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Twenty ways to become the

happiest human being

kfpo;r;rpahf tho topfs; ,UgJ

Presented by
L. Raja, M.A.M.L.

1. Be Little Selfish!

rpwpjsNt Raeythjpahf ,U

Look after your health , appearance

and make self image as positive man;

cdJ cly; epiyia ghJfhj;Jf;nfhs;>

kw;wth;fis <h;f;Fk; Kfg;ghtidNahL ,U>
vjidAk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; kdpjdha; ,U.

2.Learn To let Go at loss !

vjidAk; ,of;ff; fw;Wf;nfhs;

Discard negative emotion generated

by the loss and learn to move on.

vijNah ,oe;J tpl;Nlhk; vd;w

vjph;kiw czh;T nfhs;shky; Kide;J

Kd;Ndw Kaw;rp nra;.

3.Teach yourself to trust !

jd; kPJ ek;gpf;if itf;ff; fw;Wf;nfhs;.

Leave and scroll out suspicion

between one and all

xUth; kPJ kw;nwhUth; re;Njfg;gLtij
tpl;L tpL.

4.Express Gratitude
ed;wpia ntspg;gLj;J

Appreciate the gesture of some one

does good for you

xUth; jkf;F ed;ik nra;jhy; mjid ghuhl;lj;

5.Slow down mistakes

jtWfis Fiwj;Jf;nfhs;
Stop making the mistakes again

xUKiw nra;j jtWfis kWgbAk;


6.Tiny touch and Go!

kdij <h;f;Fk; tifapy; nray;gL

Amidst busy , one tiny touch to some one

you care for.

vt;tsT gzpr;Rik ,Ue;jhYk; ckf;F

Kf;fpakhdth;fis mbf;fb kdjhy;

7. Listen with Your Heart !

vijAk; ,ja g+h;tkhff; ftdp

Hear with attention of every words spoken

xUth; NgRk;NghJ xt;nthU thh;j;ijiaAk; ftdkhff;

8.Have a hopeful Confidence !

KO ek;gpf;ifNahL ,U.
You win some and lose some but
confidence will inspire you
rpy Neuq;fspy; ntw;wpAk;> rpy
Njhy;tpAk; Vw;glyhk;> Mdhy;
ek;gpf;ifia ck;ik Cf;fg;;gLj;Jk;.

9.Keeping Shut Up !
mikjp fhj;jpL
More charm in keeping peace if temper
is running high !
Nfhgk; tUk;NghJ mikjpahf ,Uf;f

10.Stop being a control break!

vy;yhtw;iwAk; fl;LgLj;jpl

We can not control every thing but find the

right balance.
vy;yhtw;iwAk; fl;LgLj;JtJ fbdk;> mjdhy; rkkhd
epiyapy; ele;Jnfhs;s gofNtz;Lk;;

11.Count at distress!
cd;id fl;LgLj;j vz;iz vz;Zf.

Count 1,2,3,4,5 with concentartion before

you make an important decision or lose

Kf;fpa KbTfs; vLf;Fk;NghJ

czh;r;rp tag;glhky; ,Uf;f
1> 2> 3> 4> 5 vd vz;fis

12.Compliment Others!
kw;wth;fis kjpj;jy; !
Recognise some ones best will make
you a better person.

ek;ik rpwe;j eguhf mq;fPfhpf;f

kw;wth;fis kjpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

13.Enjoy Music !
,irapy; kaq;F
Listen to music brings an instant smile,
,irapy; <LghL nfhz;lhy; Gd; rpupg;NghL

14.Cry your eyes out !

Jd;gq;fis fiuf;f ePf;f fz;zPh; tpL

De stressing as really good

tha;tpl;L mOjhy; Neha; tpl;L NghFk;.

15.Extend Help !
gpwUf;F cjtp nra;.

Go ahead and extend your hand that

would lead to a positive out come

cdJ Kah;r;rpahy; gpwUf;F ed;ik
gpwf;Fkhapd; clNd cjtp nra;tjw;F jaq;fhNj.


mayhu; kPJ rpwpJ re;Njfk; it
Kfk; njhpahjth;fis KOJk; ek;gptplhNj

17.Grow a Garden !
tPl;Lj; Njhl;lj;ij cUthf;F.
Taking care of plants makes to feel
responsible for a life.

tPl;L Njhl;lk; mikj;J mjid urpj;J

kdjpy; kfpo;r;rp nfhs;.

18.Be merry always !

vg;NghJk; kfpo;r;rpahf ,U.

Eat a comfort food

Have a comfortable mood
Celebrate if you feel it so
NghJkhd czit cl;nfhs;>
ey;y kdepiyia vg;NghJk; itj;jpU.
kfpo;r;rp jUtjhapd; nfhz;lhL.

19.Non compromised Sleep !

epk;kjpahd J}f;fk; Ntz;Lk;
8 hours of sleep restores you more

effectively than all those multivitamins you take.

8 kzpNeuk; jilapy;yh J}f;fk; rj;jhd czit
cz;gjw;Fr; rkk;.

20.Just Do It !
KbAk; nra;J fhl;L.

Impossible is nothing and do which you

feel it right and just do it success ,
then bound to follow.

KbahjJ vJTk; ,y;iy>

rhpnad fUJtij clNd nra;JKb>
ntw;wp cd;idj; NjbtUk;.

vy;. ,uh[h. vk;.V. vk;.vy;.

,iz ,af;FeH;
khepy Cuf tsh;r;rp epWtdk;>
kiwkiy efH

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