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CHEE 305:

Chapter 6: Pipe flow
William M. Chirdon, Ph.D.

Chapter 6 Homework:
Due 11/5/2015
Read Ch 6
Online resource:


Laminar if NRe < 2000

Turbulent if NRe > 4000
Unstable transition in
Exact limits can be debated

Click here for YouTube Video of Reynolds Expt

Reynolds Experiment

Represents the ratio of the inertial momentum in the axial

flow direction to the viscous momentum in the radial

Reynolds Number

For a uniform pipe with incompressible fluid at steady-state:

Pipe energy balance

Note: sign change

w is stress on wall by fluid.

Pipe Momentum Balance

Pipe Loss Expressions

Volumetric flow rate can be calculated by integrating local

linear velocity over the radius:


Rate of dissipation can be defined as

For simple shear:

Energy Dissipation

Derivations thus far have assumed:

-steady state
-fully developed
-in a cylindrical tube
No assumptions were made regarding fluid properties

Assumptions so far

Note parabolic behavior

Newtonian, Laminar Flow

So, for fully-developed, Newtonian, laminar Flow:

Newtonian, Laminar Flow

Fully-Developed Restriction

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow

4 regions of interest:
Laminar sub-layer
Buffer zone
Turbulent boundary layer
(turbulent but velocity depends on y or r)

Turbulent core
(turbulent, velocity independent of y or r)

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow

(Insert lengthy derivation of mixing length theory of

turbulent eddies here.)

Neglecting laminar sub-layer and buffer zones

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow

Or from empirical data:

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow

We also have the Blasius Equation:

For 5000 < NRe < 105

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow

Roughness of the wall affects the turbulence

Use empirical data to correlate f with NRe and relative
roughness ( /D )
Can use empirical equations or Moody Diagram

Newtonian, Turbulent Flow in Rough Pipes

Moody Diagram

/ D = Relative Roughness

Pipe Roughness Eqns

Turbulent Entry Length

Typical Roughness Values

Churchill: Combined Eqn

Power-Law, Laminar

Power-Law, Laminar

Power-Law, Turbulent

Bingham-Plastic, Laminar

Bingham-Plastic, Laminar

= Hedstrom Number

Bingham-Plastic, Laminar

Bingham-Plastic, Turbulent

Pipe problems can be formulated from Bernoulli's Equation

in terms of driving force (DF):

With dimensionless variables:

Common Pipe Problems

(Assumes Newtonian)

Unknown DF problem

For non-Newtonian:
Calculate Reynolds number from appropriate equation for
fluid model (different than Newtonian NRe) and other
dimensionless variables if needed such as Nhe

Determine f from relevant equation (check conditions)

Calculate energy loss from f
Calculate DF
Calculate pump head from DF if desired

Unknown DF problem

For Laminar:

Check to see if laminar (NRe < 2000)

after calculating Q and V
For Turbulent:
Need Reynolds # and f, both require Q

Unknown Flow Rate -Newtonian

Unknown Flow Rate -Newtonian

Alternatively, you could substitute the Reynolds number

equation into an f equation, convert to energy loss, then
substitute into Eqn 6-67, then solve for V
Or equations may be solved simultaneously using software

Unknown Flow Rate


Iterative process similar to Newtonian case.

See text

Unknown Flow Rate


Common Design Problem:

Unknown DiameterNewtonian

Common Design Problem:

Unknown DiameterNewtonian

Common Design Problem:

Unknown DiameterNewtonian

Introducing polymer additives to turbulent flow was found to

reduce friction losses for the same flow rate
Toms effect (Turbulent drag reduction)
Reduce pump energy by up to 85% with 100 ppm polymer
Results in non-Newtonian properties
Exact mechanism is debatable

Turbulent Drag Reduction

fp of the polymer solution can be defined by the fs of the solvent

and the Deborah number (NDe)

NDe can be found from Carreau Model Parameter:

Turbulent Drag Reduction

fp of the polymer solution can be defined by the fs of the solvent

and the Deborah number (NDe)

NDe can more easily be found from:

Turbulent Drag Reduction

k1 and k2 can be found

on Table 6-2:

Turbulent Drag Reduction

k1 and k2 can be found by applying the following

equation to two experimental data points:

Turbulent Drag Reduction

Drag reduction scales directly with the reduction in f

Turbulent Drag Reduction

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