyma cells help support
young parts of the plant shoot.
Different types in collenchyma
cells are classified according to the


Collenchymacell have thicker primary

walls than parenchyma cell, though the
walls are unevenly thickened. Young
stems and petioles often have strands
of collenchyma cells just below their
epidermis. Collenchyma cells lack
secondary walls, and the hardening
agent lignin is absent in their primary


Sclerenchyma,any of
various kinds of hard, woody
cells that serve the function
of support in plants. Mature
sclerenchyma cellsare dead
cells that have heavily
thickened walls containing

many different shapes and sizes,

but two main types occur:fibres
and sclereids. Fibres are greatly
elongated cells whose long,
tapering ends interlock, thus
providing maximum support to a
plant. They can be found almost
anywhere in the plant body,
including the stem, the roots, and
the vascular bundles in leaves.
Sclereidsare extremely variable in
shape and are present in various
tissues of the plant such as the


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