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Past Simple

Past -------X----------- Present --------- Future
Past Simple: The past simple in
English is used to talk about
actions and situations, which
occurred at a definite time in the
past. There are regular and
irregular verbs.

Regular Verbs:
All regular verbs in the past simple form end
with -ed.
Ex: I studied at that University
She looked at me.

Irregular Verbs:
There is no system for irregular verbs.
Ex: I wrote you a letter.
We came from the mall.

Negative and Interrogative: Use the auxiliary

Ex: I didnt work yesterday.
Ex: Did you go to the theater last night?
Exception: Verb to be

Verb to be in the past

Use was or were.
I / he / she / it
You / we / they


Verb to be in the past

I was not (wasnt) sick last night.
You were not (werent) at home yesterday.

Was I sick last night?
Were you at home yesterday?

Key words and expressions:

Yesterday, last night, last month, last year, today, two
years ago, when I was a child, in 1998, etc

Lets Practice!
How was your weekend?
What did you do on Saturday?
Where did you have lunch on Sunday?
Did you watch a movie on Sunday afternoon?
What did you do on Sunday night?
Did you go shopping on the weekend? What did
you buy?

One student makes a statement about the
weekend. Other students ask questions. Each
student answers at least four questions.

A: I went dancing on Saturday night.

B: Where did you go?
B: Who did you go with?
B: What time did you go?
B: How did you like it?

When and where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
When did you start school?
How old were you then?
How was your first day at school?
Who was your first friend at school?
What was he/she like?

Where did you go to high school?

Did you go to college? Where did you study?
When did you graduate?
What do you remember most about your college
When did you start studying English?

Where did you spend
your last vacation?
How long were you
Were you with your
What did you do there?

How was the weather?

The food?
Did you buy anything?
Do you want to go there

Last Weekend

Last weekend
On Saturday morning I got up late. I ate breakfast
and read a magazine. In the afternoon I saw a good
movie at the Plaza. That evening I went to a party.
On Sunday morning I went to the club. There I
met some friends and we had a good time
together. We swam in the pool and played
volleyball. After lunch I took a nap and went to
church. I came home for dinner around six oclock
and watched television for a while. Later I had a
date with my girlfriend and at about eleven oclock
I went to bed.
Thats how I spent last weekend.

Lets answer these questions!

What did the boy do after breakfast?
Where did he go that evening?
What did he do on Sunday morning?
What did he do after dinner?
What did he do at about eleven
Who did he have a date with?

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