Health Promotion and Wellness - Orientation

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promotion and

An overview of health and wellness

Emphasis on physical exercise to promote
health and well-being.
effects of lifestyle choices on personal health
nutrition, physical fitness, stress management, and
disease prevention
basic information on counseling process and

Learning objectives
Discuss concepts related to Health and Wellness
Discuss theories and models in the context of
promoting physical health and wellness
Discuss strategies to promote physical health
and wellness

Learning objectives
Discuss basic concepts of counseling and relate
to physical health and wellness promotion
Discuss the role of physical therapy in health
and wellness promotion
Given a hypothetical scenario, design a health
and wellness program with focus on physical
fitness, stress management and nutrition

Grading scheme
Written Exam
Modules/Worksheets 20%
Activity Proposal
Class Participation

Written exam
Short online quizzes (15-20 points per module)
To be done via Edmodo
Refer to course schedule for examination dates

4 Modules
1 module per week
DEADLINE FOR OUTPUT: Fridays of the month

Accomplish in preparation for discussions
Diligently studying the modules/worksheets will
help you prepare for discussion classes, which
are all graded
The level of preparation you spend in working
with the modules/worksheets will be reflected
on the extent of your contribution during
discussion classes

Plan your week!
Spend at least three (3) hours per module per
Use references

Class participation
Please refer to the grading rubric used for
You are encourage to communicate your
thoughts and ideas during discussion

Activity Proposal
Given a case, you will need to apply the
knowledge you learned from the course by
designing a health and wellness plan
Guidelines will be released two weeks before
the deadline

Main references
Corbin CB, Welk GJ, Corbin WR, Welk KA. Concepts of
Physical Fitness: Active Lifestyles for Wellness. 13th
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2006.
Kisner C, Colby LA. Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and
Techniques. 6th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company; 2013.
American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM"s Guidelines for
Exercise Testing and Prescription. 8th ed. Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2009.
American Physical Therapist Association. Guide to Physical
Therapist Practice. 2014.

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