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By: Thalia Martinez

Early Education
Pioneros por el Comunismo seremos como el Che Pioneers for Communism we
will be like Che (the motto of the Organization of Pioneers Jose Marti)
This motto expresses the desire of the pioneers to be combative, studious, honest,
disciplined, industrious, good companions, defenders of the Homeland, and in
solidarity with the peoples of the world. These moral qualities are manifested in the
figure of Che who is a model of virtues worthy of imitation.
From a young age children are encouraged to follow this motto and uphold it by
developing qualities that a good pioneer should have. (Being modest, humble, and
in solidarity with the government)

Jose Marti The apostle of Cuban

Early in the education students are also taught based on the teachings of
Jose Marti.
January 28, 1853 May 19, 1985 He was a poet, essayist, journalist,
political theorist etc.
Mart began his political activism at an early age. He traveled extensively
in Spain, Latin America, and the United States, raising awareness and
support for the cause of Cuban independence. His unification of the Cuban
migr community, particularly in Florida, was crucial to the success of the
Cuban War of Independence against Spain. He was a key figure in the
planning and execution of this war, as well as the designer of the Cuban
Revolutionary Party and its ideology.
Viv en el monstruo y le conozco las entraas Refering to the
United States

Education Continued
The teachings of Jose Martis The Golden Age are essential to
the core curriculum in grade school.
According to Cubas education website Bringing the Cuban
family closer to the "Golden Age" for the moral, ethical and
aesthetic education of the children and youth of our socialist
Cuba was said to be a puppet of every president of the United
States before Fidel came into power and because of this they
make sure to engrain the teachings of socialism and the right
moral values from an early age.

Great Education but still behind

According to UNICEF the literacy rate in Cuba is 99.8%
They have a great education system but still do not have the freedom
of fully expressing themselves. You cant go to school unless you are a
revolutionary. And even if the students are in school you always are
afraid of saying the wrong thing.
There are consequences for those who speak negatively against the
country in a school setting. Such as failing a class, or being reported to
a higher authority.
Trying so hard to push ideals down the populations throats was bound
to have a negative impact and lead the youth to no longer be part of
that system.

Factors that led to migrations

Censorship in books, radio channels, music, movies, TV, newspapers, and the
"After I graduated and began to work, I realized that with the money I was earning
it wasn't enough to have or maintain a family," said computer programmer Estela
Izquierdo, 29, before she moved to Montreal with her husband. Reuters
"One of the things that's ironic is Cuba has an educated population, but it doesn't
have anything for them to do. They've almost prepared their professionals to
emigrate," said Cuba expert Ted Henken at Baruch College in New York.

In 2013, 68 percent of Cuban immigrants were of working age (18

to 64), 28 percent were 65 and over, and 4 percent were under 18.
Showing that the majority of Cubans residing in the united states
are young adults.

In the recent years migrations

have increased drastically
Under the amendment, when a Cuban migrant is apprehended in the water
between the two countries, he is considered to have wet feet and is sent back
home. A Cuban who makes it to the U.S. shore, however, can claim dry feet and
qualify for legal permanent resident status and U.S. citizenship.
These migrations came out of the fear that the US will change its DRY FOOT/WET
FOOT policy.
Many of the Cubans were deported back to Cuba or are in the process of getting

What will happen now that Trump

is president and Fidel is gone?
Will Raul increase the job opportunities or will many individuals still go to
college and feel that their degree is worthless? I doubt it because he has
been in power since 2006 and nothing has changed.
I will speculate that maybe since Fidel is gone there will be more foreign
investment and that will open the door to new jobs but who knows.
As for Trump he tweeted If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the
Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will
terminate deal,.
Overall there are many things that have affected the migrations, I just
personally think that it has had a lot to do with what has been imposed on
the public and the lack of freedoms. The lack of opportunities has not only
led the Cuban population to immigrate, but it has been an ongoing problem
in Latin America as whole.


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