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Spring Week 4

Decimals, Addition and


WALT: Place value addition and subtraction of
numbers with 3 decimal places.

Difference between positive and negative numbers

Write the numbers 1 to 9 in a tic tac toe grid.

Cross off the number if I say 2 numbers with a difference of your

chosen number, e.g. cross off 5 if I say -3 and 2.

I will say several pairs. Lets see who gets a line first.

Repeat with a new round of the game.

WALT: Place value addition and subtraction of
numbers with 3 decimal places.

What do the 7, 3 and 5 represent?
subtract 0.005: write the answer to the addition on your w/bs.
Which is more, 4.735 or 4.8? Why?
what needs to be subtracted from 4.735 to give 4.035 and then

WALT: Place value addition and subtraction of
numbers with 3 decimal places.

Write 4.735 at the top of your w/bs

Add 0.04,
Subtract 0.4,
Add 0.12,
Subtract 0.001,
Subtract 0.05.
Hold up the new number you now have

WALT: Place value addition and subtraction of
numbers with 3 decimal places.

WALT: Place value addition and subtraction of
numbers with 3 decimal places.

This means 3kg and 457g
Work in pairs to work out how much needs to be added to make
3.999kg and write the answer in kg.
Repeat to give an answer of 3.111kg.

WALT: Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
(answers from 3dp to 7-digit whole numbers).

Last term we looked at the value of digits in a number. We also
briefly discussed what happens to a number when you multiply it or
divide it
If we multiply: the digits move to the left
If we divide: the digits move to the right
How many places they move depends on the number you are
dividing or multiplying by

WALT: Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
(answers from 3dp to 7-digit whole numbers).

Lets imagine we are asking 25.6 x 100
Firstly, the x tells us to move left
The 100 tells us to move left two places
So the 2 moves into the thousands position, the 5 into the hundreds
and the 6 into the tens. What could go in the units column?

WALT: Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
(answers from 3dp to 7-digit whole numbers).

Lets imagine we are asking 45.7 divided by 1000
Firstly, the divide tells us to move right
The 1000 tells us to move right three places
So the 4 moves into the hundredths position, the 5 into the
thousandths and the 7 into the tens of thousandths. What could go in
the units and tenths column?

WALT: Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
(answers from 3dp to 7-digit whole numbers).

Have a go at these
Please feel free to draw out the
jumps on separate paper or in a
space in your book.
Also remember that the
decimal point should NEVER

Warm Up: Table Races- Complete your 10x10 grid




WALT: Round decimals to the nearest whole, tenth
and hundredth

WALT: Round decimals to the nearest whole,
tenth and hundredth

One end represents 2 and the other 3.

Count from 2 to 3 in steps of 0.1

Write a number with 2 decimal places that goes between 2.3

and 2.4.

You've written different numbers but which whole number is

closest to all of them?

WALT: Round decimals to the nearest whole,
tenth and hundredth

Sketch a line from 0 to 3kg with 0, 1kg, 2kg and 3kg marked.

Where would we mark 1.499Kg, 1.752kg, 2.125kg and which

whole numbers of kilograms do they round to?

WALT: Round decimals to the nearest whole,
tenth and hundredth

Sketch a line from 1.7kg to 1.8kg

Suggest where 1.752 might be marked.

Round 1.752 to the nearest tenth.

Repeat, this time sketching a line between 1.75 and 1.76,

rounding to the nearest hundredth.

Sketch a line between 2.1 and 2.2, marking on 2.125kg, ring

the closest tenth.

Sketch a line between 2.12 and 2.13kg and ring the number
2.125kg rounds to.

WALT: Round decimals to the nearest whole,
tenth and hundredth

Using a set of 1 to 9 cards, select four digits to make a

number with 3 decimal places

Round your number to the nearest 1, 0.1 and 0.01

You might draw a chart to help you

How many questions can you complete?

WALT: Use written addition to add nos with 3
decimals in context of measures (litres, km, kg);
Use rounding to estimate totals.

Mental maths

Use the Totally mental machine at

Show the questions one at a time.

Chn write the answers on their w/bs.

Take feedback and enter the most common answer.

Chn add up their scores. Who scored 7/10 or more?

WALT: Use written addition to add nos with 3
decimals in context of measures (litres, km, kg);
Use rounding to estimate totals.

Use written addition to work out 4.72 + 3.45

Round each number to the nearest whole and add to check

whether the answer seems reasonable.

45.7 + 3.45 Write this as vertical addition:

4 5. 7

+3.4 5

If we lay it out like this, we are not adding digits with the
same place value!

We need to align tenths with tenths etc. The easy way to do

this is to align the decimal point in each number.

Lay it out correctly and together work through the addition.

WALT: Use written addition to add nos with 3
decimals in context of measures (litres, km, kg);
Use rounding to estimate totals.

A young cat was 3.382kg and has put on 1.347kg.

How can this addition be laid out vertically to find the cats
new weight?

This is just the same as before but now we have an extra

column for 0.001s.

Talk through the additions of digits in each column.

Does the answer seem about right?

Repeat with 2.936km + 1.532km, rounding first to check.

Write the answer in km and m, then in metres only.

WALT: Use written addition and subtraction to
solve problems involving three decimal places

Main Task:

Warm Up: Mental Arithmetic and SATS style questions

20 quick fire mental

arithmetic questions

12 SATs style
questions in 10
minutes (be sure to
read through the
questions carefully
and always show
your working)

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