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The Analysis of The Box

By Sophia, Daniella, Patryce and Angela

0.00 -0.30
As the scene opens with a close up of Morgan Freeman bending down to open the
box demonstrating the curiosity that leads when wanting to open the
box.Immediately we hear diegetic sound of tropical birds singing in the background
which juxtaposes with the situation as there is evidence of tension and
anticipation. As Freeman rotates the box the close up of the box demonstrates that
the box is the focal point of this whole scene.The choice of clothing by Freeman
conveys he is a policeman this is illustrated through the caramel trenchcoat and
the the black tie and suit which portrays he is has a professional occupation. On
the other hand Brad Pitt who is guarding a prisoner who is kneeling demonstrated
the significance of his role as he is seen to be superior and authoritative through
the foul language he is seen using. The use of depth of field between the prisoner
and Brad Pitt illuminates that he is not significant but also shows he is unknown to
the audience

0.30 -1.00
The shot reverse shot between the box and Freeman portrays Freeman's
instantaneous reaction to what is inside the box. With three seconds zooming into
his face and back to the box creates anticipation as they are eager to find out what
is inside the box as it's caused so much shock to Freeman. The sudden dramatic
non diegetic sound creates a whole atmosphere of fear as the camera pan from
Freeman to Pitt and to a man in a helicopter and the use of shaky camera
illuminates the severity of the situation as we can hear the diegetic sound of the
helicopter flying. The series of cross cutting highlights the increases tension
further allowing the audience to question what is inside the box,Why is
Freeman looking at Pitt , Why is telling the people in the helicopter to stay away.
The mise -en-scene is situated in a desert area where there is no roads just put
land with a telephone mast. However the non diegetic sound gets louder and
louder indicating there is something bad that is going to occur.

1.00 -1.30
The low angle shot of the prisoner looking up conveys that he is now the superior
one as he has knowledge of what is in the box unlike Pitt who is perplexed and
aggravated however the consist short reverse shot of the prisoner trying to distract
Pitt from listening to Freeman illustrates the tenacious nature within him.
Additionally with his the non diegetic music again playing in the background to add
pressure and force upon Pitt. .The close up of the prisoners face illuminates the
superiority he has within the conversation.The monotone voice of the prisoners
highlights he does not care about death and he is willing to make the detective's
life a living misery by talking about his dead wife Tracey. Whilst this on going
conversation is occurring we as the audience can hear Freeman's voice in the
background trying to get Pitt's attention however is caught up by talking to the

1.30 -2.00
The aerial shot of Freeman running is towards Pitt is shown from the helicopter's
perspective which portrays to the audience that something is wrong. The non
diegetic sound of the helicopter adds more tension as it allows us to think that it is
a serious matter as the helicopter is needed as it is an emergency. Whilst Pit is
talking to the prisoner Pitt is seen to be a black shadow to the bright sky which
may be indicative of Pitts confusion and truths he didn't know about. Whilst this is
occurring the sound changes to a dramatic drumming which connotes to the
danger ahead.Later, the wide shot of Pitt standing distort is emphasised through
the color of his coloring. As he is wearing black. Oj the the contrary the prisoner is
wearing red which connotes he is a dangerous man. The low angle looking up to
the prisoner highlights the authoritative nature even though he is a prisoner. As the
scene ends the wide shot of Freeman running towards the prisoners.

2.00 -2.30
The long shot which contains Pitt , Freeman and the prisoners emphasis the three
different issues going on with the prisoners narrating in the background whilst the
other two qurell gives the impression that something is going to happen but the
audience aren't aware. Moreover The use of close ups between each character
distinguishes their own individual emotions.Furthermore the tracking shot of Pitt
conveys his frustration in to finding what is in the box and this is also conveyed
through the non diegetic sound that is played throughout the scene whilst Pit is
seen shouting.

2.30 -3.00
In this particular scene there are numerous shot reverse shot as the protagonist
and the villain are having a conversation. The consist zooming in on the prisoner's
face juxtaposes with Pitt's face as the pensioner is seen to be calm whereas as
Pitt is seen to be stressed and consisting walking around to take his anger out.
The long shot evidently portrays the prisoners significance in this scene as he is
seen to be on his knees which demonstrates that he is inferior to the detectives ,
this is further evidenced when Freeman punches the prisoners to show he has
authority to do so.however the prisoner is in control of the conversation as he is
seen to be meddling with Pitts mind. Lastly, The music amplifies as it is seen to
increase tension and then suddenly stops which dramatises the climax as we are
unaware what Pitt is going to do.

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