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By America Cruz

Who am I?

My name is
My name is America Cruz
I am 14 years old
I am bilingual!
Something Interesting about me is that my family can be
traced back to Spain

My Family

My Family

My goal for HAIS is to graduate with my associates and at
least a 4.0 GPA
Another goal is to travel at least twice somewhere outside
the United States.
Me with honor roll in elementary

Career and Studies

Goals for the Future
Career is going to be somewhere in the branch of education
I would like to go all the way for my doctorate
I would love to teach at least one year in a high school
My expectations for HAIS is to challenge me/ help me with my
Goals for this year are to pass my classes with As
Goals for High school is to have a good time while learning.

Things that crawl
And disappointing someone that is very close to me.
I.e. my Mom <3

Favorite food =
Hobby(s): Piano
My pet: A German Shepherd mixed with Schnauzer

I am most excited about traveling at


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