The Classical Period Final

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The Classical

BY: Omar, Ghaith, Karl, Zaid and Amin

The Classical period was a turning point in music
revolutionized instruments to more precise and
accurate chords, music was changing for the
better. From 1750 to the 1800s composers and
compositions became more organized and
structured. Opera and oratorio might have been
existent before but they also moved to a whole
new level. The most famous composers of all time
played major roles in the classical period, and
without the emphasis of proportion on balance
music would not be the as it is today.

Classical Period

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756 Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart spent his early years
watching his family members playing the piano
and as he grew up he began to play it himself.
It was very evident that he was talented as he
could write amazing music at a very young
age. During his youth his family went on
journey round Europe where he continued to
build on his skills. After all this Mozart was
employed by the ruler of Salzburg to write
music. His life was all tribute to music and he
came out with a number of very impressive
compositions like The marriage of Figaro and
the Mass in C.

Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn was also another Austrian
composer who played a major role in
revolutionizing music. Not only was he a
friend and mentor of Mozart but also a
teacher of Beethoven. Born in 1732
Rohrua Austria a small village near the
border of Hungary. Haydns talents in
music were noticed by his parents he was
an excelling singer during his young age
but as he matured he could no longer sing
choral parts. Haydn had many setbacks
during his lifetime but they did not stop
him at all. He ended up writing fantastic

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven was a German composer
that was born in 1770. He was a controversial
piece of the classical period from creating his 9
symphonies to his Emperor Concerto. He was
taught by Haydn and established a huge name
for himself. The German composer went on to
establish his career until he lost his hearing.
This was a major setback but even though he
could not hear he still managed to continue in
writing great pieces of music becoming a role
model for the next generation of musicians.

Typical Compositions
The reconstructing of music.

Opera was drama set to music,
acted and sung by soloists and a
chorus. Even though it was very
similar to the baroque period there
was a more technical improvement
which was in the structure which
made it sound more like actual
music. Don Giovanni by Mozart is a
perfect example of this.

Oratorio was large scale religious work sung by a choir a
group of soloists or an orchestra. This was also very similar
to the Baroque but the precision and scale grew a lot more.
An example of this was the Mass in C by Mozart.

Symphonies are pieces of music
played by a full orchestra often in
movement is serious. The second
movement is slow and sad. The
third movement is light hearted
and fun ( usually the longest
movement is fast. An example of
this would be Beethoven's 9

String Quartet
The string quartet is a beautiful piece
of music which usually consists of 4
instruments. The instruments were 2
violins, 1 viola and 1 cello, these four
instruments build up the string quartet.
The string quartet was a completely
new type of composition not found in
the renaissance or baroque periods.
The romantic and 20th century periods
also had the string quartet but it was
not as famous. A main composer of this
type of music was Beethoven who also
wrote the knights of Cydonia.

A concerto is a piece of music of
music for a full orchestra and
one soloist. It was like an
argument where the talk back to
each other in three movements.
A good example of this was the
emperor piano concerto by

So what was the classical period
really about?

What do we think About the Classical

The classical period was a
period in which music was
restructuring to resizing. Music
was changed forever and it
wouldnt be the same as it was
today. The new instruments
also allowed further doors to be
opened where the limits to
creativity were endless. No
matter who you are or where

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