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Validating Requirements

Chapter 03

It is not enough to gather requirements; you also
need to verify that they are correct
A wide range of experience combined with
unambiguous models, reduces the chance of
misunderstood requirements
Beware of gold plating
Successful projects meet the needs of their users
but if you have an analysis error you wont fully
meet their needs
To test your requirement models you can apply one
or more of the following techniques
Use case scenario testing
User Interface walkthroughs
Requirement reviews

Use Case Scenario Testing

Used to test domain models, if it
accurately reflects the aspects of the
business that you are modeling

Perform domain modeling

Create the use case scenarios
Assign classes to your SMEs
Describe how to act out a scenario
Act out the scenarios
Update the domain model
Save the Scenarios

Create Use Case Scenarios

Conceptually similar to use cases
A use case describes the logic including the basic and
alternate courses of action, for a single cohesive task
A use case scenario describes a single path of logic through
one or more use cases
When you describe a use case scenario, you want to give it a
name and short description and then a description of the steps
to take to fulfill the scenario.
Helps to catch unusual scenarios
You can identify new scenarios in several ways
Consider tasks the system should and shouldnt be able to
Explore business rules
Do some more brainstorming

Acting Out Scenarios

1. Call out a new scenario
2. Determine which card should handle
the responsibility
3. Update the cards whenever necessary
4. Describe the processing logic
5. Collaborate if necessary
6. Pass the ball back when done

Use Case Name: Place Order

Actors: Registered Shopper (Has an existing account, possibly with billing and shipping information), Nonregistered Shopper (Does not have an existing account), Fulfillment System (processes orders for delivery
to customers), Billing System (bills customers for orders that have been placed)
Triggers: The user indicates that she wants to purchase items that she has selected.
Preconditions: User has selected the items to be purchased.
Post-conditions: The order will be placed in the system, The user will have a tracking ID for the order, The
user will know the estimated delivery date for the order.
Basic Courses of Actions
The user will indicate that she wants to order the items that have already been selected.
The system will present the billing and shipping information that the user previously stored.
The user will confirm that the existing billing and shipping information should be used for this order.
The system will present the amount that the order will cost, including applicable taxes and shipping
The user will confirm that the order information is accurate.
The system will provide the user with a tracking ID for the order.
The system will submit the order to thefulfillment systemfor evaluation.
Thefulfillment systemwill provide the system with an estimated delivery date.
The system will present the estimated delivery date to the user.
The user will indicate that the order should be placed.
The system will request that thebilling systemshould charge the user for the order.
Thebilling systemwill confirm that the charge has been placed for the order.
The system will submit the order to thefulfillment systemfor processing.
Thefulfillment systemwill confirm that the order is being processed.
The system will indicate to the user that the user has been charged for the order.
The system will indicate to the user that the order has been placed.
The user will exit the system.

Alternate Flows:
3A1: The user enters billing and shipping information for the order. The user desires to use
shipping and billing information that differs from the information stored in her account.
1.The user will indicate that this order should use alternate billing or shipping information.
2.The user will enter billing and shipping information for this order.
3.The system will validate the billing and shipping information.
4.The use case continues
5A1: The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping information associated with
their account, and will change it.
1.The user will indicate that the billing and shipping information is incorrect.
2.The user will edit the billing and shipping information associated with their account.
3.The system will validate the billing and shipping information.
4.The use case returns to step 2 and continues.
5A2: The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping information that is uniquely
being used for this order, and will change it.
1.The user will indicate that the billing and shipping information is incorrect.
2.The user will edit the billing and shipping information for this order.
3.The use case returns to step 3A1 step 3.
10A1: The user will determine that the order is not acceptable (perhaps due to
disatisfaction with the estimated delivery date) and will cancel the order.
1.The user will request that the order be cancelled.
2.The system will confirm that the order has been cancelled.
3.The use case ends.

Advantages and Disadvantage of

use Case Scenario Testing
Use case scenario testing
helps you to find and fix
analysis errors
Use case Scenario testing
provides you with a
detailed descriptions of
the business logic of the
Use case scenario testing
is simple and it works
Scenarios help to define
how people interact with
the system

Your SMEs must make

the time to do the
Managers often feel
real work isnt being
Developers are often

User Interface Walkthroughs

Similar to use case scenario testing
sessions, the only difference being
your systems user interface is being
tested instead of your domain model

Requirement Reviews
The requirement team prepares for review
The team indicates it is ready for review
The review facilitator performs a cursory
The review facilitator plans and organizes
the review
The reviewers review the package prior to
the review
The review takes place
The review results are acted on

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