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Housing for all 2022


D em and for A f o
frdable H ouses for EW S
Development can have two meanings, for some it may

be the wealth or luxury and for some it may be the

countrys peace, fulfillment of basic needs of an
Individual and happiness.
Any country attains a label of developed country/state

by Global standards of urbanization only when it

assures peace and prosperity to its every citizen. Any
development in real estate has to be sustainable
development and not only just a profitable
development for the builder or the investor. We need
more and more affordable houses if we wish to
anticipate and see a long term development in India.

Affordability also has different meaning for different section

of people. What affordability is for a lower or middle income

group may be luxury for an urban poor. Hence, Pradhan
Mantra Awas Yojna and many other affordable housing
schemes should define affordability in terms of these three
sections- LIG, MIG and EWS.
People are migrating in search of jobs and better lifestyle

from rural areas to urban. As urban cities are growing with

time and tide, job seekers are moving here and settling
down. According to the recent census population in Urban
Area from last ten years has increased to 31 percent from
28 percent. Whereas in rural it has decreased from 72
percent to 69 percent. For the first time it happened in the
history since independence that the urban population has
increased at this rate. And definitely with growing cities and
advancement migrated population in urban areas will rise.

Finding solution for it there came many affordable housing

schemes focusing on to provide housing for all. Recent PM

Awas Yojana launched in 2015 by our honorable Pradhan
Mantri Mr. Narendra Modi also aimed to work on uplifting
the less privileged section of the society. The government
concern should be for Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
over Lower o middle income group. LIG or MIG have the
capability to own their proper house with basic amenities
like a proper toilet, separate kitchen, 24 hours electricity
and adequate amount of water supply. This segment
monthly income ranges from Rs 25,000 to Rs 70,000;
therefore there buying power is much better than that of
the EWS. For private builder and sponsors in Real estate
market LIG and MIG are expected customers. But what
government and big real estate owners and developers
should concentrate on is the section that cannot afford
houses in urban areas.

There should not be any urban poor

living in a kaccha house or slum areas

especially in urban cities should be
eradicated by providing a pucca ghar
to all, if we really aim for sustainable
development in India.
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