Presentation 1

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What is a GIS?
Geographic: the output is related to geographic
Information: There is some data
System: Hardware, software, users, methods and

What can I do with ARCGIS

What is meant by ArcGIS

Product of ESRI (US)
Price range from 1500-3500$ depending on the license
ArcGIS = ArcCatalog + ArcMap + ArcToolbox

Some Terminology before we start

Projection (see next slide)

In ArcGis we mainly have 2 types of

Vector Data
Raster Data

Data types in ArcGIS

Vector Data
Points, lines, polygones

ArcGIS uses three different implementations of the vector

model to represent feature data: coverages, shapefiles, and

Raster data
Raster data includes images and grids. Images, such as
aerial photograph, a satellite image, or a scanned map,
often used for generating GIS data.

ArcCatalog lets you find, preview,
document, and organize
geographic data and create sophisticated
geodatabases to store that data
You can create personal geodatabases on
your computer and use tools in ArcCatalog to
create or import feature classes and tables.

Make a connection
This will create a
Connection to your working
to green valley
And display arcmap

Left Tab
Creating and deleting
Database vs Folder
Right Tab, content, preview (both tables and
geographical), Metadata
Table View
Some menus

ArcMap lets you create and interact with maps. In
you can view, edit, and analyze your geographic data.
You can symbolize your data in a wide variety of ways
You can create charts and reports to communicate your
understanding with others.
You can lay out your maps i

First window , Blank map

Add elements
Move around
Book marks
Attrib tables
Find feature

ArcToolbox is a simple application containing many GIS
tools used for geoprocessing.
Simple geoprocessing tasks are accomplished through
form-based tools.

More complex operations can be done with the aid of


ArcMap Tools
1 Exploring the map (el tool bar)

Find feature (zoom to )

2- add layer water use (both layer and grom geodatabase
3- book marks , scales
3.5 Label Features . Beyond zoom displaying , Label features scale range
Display features, colors , lines and others
3- Symbology according to diameter (use Washignton example from Lynda for population).
Drawing features
To add attribs , we use select feature , and you have to be in editing mode

Data sets and Personal Geodatabase

5- Map layout overview


Drawing features

Add new shape file for roads if you like

To create to new data set

Create a new geodatabse, re name buildings for example

Create a new Feature class set to include your own data
Add attributes
Use Basemap to draw buildings
Add attributes
This is tedious work , for the rest of the project we will use ready maps
For your own project you might have to get the ready maps or you need to draw
it yourself

What tasks are invovlved in ArcGIS

1- Showing the geographic distribution of data
2- Querying GIS data
3- Overlaying different layers
4- Doing a complex analysis

Planning a project
Step 1: Identify your objectives
The first step of the process is to identify the objective of the analysis. You should consider
the following questions when you are identifying your objectives:
What is the problem to solve? How is it solved now? Are there alternate ways to solve it
using a GIS?
What are the final products of the project reports, working maps, presentation-quality maps?
Who is the intended audience of these products the public, technicians, planners, officials?
Will the data be used for other purposes? What are the requirements for these?
This step is important because the answers to these questions determine the scope of the
project as well as how you implement the analysis

Step 2: Create a project database

The second step is to create a project database.
Creating the
project database is a three-step process. The steps are
designing the database, automating and gathering data
the database, and managing the database

Step 3: Analyze the data

The third step is to analyze the data. Analyzing data in a
GIS ranges from simple mapping to creating complex
spatial models. A model is a
representation of reality used to simulate a process,
an outcome, or analyze a problem .

Step 4: Present the results

The fourth step is to present the results of your analysis.
Your final product should effectively communicate your
findings to your audience. In most cases, the results of a
GIS analysis can best be shown on a map

Planning a simple project

During the remaining of our time, we will plan a small
project where we will find the best site to construct a
new Wastwater treatement plant. We will illustrate the 4
steps of planning the project as we go.
Well be using the maps of a fictious city called

Step 1: Objectives
A wastewater plant is needed, determining the site is controversial. Thus an analysis is needed.
The city council decided the following criteria to be taken in consideration:
Below 365 meters in elevation, to minimize pumping costs.
Outside of the floodplain, to avoid spillage during storms
Within 1,000 meters of the river, to minimize pipeline
construction for treated water that is discharged
At least 150 meters from residential property and parks,
to minimize the impact on the City residents

In addition, to further reduce construction costs, the City

would prefer that the site be:
Within 1,000 meters of the main wastewater junction (within 500 meters is considered even
more suitable)
Within 50 meters of an existing road
The plant will also require a total of at least 150,000 square
meters in area.

Step 2 : database design

Step 3 Analyse the data

The analysis consists of three phases.

In the first phase, youll create a layer of the areas the plant
should be outside of and another layer of the areas the plant
should be within.
In phase two, youll use these layers to select a subset of
parcels that are in a suitable location. You will then select the
subset of these that are vacant to create a layer of suitable
In the third phase, youll consider the City additional
criteria that define the highly suitable parcels. Youll find
the suitable parcels within 50 meters of a road and those
within 500 and 1,000 meters of the wastewater junction,
then tag them with the appropriate codes so they can be
identified on the map.

Step 4: Present the results

During project planning you should consider the
and audience for your final products. For this project,
youll present the results of the analysis on a
presentation quality map that shows the parcels that
are suitable and
highly suitable sites. The map will be presented to a
general audience at a public meeting

Copy the originials
Create a connection
Create a personal Geodatabase for our results (WaterProject)
Create Folders (City_layers, Analysis)
Copy Parks from Project and make a copy in our personal
Geodatabase (explain why)
(Only create no add yet) (optional step) Create layers for streets and
flood area (or add them directly, we already have copy of the data ,
so it is not very important)

Look around and create thumbnails

Run arc map
Have ArcCatalog in Background
Add Data (Parcel 1 and parcel 2 first to add, as they determine the Cordination
system) (two ways to add data in ArcMap , drag and drop or + Add data yellow
Add the rest
City junction
Legend colors, sympols and arrange order

Add the river (talk a little about coordination systems)

Add the Elevation data
Low land (and how to fix such problems)
Change elevation colors (use red and blue),
transparency 50
Right click Save as layer (this is to save our settings for
future use)
Save map Wastewater
15 minutes Break

A little about meta data

Options to increase extent of data
Use metadata to determine projection type in Spatial (for elevation and
lowland , we use parks as reference)
For lowland we used a defined projection data , prosperities and
Coordination system select predefined (use ArcCatlog and import the state
coordination system)
Adjust the coordination system for River GCS_North_ 83, then project (tool
data management) to new shape file (the projection step is to redraw the
file), river02prj.shp
For the river , You can use both Define Project and Project later and then export to
Geo database * this whole step is not necessary my opinion with version 10.2.2

Next well deal with editing the park to add a new park to old version
Start a new map add the old parks and the planned park
Add Pakrs and parcels 2 , go full extent add streets
Overview (to do two screens at one and find allighnemnt) the overview
window display the layer you had when you opened it
Zoom to TIF
Open overview both, search (Menu find) Peacock for example in street
in name
Zoom to layer , label features

You can uncheck parcels now after zoomin to same extent as

Lining the image to the map is georeferecing we need 3 kinds of
infomariont (rotating, scaling and warping ) View toolbar
Use magnifier
Use fit to display to get approximate ,then add points using
magnifier and the two locations
Start right, left (click the image first then on the map (Marker
crosshair first drag and dont click again unitl you are the right site)
Do the 3 points then close

Uncheck streets, recheck parcels

Editor start editing choose parks as layert
Create feature and add the new park
Add attirbutes after finish
To Merge parcel 1 and 2 Geoprocessing Merge

Anaylsis for selecting the area

First step determining the area in which the plant can be, remember
the 2 conditions :
Create a 1,000-meter buffer around the river
Overlay the river buffer and the lowland layer
Tools buffer create a 1000 meter buffer (dissolve , and explain round()
Add the Low land
Process Intersect , add the 2 and save the new intersection layer this is
the area that it should lie within (low_river) ,,,

Next we will create a layer for the area that the plan
cant lie within
Why ???
(areas within 150 meters of parks and residential
and within the flood zone). Youll create a 150-meter
around parks. Then select the residential parcels from
parcel layer and create a 150-meter buffer around
Youll then combine the two buffer layers and combine

Well break that into steps

Buffer the parks to 150 meters.
Select the residential parcels.
Buffer the residential parcels to 150 meters.
Overlay the parks and residential buffers.
Overlay the combined park and residential buffer layer
with the flood zone layer.

From Parks polygen, create buffer 150 park02buffer

Now for the parecels buffer we want only the residential
not all features, for that we get the code from the
metadata (List of values)
You might need to change metadata option to FDGC

Select by attribute (make new selection, explain the

menu), Landuse = 510 (query)
Buffer the selected at 150
Union the two
Add the flood and union respark_flood

Now we have 2 layers. To set our final layer

we will use these layers (low_river and respark_flood) in a series of selections to
eliminate the unsuitable parcels, creating a final layer of
suitable parcels
We will select the parcels outside the bad area,,, then intersect these with the good area to find the suitable location

We will use Select by location to create our query

We select the parcel01mrg to select from, and intersect with the respark_flood
These are bad parcels
While selected, right lcick the parce01mrg layer and selection , inverse selection, this will select all others
At any point you create a new layer to save the result of selection but I wont do to keep it neat
Next while still selected we will intersect with the low_river area, these are good ones full fill the whole criteria
Select form parcel01mrg, from the already selected (not new selection) , have their center in (this mean more than 50% lie
within intersection area) , from low_river
You can create a layer but I wont :D

Next we will select the parcel that is vacant,,, remember the numbers we saved earlier
Select by attrib from the currently selected where LANDUSE = 700 AND LANDUSE <= 799

Now we will export to a shape file , right click Data export parcel02sel

Were almost done

To make a final decision on the location of the

treatment plant, the City Council wants to know which
suitable parcels are within 50 meters of a road and
500 and 1,000 meters of the main wastewater junction.
These will be considered the highly suitable parcels.
There are simpler way to do it, but I want to cover a bit
complicated method so that we can cover more tools of
the ArcGIS software

Here are the steps youll perform:

1. Add two fields to the parcel02sel attribute table to hold
the distance values: ROAD_DIST and JUNC_DIST.

2. Assign distance from roads.

Select the parcels within 50 meters of a road.
Assign a value 50 to the ROAD_DIST field for the selected parcels in the parcel02sel attribute table.

3. Assign distance from the wastewater junction.

Buffer the junction to 500 and 1,000 meters.
Select the 1,000-meter buffer and use it to select the parcels within 1,000 meters of the junction.
Assign a value of 1,000 to the JUNC_DIST field for the selected parcels in the parcel02sel attribute
Select the 500-meter buffer and use it to select the parcels that fall within 500 meters of the
Assign a value of 500 to the JUNC_DIST field for the
selected parcels.

Select parcel02selc and Open attrib table add field (option up) ROAD_DIST and
We will use streets layer to find the parcels wihting 50 meters
Uncheck all, keep streets and the parcel2sel only
Select by location , not intersection choose within a distance of 50 from streets
Assign the values to the attib table 50 to road idst (field calculator , select colomn
Road_dist = 50

Add two buffers 500 and 1000 from the junction , make them transperent
Select by location , have their centroid within the selection (or junctionbuffer)
Assign the value in the attrib tables after enabling editing
Do 1000 then 500,,, why?

Lastly we need to check the area, remember we need

150 000m2
Parsel attrib table , descending order , no result
Try identify tool , and ttry to select mutlitple adjacent
parcels, since we dont have many, we try to find
adjacent ones with good area
Select 4 adjacent , open attrib table, and stastics
Check the data on the elft


Presenting our Result

Switch to Layout
Copy the layers , paste and rename
CityOverview , Best site and .
Cityoverview let only streets and River buffer
We want only to display main streets (D.C define query(
Type 3 4 and major , 5 are small streets , build the query
Change display too
Add elevation

Do the study area now

The study area show parcels merged and the suitable are parsel

The study area contains the map , colirize as you wish

Add the buffers and use the Draw Toolbar

Optional , if we got time we will

cover this
Add another map, colorizing the best suited site depending on
there distance form the Roads and junction.
-Less than 500 meters from the junction and less than
50 meters from a road (junc_dist = 500 and road_dist = 50)
-Less than 500 meters from the junction but more than
50 meters from a road (junc_dist = 500 and road_dist = 0)
-500 to 1,000 meters from the junction and less than
50 meters from a road (junc_dist = 1000 and road_dist =
-500 to 1,000 meters from the junction but more than
50 meters from a road (junc_dist = 1000 and road_dist = 0)
-More than 1,000 meters from the junction but less than
50 meters from a road (junc_dist = 0 and road_dist = 50)

In the new data set , past the maps,

Select all parcels within ROAD_DIST > 0 OR JUNC_DIST > 0 assign
them to a new layer
Caterogries explain Unique and not uniqe and what we want
We need two values , create all values list and colorize
For each set use two shades of the same color
Label features (in properites label we can use different item to label)

Creating a report
View report create report
Select layer , watch our for the data set
Select the attirbs,,, Junk, area and apn

For Grouping lets use the Junk as it makes more sense

Sorting, area descending
From view you can load edit if mlazze2 and then add to the

Select the data set, switch to data view on the overview

Properities , rectangle extent, based on the study area
Keep modifying till satisfied
You can add all other elements as you wish
Scale bars
And titles
North arrows

Well Done :D ! Your project is Finished

Youre ArcGIS certified Now :D !

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