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Audience Profiling

Social Economic Group

Well Paid Professionals, eg. Lawyers, Doctors, Scientists

Socio-Economic Status
This group usually has a well off socio-economic status
due to their well paying jobs, which need high
qualifications from Universities.

The best way to appeal to this group is to show them
luxury and to show off to them. This is because money
isnt a problem for them and they can buy the best of
things purely because they can afford them.

Geodemographics / Regional
This group is not restricted to where they live because
they have the money to move, live in multiple countries
and have items shipped over to them.

This group is mainly populated by adults because in order
to earn the kind of money they are they must have been
educated for years to get the correct qualifications for
the jobs they are in. The group tends to be from people in
their mid to late twenties to people of older generations.

The stereotype for this group is usually male as it used to
be that professions such as Lawyers and Doctors were
jobs that were only had by men. Times have changed
since, though, and so this group is both genders as men
and women are now both equally as successful in these

Sexual Orientation
The sexual orientation for this group could really be any
because there is none that are heavily attached to the
career paths of the category. Their sexual orientation
does not affect their job and isnt advertised when
speaking about the work they do.

Race or Ethnicity
People from this category could really be any race or
ethnicity because there is none that are heavily attached
to the career paths of the category. Where they are from
does not affect their job and isnt very advertised when
speaking about the work they do.

Mainstream / Alternative / Niche

This group is a niche group because it doesnt cover a
huge variety of people and has very specific job titles
that are included in it.

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