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Territories of Culture

Territories of Culture:

Local Culture
A group of people in a particular place who
see themselves as a collective or a community,
who share experiences, customs and traits, and
who work to preserve those traits and customs
in order to claim uniqueness and to distinguish
themselves from others.

2 Goals of Local Culture

Keeping other cultures out.
Keeping their own culture in.

Local Culture
Acceptance vs. Rejection of popular culture
Impact on the landscape
Nonmaterial Culture
Material Culture

Establishment of neighborhoods, construction of

places of worship and community centers.

Rural Local Culture

- Migration into rural areas is less frequent.
- Can better separate their culture from others
and from popular culture.
- Can define their own space.
- Daily life may be define by a shared economic

Philippine Local Culture

Japan Local Culture

China Local Culture

Global Culture
- Dominant belief and norms practiced
and accepted globally.

Classifications of Global Culture:


Identity has intense emotional lies.

Cultural attachment is bound in tradition.
Mass marketing & pop culture is no threat.
No common pool of memories.
No common global way of thinking.

Limitations of Global Culture:

- Global culture is much more advance
some parts of the world than others.


- Many can not afford to participate in the

material aspects.
- Different people attribute different meaning
to various aspects of global culture.

Flows of Global Culture:

- Global Economy
- Global Communication
- Global Migration

Global Culture Examples:

Global Culture Examples:

National Culture
Is a useful way to define the boundaries of a
Is a useful way to bound and measure
culture for conduct of business.
Transcends local culture.

Classifications of National Culture:

Culture and Nation are not synonymous.
National and cultural boundaries overlap partially,
and there will be cultural differences in almost all
To make things simpler, however scholars have
created cultural typologies that try to describe
cultural boundaries and desribe them to national

Theories of National Culture:

Relationship to Authority
Conception of Self
Modes of Conflict Resolution

National Culture Examples:

National Culture Examples:


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