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Hillsboro School

Technology Plan

Hillsboro School
Built in Hillsboro, Tennessee in 1958
Public title 1 school
Grades Prek-5
67% receive free or reduced lunch
High poverty farming community
Almost 500 students

Principal- Angela
Asst. Principal- Linda
Teachers- Kristin, Megan
Secretary- Judy
Teacher & Tech Specialist-Tabitha
Student- Haley

60% of students are below proficient on state testing
Differentiating to meet every childs needs
How to best use academic technology for student needs

Technology Vision
The vision of Hillsboro School is to use academic
technology to best reach all learners at their current level and
learning styles while also improving mastery of state standards.
Hillsboro also strives to use technology for better
communication with the community and school.

Tech Evaluation
What academic technologies are being used?
How often are technologies being used?
What type of training is provided for these technologies?
What data do these technologies provide?

Gathering Data
Lesson Observation
Interviews with teachers
Checking Lesson Plans

Results of Evaluation
Academic programs are often not being used to their full
potential (example: IXL)
Lack of overall training for faculty and staff

Needs Assessment
What do you need to effectively use the programs and
available software when teaching?
What software or equipment do you need for teaching?
How often should you use technology with your students?

Gathering Data
Written questionnaires for two teachers from each grade
Focus Group Interviews for one teacher from each grade level

Needs Assessment Findings

Variety of ideas
More web based software
Laptops for students

Action Plan
Fill a gap between current technology use and the technology
Gap is lack of training in the use of academic technology
Tech specialist will hold training sessions on last Monday of
each month
Emails will be sent by tech specialist with technology tips

No additional cost outside of $500 paid to tech coordinator
Facilities and equipment owned by school
Afterschool Training Financial Plan for 2017-2019
Year One 2017

Year Two 2018

Year Three 2019
















Survey will be completed by planning committee reflecting on
planning process in December 2016
Linda sends out monthly emails surveying on trainings
Linda checks 3 grade levels lesson plans each month to see
what technology is being used
Evaluations will continue through end of plan in May of 2020

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