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Todays Plan: 5/13/16

Bellwork: Go over Plant Partner quiz (10

General animal notes (15 mins)
Finish chart and meet with your group (the
rest of class)

Todays Plan: 4/22/09

Bellwork: Coach book pgs 163-175 (15
mins)-2nd period=quiz then coach book
Go over coach book (15 mins)
Finish animals activities (30 mins)
Finish animals notes and chart (the rest of
Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins of class)

Todays Plan: 5/16/16

Bellwork: Test Q&A (15 mins)
Macroorganisms test (as needed)
If you finish early, work on the next HW
and Honors project

Animals are multicellular consumers
All are eukaryotic
2 main body plans: invertebrate and vertebrate

Of the 2, invertebrate has the most variation

Invertebrate-no backbone
Vertebrate-has a backbone, which means it has a rigid,
non-varied body plan consisting of a head on top/in
front of the spine, pectoral (shoulder) and pelvic (hip)
appendage girdles, a postanal tail, and 4 limbs (2 from
each appendage girdle)

Major Groups of Animals and their


This is not a complete list for all animals, just the major
Annelids-worms, 1st with segmentation (ability to contract
1 body part at a time), and has a coelom (true body cavity)
Insects-a special class within phylum Arthropoda, the
jointed-skeleton animals. They have a stiff exoskeleton
made of chitin.
Amphibians-these are the bridge organisms between the
fishes and reptiles b/c they live in water and on land.
Mammals-feed their young with milk. All have hair or fur

Have a 1-way digestive tract (mouth to anus)
Closed circulatory system (blood always in
vessels), but very primitive
No heart, just aortic arches (pumping vessels)

Get oxygen for cellular respiration via diffusion

through the skin (no lungs)
Double nerve cord, 2 ganglia, lateral nerves in
each segment (ladder-like nervous system)
Food, gasses, waste carried by coelomic fluid as
well as by blood
Nephridia for liquid waste that empty from the
body through the nephridiopore

Annelids, cont.
Hermaphroditic, but have sexual reproduction Anterior ends are brought together s.t. the clitellum of each
worm (where the genital pores are) is liked up with the
seminal receptacle of the other worm
Slime tube is formed (by the clitellum) around both worms
after sperm is exchanged
As the worms slide apart, tube receives eggs and brings
them toward the sperm in the receptacles.
When the worms completely separate, the tube seals and
fertilized eggs are encased
New segments form behind head and are pushed back
Eat mainly decayed organic matter from the soil

Insects, cont.
Various modes of communication
Often chemical (via special chemicals called
pheromones) and or visual signals used to
communicate information
Ex: dancing in honeybees
Social structures develop often (ants and bees)
Reproduce with internal fertilization and lay eggs

Have metamorphosis
Incomplete=when eggs hatch, they develop into adulthood through
Complete=when eggs hatch, they become larva, which pupate and
emerge as an adult

open circulation (blood sometimes leaves vessels and

washes over organs)
nervous system like that of annelids (ladder-like)
Get oxygen for cellular respiration through air tubes
(trachea) that run through the body
Excretory system of malpighian tubules which secrete K
and other solutes to make urine.
This drains into the intestine, where K and water are re-absorbed
by rectal glands
Solid wastes released, while conserving water and K

Skin moistened with many glands (some
Respire via lungs in most (gills in salamanders)
3 chambered-heart and a closed circulatory system
Ectothermal-bodies are the same temp as the
environment (cold-blooded)
Metamorphosis from hatching when they go
through a tadpole-like stage to adult
External fertilization in most, eggs are laid in

Amphibians, cont.
Have a complete excretory system with
kidneys (functional unit of the kidney is the
Have a complete Central nervous system
with a true brain, spinal cord, and nerves

Body covered with hair and has mammary glands
for feeding young
Sweat and scent glands present as well
Closed circulatory system with a 4-chambered
heart-RBCs biconcave discs w/ hemoglobin
Highly developed brain and central nervous
Has an endocrine system-glands that secrete
chemicals that control various body function
Advanced Digestive system

Mammals, cont.
Breathe with lungs
Sexually reproducting in 3 groups:
Marsupials give birth to underdeveloped young
that move to pouch and finish development
Monotremes are oviparous (egg-laying). The
only examples are the platypus and echidna
Eutherians are viviparous (live-birth) and have
placentas. Most diverse group

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