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Vocabulary 7

January 31, 2017

Rogue Wave by Theodore Taylor

rogue (adj.)

(rhymes with vogue, like the magazine)

describes someone or something that is

different from others, usually in a
dangerous or harmful way

Other forms: rogue (n.)

ex. The rogue elephant broke away from the herd
and stampeded toward the tourists.

desolate (adj.)
lacking in inhabitants or visitors
Other forms: desolately (adv.)
ex. The desolate beach was the perfect place to
film the shipwreck scene.

derelict (adj.)
describes something that has been
abandoned by its owner, often in ruined

Other forms: derelict (n.)

ex. Andi was worried that rats had moved into the
derelict shack across the street.

telepathy (n.)
the ability to read minds by the direct
exchange of thoughts
Greek: tele meaning distance
pathos meaning feeling
ex. Sometimes, when my best friend finishes my
sentences for me, it feels like we have telepathy
with each other.

tentatively (adv.)
describes doing something that is not fully
worked out or agreed upon; uncertain

Other forms: tentative (adj.)

ex. We tentatively made plans to meet for dinner
after the carnival had closed.

ample (adj.)
describing something of large or great
size; abundant

Other forms: amply (adv.)

ex. Cousin Ricky helped himself to an ample
portion of mashed potatoes at the family reunion.

channel (n.)
the deeper part of a river, especially a
deep navigable passage

Other forms: channel (v.)

ex. Heavy barges towed the machine that dug a
wider channel for the fishing boats to navigate.

alcove (n.)
a recessed area connecting to or forming a
part of a room
ex. Mom lined the walls of the alcove with
bookshelves so that she could enjoy a mini-library
in the living room.

maneuver (v.)
to make a controlled series of changes in
movement or direction toward an objective

Other forms: maneuver (n.)

ex. Almost everyone has a difficult time learning
how to maneuver a car into parallel parking.

entomb (v.) (rhymes with

to bury

ex. The careless explorer took a wrong turn and

found himself suddenly entombed in quicksand.

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