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Pindul Cave

By Urmila Agusti

Pindul Cave is a natural attractions Cavern, with

the river flow through the corridor, one of the sites
with specific interest categories in Jogja. Located in
Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul. To
reach this Pindul Cave from the city center, you can
ride in motorized vehicle trough the road Wonosari.
Pindul Cave has a length of approximately 350
meters. The width between the walls of an average
of 4 meters, the height of the water surface with the
top wall about 5 meters and a depth of about 1-12
meters of river water.
Pindul Cave has beauty and uniqueness that may
not exist in the other caves, the rock has several
myths that can make a powerful and well-preserved.

In the cave you will see some stone ornaments stalactites

active or inactive adorning Pindul Cave. There are also a stone
called Mighty stalagmites stones and rocks stalactite Pearl.
In the middle of the cave, there is a stalactite stone with
widhts five ranges hands of adults. Its called by the name of
"Soko Guru. Soko Guru Stone is the biggest stalactites in Goa
Pindul and ranks fourth largest in the world.
In the middle of the cave, there is a rather large room, this
room there is a hole on top of which the locals call the inverted
wells, the sun coming out of this hole makes the atmosphere in
the cave more beautiful. The term used for the light is The
Hidden Paradise Of Jogja.
In the natural attractions Pindul Cave, there are many games
or outbond such as spiderwip, mine water, transfer water, stick
slide, bamboo bridge, bakiak, titanic, standy jam and others.

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