Ogr Piece 1

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Jess Bennett

'From Script To Screen'

It starts with a pirate walking on the sand, where a map comes out of nowhere. It flies into his face, he
looks at it. The map shows a x marks the spot. Showing him a temple surrounded by cacti. He travels by
foot to the start of the temples path. The path is surrounded each side of cacti. Small, large, fat and
skinny types of cacti. He is at the entrance of the temple, and enters with ease.
The temple has a large exterior, its grand and well designed. He enters and the interior is corroded and
falling apart. Its full of broken pillars and overgrown from the nature of the outside coming in. When at
the room full of what he thinks is where the treasure is hidden. He enters to see a cactus in a pot
perfectly placed on a small pillar. With one light from a hole in the ceiling. He takes the cactus praying
that it might be magical. When he touches it he is warped into a cactus and is teleported to the line up
of the cacti that are aliened in a row. The temple then disappears. This adventure was just a dream
from a boy asleep in his bed.

The premise of my story

A Pirate finds a map of a temple in the dessert, showing him where the treasure is. But what he doesnt
know that it isnt treasure he is looking for but something else.

The outline
A pirate comes across a map that flies into his face. He looks at it and shows him where x marks
the spot
He finds the start of the trail where cacti surround the path on each side.
At the end of the trail there is a temple built into the rock. He enters discovering that it is
unoccupied and destroyed.
He comes across the room where he thinks the treasure is. To discover that there is only a potted
cactus with a glow from the hole in the ceiling.
He touches it to then get warped into a cactus where he is surrounded by many more
He is still him and sees that the temple is disappearing into nothing.
There is then a shake and wakes up from his dream. A boy in his room woken up from a nightmare.

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