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Chapter 2:


Related Literature

Is composed of discussion of
Facts and Principles to which the
present study is related

These materials are usually printed and found in

books, encyclopedias, professional journals,
magazines etc.

Example :
The ideas of the author
must be stated and surname
of the author and the year of
publication of his book.

Related Studies
Studies, inquiries or investigation
already conducted to which the
present proposed study is relate or
has some bearing or similarity. They
are usually unpublished materials
such as manuscripts , theses, and

The Review should discuss the following:

Status of the Problem/topic under

Relation to the general and specific
objectives and pertinence to the stated
Illustrate theoretical approaches to the
problem/s and points out
inconsistencies in results, data gaps,
and methodological inadequacies

Dos Related Literature and Studies :

1.Discussion should be in topical

arrangement (Thematic)
2.Arrange resources from general to
particular according to topics
3.Highlight significant points in
establishing arguments

4. Use the findings of related studies to

strengthen the arguments and so with the
literature that are found to have bearing
with the present study being conducted
A. Related means that studies previously
conducted have bearing with the present
study in terms of concept, subjects,
methodology, instruments etc.

B. There may be at least a minimum of 10 literature

1)According to UNICEF, one hundred fifty (150) out of every one thousand (1000) births are to adolescent girls
aged fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) globally (Brown 2012).

2)In the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), they got a result showing that one in ten young
Filipino women age fifteen (15) to nineteen (19) have begun childbearing. The eight percent (8%) are already
mothers and another two percent (2%) are pregnant with their first child. Among young adult women age
twenty (20) to twenty four (24), forty three percent (43%) are already mothers and four percent (4%) are
pregnant with their first child.

3)Sex education is no a mere list of dos and donts. As the child grows into adolescence, there is an upsurge of
sexual drives and desires that feeling that need of the adolescent and to understand one that has to be
explained and clarify. In this kind of pornographic environment we have today, it is imperative that the young
have their questions answered and curiosity about sex satisfied from the right sources (Vivus, 1998).
4)This study focuses on the educational development of a teenager who experienced early pregnancy. A study
abroad found out that teenage parents drop out of school because of lack of transportation between their
homes, daycare, and the school for both them and their children (Mangino, 2008).

5. Limit discussion to 25 pages

5)The gap between teenage mothers aspirations and the support they receive suggests that educators
are missing an opportunity to facilitate teenage mothers school progress and their long-term educational
attainment (Smith-Battle, 2007).
6)Zachry (2005) identified the importance of school programs focused on helping with the caring for a
child; these programs often meant the difference between dropping out and continuing in school.
Foreign countries developed policy framework and programs that allow teenage mothers to continue
with the education that are fairly recent in most cultures.
7)This began out of the realization that teenage pregnancy is one of the inequalities between men and
women educational access and outcome (Lloyd and Mensch, 2008).
8)Education is central to developing a girls capabilities, empowering her, promoting awareness and critical
thinking, enabling her to claim all other human rights and make more informed decisions (Sen, 1999).
9)Educating girls is the key to ensuring improved mother and child health, community development and
economic growth and enables them to access better and safer employment (Herz and Sperling, 2004).

10)The social cognitive model is concerned with ways in which mental representations o f
social events, societal, and cultural norms, and personal characteristics influence
behavior, reasoning, emotion, and motivation. Specifically, the approach addresses
acknowledgment, self and social goals, mental representations of self and others, and the
role of social facilitation in decision-making, memory, and judgment (Bandura, 1986,


Limit discussions to 25 pages.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Studies

1. Summarize the review
2. Highlights the similarities and differences of the studies
conducted and how these findings support the present study.
3. Limit discussion to one to two pages.
4. Discuss the inconsistencies and vagueness of the findings of the
studies previously conducted.
5. Present the difference of the present study being conducted in
terms of the respondents, areas being studied or the variables of
the study, methodology use, scope and limitations of the studies.
6. Limit the discussion to one and a half pages.



is logically structured
representations of the concepts,
variables and relationships
involved in a scientific study with
the purpose of clearly identifying
what will be explaines,
examined,measured or described.


how you conceptualize the nature of

your research problem.its basis and the
analysis you will choose to investigate the
problem and determines how you
perceive,make sense of,and interpret
your helps the reader understand
your perspective and context.

Provides a background that supports

your investigation and offers the reader
a justification for your study of a
particulr research includes
the variables you intend to measure
and the relationships you seek to

Why is theoretical framework important?

It helps you to clarify your implicit

theory in a manner that is more clearly

Serves 2 purpose
1.)Shows how your research fits into what
is already known(Relationship to existing
theory and research).
2.)Shows how your research makes a
contribution on the topic to the field.

To determine:
-it includes defining key terms
from your problem statement and
research questions/hypotheses.


Provides scientific justifications for your shows that your
research is not just comingout of the
bluebut it is both grounded in and
based on scientific theory.


Theoretical Background

section of the chapter will discuss the theoretical background of our

research. In this research, Social-Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura will

serve as a guide.
Based on the research, social cognitive theory emphasizes behavior,
environment, and cognition as the key factors in development. The social
cognitive model is concerned with ways in which mental representations o f
social events, societal, and cultural norms, and personal characteristics
influence behavior, reasoning, emotion, and motivation. Specifically, the
approach addresses acknowledgment, self and social goals, mental
representations of self and others, and the role of social facilitation in
decision-making, memory, and judgment (Bandura, 1986, 1992).

One of the core concepts of this theory is Bandura's reciprocal determinism. Reciprocal determinism

believes that a person's behavior both influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social
environment. As an adolescent who experienced early pregnancy, her social environment can affect her
decision on continuing, delaying or discontinuing her education aside from her personal decisions.

Based on the literatures we reviewed, social environment was cited as a factor that can affect an

individuals behavior in a certain matter. In this study, the researchers adapted the core concept of
Sikolohiyang Pilipino, kapwa. Kapwa is defined as recognition of shared identity or an inner self shared
with others. There are two categories under kapwa, the ibang tao (outsider) and hindi ibang tao (one of
us). In this research, we would like to know if the interaction with ibang tao and hindi ibang tao can affect
the adolescents values as an individual to her education continuity.


- A conceptual framework is an
analytical tool with several
variations and contexts. It is used to
make conceptual distinctions and
organize ideas.
Strong conceptual frameworks
capture something real and do this
in a way that is easy to remember.

- Economists use the conceptual
demand" to distinguish between
the behavior and incentive
systems of firms and consumers.
Like many conceptual
frameworks, supply and demand
can be presented through visual

Discuss the concept of the study

based on the statement of the
Discuss the variables of the study,
extent of the study, purpose of
the study, etc.
Discuss relationship of the
Limit discussions to two pages.
Provide a model illustration


- Terms are
conceptually and
operationally defined
for better
understanding of the

Definition of Terms (separate

1. Provide two types of definition of terms;
conceptual and operational (how the
terms we used in the study);
2. Provide operational definition if the terms
to be used will not be limited to its
conceptual definition;
3. Provide a note if a particular definition
was taken from a book or other
documentary sources.

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