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EXC iting

E xcel
L earning

What is the Conditional Formatting?

Select and Change!!

The function which we are going

to use in this class

Highlight Cells

3. Cell value < Specific value

2. Cell value < 500

1. Cell value contains Grain

Conditional Formatting Rules Manager

Create New Rule !!

1. Cell value contains Grain

Format only cells that contain

The cell contains Grain

Click this button


Format only cells that contain

The cell which has value less than 500

2. Cell value < 500

Same as before but select the

Standard cell value!

3. Cell value < Change Amount

2. Bottom 10

1. Above Average

3. Top 20%

1. Cell value above average

Selecting value above average

How much

2. Bottom 10 values

Format only top or bottom ranked values

Number -> Percentage

3. Top 20% values

Change from bottom to top

1. Duplicate values

Format duplicate values

1. Duplicate values

1. Cell row number is even.

1. Cell row number is even.

Use the formula

Get the row number of the cell,

Select every cell

If 2 divides the number, then highlight

1. Top 2 students in the class

Format -> Number -> Custom

1. Top 2 students in the class

Anything you want (Super!)

Complete after decide Font


Iconing Cells

1. Status
2. Trend

Based on values
Check or Not

Decide Icon Style

1. Status

Express the rule to apply

1. Status

Based on values

Decide Icon Style

2. Trend

Express the rule to apply

2. Trend

1. Grade

1. Grade

Also use the Format Stule : Icon Sets (5)


1. Grade

1. Trend

1. Trend

Also use the Format Stule : Icon Sets (3)


Data Bar

Based on values
Data Bar

1. Lowest to Highest

From Lowest to Highest

2. 0 to 100 percent

From 0% to 100%

3. 20 to 80 percent

From 20% to 80%

4. 20 to 80 percent Bar Only

Show Bar Only

5. 0 to Highest Bar Only

You can mix the type!!

Color - Scale

1. 2 Color - Scale
2. 3 Color - Scale

2-Color Scale

1. 2 Color - Scale

Select the Color

3-Color Scale

2. 3 Color - Scale

Mix the Tyope, Select the color!!


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