Chapter 44

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his robots thing, because I told you I thought that was a bit creepy." Albert is still confused, so I interrupt. “The shirts ‘match because the three of us together are going to set the world on fire. Like Mr. Daniels says” "Yes," he says, "flint, steel, nd magnesism are com monly used together for fre starters I gett” ‘The comer of Albert's mouth twitches, which is like someone else doing cartwheels down the hall. Without thinking, I yell to Shay across the room, “Hey! You tease one of us, you tease all of us!” Shay has an expression like she's just smelled rotten ‘meat and it makes Keisha and me laugh really hard. ‘Then I pat Albert on the back. “Just wanted you to know that you can always count on us: “Well, that would make you either a set of fingers or an abacus “Uh, Albert. Seriously?” Keisha shakes her head and then lens forward, “It means we think you're a cool dude, "We're allies” I smile, He goes back to arranging his papers. “Yes, know,” he says softly. I am most grateful.” CHAPTER 44 Tales of a Sixth Grade Something Travis drives me to school because the project | did for our book report is too hard to take on the bus. T've always used my art for projects at school, but this is. a three-dimensional scene on a piece of wood. A scene from Tales ofa Fourth Grade Nothing The book that Mr. Daniels gave me to read. "What's gotten into you?" Tavis asks. “Since when do you smile ike that on a Monday morning?” 'm going to school feeling proud for once. So I jus sit there continuing to smile Hey he says, hitting me on the side of the leg. “I'm hhappy to see you so happy about school, AL” He laughs a bit."To be honest, I wouldn't mind feeling some of that. ‘When I get to class, lots of kids surround me.I guess it's because the project i so big, Shay isthe first to come over She looks atthe kitchen scene I have made mostly of paper, including a working light over the sink that Travis helped me make "How did you do that?” Shay asks, pointing atthe lit light over the sink, “There's a battery underneath.” She looks disgusted. "And you made that?” Oliver comes over and grabs forthe light. "Cool! Be- fore I can move, he knocks the wire, which makes the light go off Shay begins, “Oliver, you'e such a— ‘Leave him alone," I interrupt. “If 1 don't care, you shouldn't: Shay and Oliver are both wide-eyed but for different reasons. Olver smiles alittle "I's okay, Over. ix it” Shay is squinty-eyed for a bit and then laughs in away ‘hat is louder than normal. She's pointing at my project. “Tread that book like... four years ago. And there aren't any soldiers in it” she says, pointing ata picture hanging on the wall ofthe room I made Max comes over."What's up?” ‘She has a picture in here that has nothing to do with the book. Book report, Ally? Should be about the book?” “Well say, feeling litle warm all ofa sudden, “most houses have art on the walls 50 figured I'd decorate the room and drew a picture of my dad in his uniform.” “Wait” Max brightens. "Your dad is in the army?” “Yeah “That's cool. What does he do? “He's a captain with a tank division.” "Your father drives tanks? Seriously? That's awesome!” ook up. “Thanks” He holds up his fist to fist-bump me. And as he walks away, he tells the other guys about my dad. From the look on Shay’s fac, she can tell that her insult backfired on her ‘Then Mr Daniels comes over. He's wearing a te with books on it. “Wow, Ally! That is amazing!” He leans for. ward and drops his voice. “Tam really proud of you.” My response is stuck in my throat. I watch a series of movies in my head, trying to see a time when a teacher thas said ths to me. Thre isn't one "Ally? he says. Sil, I can’t speak. Usually when I find myself unable ed, Hike this feeling a ‘0 speak, i's because I'm humi lot more

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